JP3845661B2 - Stress resistant plant - Google Patents
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一般に、熱帯地方及び亜熱帯地方原産の植物の多くは、12℃以下の非凍結温度に曝されると低温障害を受ける(Lafuente MT, Belver A, Guye MG, Saltveit ME. 1991. Plant Physiology 95, 443-449)。低温感受性植物の中には、中程度の温度に曝された後、低温ストレスに対する耐性が増大するものもあるが(Moynihan MR, Ordentlich A, Raskin I. 1995. Plant Physiology 108, 995-999)、イネ幼苗を含む低温感受性植物の一部はそのような処理では低温ストレス耐性の強化を示さない。
低温感受性植物において、低温ストレスの主体は酸化ストレスである(Hodges DM, Andrews CJ, Johnson DA, Hamilton RI. 1997. Crop Science 37, 857-863、Pinhero RG, Rao MV, Paliyath G, Murr DP, Fletcher RA. 1997 Plant Physiology 114, 695-704)。過酸化水素、スーパーオキシドラジカル、及びヒドロキシルラジカル等の活性酸素種(AOS)は、DNA、脂質、及びタンパク質と急速に反応して細胞損傷を引き起こす(Van Breusegem F, Slooten L, Stassart J-M, Moens T, Botterman J, Van Montagu M, Inze D. 1999. Plant and Cell Physiology 40, 515-523)。AOSは光を伴う低温ストレスと関係があると考えられているが、分子的及び生化学的証拠によって、暗条件下で低温処理したトウモロコシ幼苗でも低温によって酸化ストレスが生ずることが示された(Prasad, TK, Anderson MD, Martin BA, Stewart CR. 1994 The Plant Cell 6, 65-74)。
いくつかの酵素が効果的にAOSを無毒化することができるが、ストレス状態が長引くと、そのような無毒化システムは飽和してしまい、損傷が生ずる(Van Breusegem F, Slooten L, Stassart J-M, Moens T, Botterman J, Van Montagu M, Inze D. 1999. Plant and Cell Physiology 40, 515-523)。植物の葉緑体及びサイトゾルにおける主たる過酸化水素無毒化システムは、アスコルビン酸−グルタチオンサイクルと呼ばれ、このサイクルにおいてはアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ(APX)が重要な酵素である(Asada K. 1992. Physiologia Plantarum 85, 235-241)。
近年、このような活性酸素除去系酵素遺伝子を植物に導入して、植物の環境ストレス耐性を向上させる研究がなされている(Plant Physiol.,111,1177−1181,1996、FEBS Letters, 428, 47-51, 1998)。そのような活性酸素耐性植物の作出には、主に活性酸素分子種の除去系酵素(スーパーオキシドディスムターゼ(SOD)、パーオキシダーゼ、カタラーゼ(CAT)及びグルタチオンレダクターゼ等)の遺伝子を植物に導入する方法が採用されている。
しかしながら、活性酸素除去酵素の遺伝子の導入によって植物中で該酵素の発現量を増大させても、必ずしもストレス耐性が強化されないことが報告されている(Tepperman JM 及びDunsmuir P., Plant Mol. Biol., 14(4):501-511, 1990)。特に活性酸素除去酵素であるアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ(APX)遺伝子の場合、アスコルビン酸量が不足するとこの酵素活性が低下してしまうため、単独で導入してもストレス耐性強化効果は低いと考えられている(Foyer CH, Souriau N, Perret S, Lelandais M, Kunert KJ, Pruvost C, Jouanin L., Plant Physiol., 109:1047-1057, 1995)。
なお、アスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ(APX)としては、異なる細胞内区画に存在するサイトゾル型、葉緑体型等を含む複数のAPXアイソザイムが存在するが(Asada, 1992, Physiol. Plant. 85, 235-241; Miyake C, Asada K., 1992, Plant Cell Physiol. 33:541-553; Yamaguchi K, Mori H, Nishimura M, 1995, Plant Cell Physiol. 36:1157-1162)、活性酸素は主に葉緑体で発生する(Nie GY, Baker NR., Plant Physiol. 95:184-191, 1991)ため、活性酸素除去のためには葉緑体型APX遺伝子の導入が試みられている(森田・田中、蛋白質核酸酵素、44:2232-2238, 1999)。
ところで、植物の低温感受性組織は、予め熱ショック温度に曝すことで、次に曝す低温に対する耐性が増大するという報告がある(Lurie S, Klein JD. 1991. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 116, 1007-1012、Saltveit ME. 1991. Physiologia Plantarum 82, 529-53)。熱ショックが酸化ストレスを引き起こし、それが酸化ストレス防御系に関わる遺伝子を誘導すると考えられる(Morgan RW, Christman MF, Jacobson FS, Storz G, Ames BN. 1986. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 83, 8059-8063)。実際、エンドウ及びシロイヌナズナのapx1遺伝子の発現は、酸化ストレスだけでなく高温ストレスによっても誘導され、またどちらの遺伝子もそのプロモーターに熱ショックシスエレメントを有している(Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. 1992. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 267, 21802-21807、Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. 1994. The Plant Journal 5, 397-405、Storozhenko S, Pauw PD, Van Montagu M, Inze D, Kushnir S. 1998. Plant Physiology 118, 1005-1014)。
(1) 以下の(a)又は(b)のタンパク質をコードする遺伝子と過剰発現プロモーターとを含んでなる組換えベクターを含む、ストレス耐性植物。
(a) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列からなるタンパク質
(b) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列において1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列からなり、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質
(c) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNA
(d) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNAとストリンジェントな条件下でハイブリダイズし、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質をコードするDNA
(2) 以下の(a)又は(b)のタンパク質をコードする遺伝子と過剰発現プロモーターとを含んでなる組換えベクターを植物に導入することを特徴とする、植物のストレス耐性の強化方法。
(a) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列からなるタンパク質
(b) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列において1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列からなり、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質
(c) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNA
(d) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNAとストリンジェントな条件下でハイブリダイズし、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質をコードするDNA
本発明において見出された、発現量の増大によって低温ストレス耐性を強化することができるサイトゾル型アスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ遺伝子は、様々な植物種に存在すると考えられ、いずれも同様の手段によって該遺伝子を取得できると考えられる。ここでは一例として、イネ(Oryza sativa L.)を用いて本発明を説明する。
1 . 高温処理によるイネ幼苗の低温ストレス耐性の強化
2 . 高温処理後及びそれに続く低温処理後の活性酸素除去系酵素の活性測定による、低温ストレス耐性強化に関わる酵素の同定
次いで、準備したそれぞれのイネ幼苗から試料を採取する。試料としては、特に限定するわけではないが葉を用いることができる。それぞれの試料を緩衝液中でホモジナイズし、そのホモジネートを遠心分離し、酵素を含む上清を採取する。このような酵素を含む抽出液を得る方法は特に限定されるものではなく、公知の任意の方法を使用できる。緩衝液も慣用の組成のものを使用することができ、例えば1%Triton X-100含有50mMリン酸バッファー(pH 7.0)を用いることができる。続いて、この酵素を含む抽出液を、酵素活性の低下を回避できるように、好ましくは直ちに次の酵素アッセイに用いる。
活性測定の対象とする活性酵素除去系酵素としては、アスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ(APX)、スーパーオキシドディスムターゼ(SOD)、パーオキシダーゼ、カタラーゼ(CAT)、及びグルタチオンレダクターゼ等が挙げられるが、これらに限定されるものではない。これらの活性の測定方法には、各酵素に適した通常公知の方法を用いる。例えば、APX活性は、Saruyama及びTanida(1995)に記載の方法により測定することができる。すなわち、APXを含む反応系にH2O2を添加することによってアスコルビン酸酸化反応を開始させ、アスコルビン酸濃度を示す290nmでの吸光度を計測し、その吸光度の低下量をAPX相対活性とする方法である。また例えば、CAT活性の測定はTanida, 1996の記載に従って行うことができる。この方法では240nmでの吸光度を計測し、その低下量をCATの相対活性とする。SOD活性は、例えば、NBT法(Beyer及びFridovich, 1987)に基づくアッセイキット(SOD test、Wako社製)を使用して測定することができる。但し、これらの酵素活性の測定方法は、記載のものに限定されるわけではない。
3 . APX 遺伝子の単離及び発現解析
(1) APX遺伝子の単離
既知のAPX遺伝子配列としては、例えばイネサイトゾル型APX(APXa)の遺伝子のcDNA配列(Morita S, Kaminaka H, Yokoi H, Masumura T, Tanaka K. 1997, Plant Physiology 40, 113, 306; 受託番号D45423)が挙げられるが、他のタイプのAPX遺伝子、あるいは他の植物のAPX遺伝子のDNA配列を使用してもよい。好ましくは、APXをコードするORF全体を増幅するように設計したプライマーを用いて、APXコード配列全体を含むDNA断片を増幅する。
このようにして得られたDNA増幅断片を、通常公知の方法により適切なクローニングベクターに組み込んで組換えベクターを作製する。この単離クローンについて、インサートAPX cDNAの塩基配列を決定する。塩基配列の決定はマキサム-ギルバートの化学修飾法、又はM13ファージを用いるジデオキシヌクレオチド鎖終結法等の公知手法により行うことができるが、通常は自動塩基配列決定装置(例えばAloka社製DNAシークエンサーLIC-4200LS-2等)を用いて配列決定が行われる。
決定したAPX遺伝子の塩基配列は、既知のAPX遺伝子のDNA配列と比較することができる。塩基配列の比較は、例えば、該配列と、「DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank 国際塩基配列データベース」(例えばDDBJは、よりアクセスできる)から入手した他のAPX遺伝子のDNA配列とをアライメントすることにより行うことができる。あるいは、本発明のAPX遺伝子のDNA配列との相同性が高い他のDNA配列を、本発明のAPX cDNA配列に対する相同性検索によってデータベースより入手して比較することができる。これらの配列比較によって、イネ幼苗にて高温処理により発現が誘導されるAPX遺伝子のDNA配列が、イネサイトゾル型アスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ(APXa)の遺伝子のcDNA配列と同一であることが分かった。従って、本発明の方法にて単離されるAPX遺伝子はサイトゾル型APX遺伝子である。本発明のAPXa遺伝子の塩基配列を配列番号1に示す。
(2) APXa遺伝子の発現解析
精製した全RNAに対して、上記APXa遺伝子プローブを使用して通常公知の方法でノーザンブロット解析を行うことにより、APXa mRNA発現量を調べることができる。その具体的な方法としては、例えば、精製全RNAを電気泳動し、ブロッティングし、標識したAPXa遺伝子プローブとハイブリダイズさせる。そしてその標識を適切な方法で検出したハイブリダイゼーションシグナルを定量的に読み取る。APX遺伝子プローブの標識には、32P、35S等の放射性同位元素、又はジゴキシゲニン(DIG)、アルカリホスファターゼ、ビオチン、若しくは蛍光等の非放射性標識を用いることができるがこれらに限定されるものではない。また標識法としてはランダムプライム法がよく用いられるが、それ以外の通常公知の各種標識法も用いることができる。これらの標識に対するシグナル検出には、例えばオートラジオグラフィー法を用いることができる。このようなオートラジオグラムは、限定するものではないが、バイオイメージングアナライザー等の画像解析装置を使用することによって精度良く定量解析を行うことができる。
上記のようにAPXa mRNA量の解析を行うことによって、高温処理によるAPXa遺伝子の発現量の増大と、それに続く低温処理後の前記発現量の高レベルでの維持を確認することができる。それにより、本発明の方法により単離されるAPXa遺伝子が、高温処理により発現誘導されることが確認される。
4 . APXa 遺伝子の高温誘導性プロモーターの解析
この証明のために、イネゲノムDNAを鋳型としてAPXa遺伝子の上流領域をPCR増幅して、イネのAPXa遺伝子のプロモーターを含みうるDNA断片を得ることができる。このDNA断片を得るためのPCR増幅法としては、熱非対称組み合わせポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(TAIL-PCR)法(Liu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Oosumi T, Whittier RF. 1995, The Plant Journal 8, 457-463)を用いることができるが、好適な他の方法を使用してもよい。TAIL-PCR法では、使用するセンス方向プライマーを、より内側へと段階的に配置される3種の遺伝子特異的プライマーとして設計する。さらに、アンチセンス方向プライマーとしてランダム縮重プライマーを使用するが、このプライマーの設計はLiu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Oosumi T, Whittier RF. 1995, The Plant Journal 8, 457-463に記載に基づいて行うことができる。この場合、3種のAPXa遺伝子特異的プライマーをより外側に配置されるものから順にランダム縮重プライマーと組み合わせて使用して、3段階のPCR反応を連続的に行うことで、APXaのプロモーターを含む領域を増幅することができる。
5 . APXa 遺伝子の導入による形質転換植物の作製
アスコルビン酸 + H2O2→ アスコルビン酸酸化物 + 2H2O
さらに、部位特定変異誘発等によってサイトゾル型APXをコードする改変されたDNAを合成し、それと過剰発現プロモーターとを含んでなる組換えベクターを構築し、それによって植物を形質転換することもできる。APXa遺伝子に変異を導入するには、Kunkel法、Gapped duplex法等の公知の手法又はこれに準ずる方法を採用することができる。例えば部位特異的突然変異誘発法を利用した変異導入用キット(例えばMutan-K(TAKARA社製)やMutan-G(TAKARA社製))などを用いて、あるいは、TAKARA社のLA PCR in vitro Mutagenesis シリーズキットを用いて変異の導入が行われる。
ベクター中に組み込むサイトゾル型APX DNA断片は、上記の方法に従ってクローニングされたサイトゾル型APX遺伝子から得るだけでなく、一旦塩基配列が決定された後には、化学合成により、又はサイトゾル型APX遺伝子クローンを鋳型としたPCR増幅により、得ることもできる。
(1) サイトゾル型APX遺伝子を組み込んだ過剰発現ベクターの構築
植物に導入するためのサイトゾル型APX遺伝子、例えばAPXa遺伝子を含む組換えベクターは、上記の方法に従って得られるサイトゾル型APX DNA断片、例えばAPXa cDNA増幅断片を、適当なベクター中に過剰発現プロモーターへ連結するように組み込むことによって構築することができる。サイトゾル型APX遺伝子を挿入するベクターは、過剰発現プロモーターを含み、対象とする植物宿主中で複製可能なものであれば特に限定されず、例えば、プラスミドDNA、ファージDNA等が挙げられる。あるいは、サイトゾル型APX遺伝子は、過剰発現プロモーターに予め連結したものを適当なベクター中に挿入してもよい。
特に好適な過剰発現プロモーターを含む組換えベクターの例としては、挿入遺伝子を効果的に過剰発現させることができるpMLH7133(Mitsuhara et al., Plant Cell Rhysiology 37:49-59, 1996)中のGUS遺伝子を、本発明のサイトゾル型APX遺伝子で置換したものが挙げられる。
(2) 形質転換体の作製
ナス科:ナス(Solanum melongena L.)、トマト(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)、ピーマン(Capsicum annuum L. var. angulosum Mill.)、トウガラシ(Capsicum annuum L.)、タバコ(Nicotiana tabacum L.)
アブラナ科:シロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis thaliana)、アブラナ(Brassica campestris L.)、ハクサイ(Brassica pekinensis Rupr.)、キャベツ(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.)、ダイコン(Raphanus sativus L.)、ナタネ(Brassica campestris L., B. napus L.)
イネ科:トウモロコシ(Zea mays)、イネ(Oryza sativa)、コムギ(Triticum aestivum L.)、オオムギ(Hordeum vulgare L.)
マメ科:ダイズ(Glycine max)、アズキ(Vigna angularis Willd.)、インゲン(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)、ソラマメ(Vicia faba L.)
ウリ科:キュウリ(Cucumis sativus L.)、メロン(Cucumis melo L.)、スイカ(Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.)、カボチャ(C. moschata Duch., C. maxima Duch.)
ヒルガオ科:サツマイモ(Ipomoea batatas)
ユリ科:ネギ(Allium fistulosum L.)、タマネギ(Allium cepa L.)、ニラ(Allium tuberosum Rottl.)、ニンニク(Allium sativum L.)、アスパラガス(Asparagus officinalis L.)
シソ科:シソ(Perilla frutescens Britt. var. crispa)
キク科:キク(Chrysanthemum morifolium)、シュンギク(Chrysanthemum coronarium L.)、レタス(Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.)
バラ科:バラ(Rose hybrida Hort.)、イチゴ(Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
ミカン科:ミカン(Citras unshiu)、サンショウ(Zanthoxylum piperitum DC.)
フトモモ科:ユーカリ(Eucalyptus globulus Labill)
ヤナギ科:ポプラ(Populas nigra L. var. italica Koehne)
アカザ科:ホウレンソウ(Spinacia oleracea L.)、テンサイ(Beta vulgaris L.)
リンドウ科:リンドウ(Gentiana scabra Bunge var. buergeri Maxim.)
ナデシコ科:カーネーション(Dianthus caryophyllus L.)
上記組換えベクターは、通常の形質転換方法、例えばアグロバクテリウム法、パーティクルガン法、PEG法、エレクトロポレーション法等によって植物中に導入することができる。例えばアグロバクテリウム法を用いる場合は、構築した植物用発現ベクターを適当なアグロバクテリウム、例えばアグロバクテリウム・チュメファシエンス(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)に導入し、この菌株をイネのカルスに接種して感染させ、形質転換植物を得ることができる。
遺伝子が植物に組み込まれたか否かの確認は、PCR法、サザンハイブリダイゼーション法、ノーザンハイブリダイゼーション法等により行うことができる。例えば、形質転換植物からDNAを調製し、DNA特異的プライマーを設計してPCRを行う。PCRは、組換えベクターに挿入したcDNA断片を増幅するために使用した条件と同様の条件で行うことができる。その後は、増幅産物についてアガロースゲル電気泳動、ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動又はキャピラリー電気泳動等を行い、臭化エチジウム、SYBR Green液等により染色し、そして増幅産物を1本のバンドとして検出することにより、形質転換されたことを確認することができる。また、予め蛍光色素等により標識したプライマーを用いてPCRを行い、増幅産物を検出することもできる。さらに、マイクロプレート等の固相に増幅産物を結合させ、蛍光又は酵素反応等により増幅産物を確認する方法も採用することができる。
6 . 形質転換植物体のストレス耐性の評価
イネ(Oryza sativa L., 品種:きらら397)の種子を27℃の水につけて3日間吸湿させ、直径9cmのぺトリ皿に入れて湿らせたバーミキュライトに播き、25℃及び相対湿度80%にて暗条件下で発芽させた。7日後、幼苗を相対湿度100%、42℃に1、3、9、及び24時間曝露し、その後相対湿度80%の暗条件下で5℃の低温に7日間曝露した。対照幼苗は25℃に曝露した。低温処理後、イネ幼苗を25℃の生育チャンバーに移し、7日間生育させた。その幼苗について、外観の観察に基づいて生存率を評価した。その際、十分に生長している幼苗は生存体とし、生長しない幼苗及び枯死幼苗は非生存体とした。実験は全て最低2回繰り返して行った。
高温ストレス及び低温ストレスに対する APX 、 CAT 、 SOD の活性測定
25℃、24時間の処理を施したイネ幼苗(対照)、42℃の高温処理(24時間)を施したイネ幼苗、及び42℃、24時間の高温処理後5℃で7日間低温処理したイネ幼苗、並びに25℃、24時間の処理後5℃で7日間低温処理したイネ幼苗の葉を、それぞれ1%Triton X-100を含む50mMリン酸バッファー(pH 7.0)と共にホモジナイズした。この各ホモジネートを4℃にて12,000g、20分間遠心分離し、上清を直ちに酵素アッセイに用いた。
まずアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ(APX)活性を、Saruyama及びTanida(1995)に記載の方法により測定した。反応混合液(1.0ml)は、NaN3、0.5mM アスコルビン酸、1.54mM H2O2、及び上記酵素画分を含む50mM リン酸カリウム(pH 7.0)からなる。H2O2の添加によってアスコルビン酸酸化反応を開始させ、アスコルビン酸濃度を示す290nmでの吸光度を計測した。その結果、吸光度の低下が測定された。この低下量をAPXの相対活性として測定した。カタラーゼ(CAT)活性の測定はTanida, 1996の記載に従って行い、240nmでの吸光度を計測し、その低下をCATの相対活性として測定した。スーパーオキシドディスムターゼ(SOD)活性は、NBT法(Beyer及びFridovich, 1987)に基づくアッセイキット(SOD test、Wako社製)を使用して測定した。
APX 遺伝子の単離及び発現解析
(1) APX遺伝子の単離
実施例1に記載の方法に従って、42℃、24時間の高温処理を施したイネ幼苗の葉を採取し、乳鉢にて液体窒素中で磨砕した。これによりパウダー状になった葉を常法で処理して全RNAを抽出し、それを鋳型として逆転写酵素を用いてcDNAを作製した。cDNA作製にはcDNA Synthesis Kit(TaKaRa社製)を用いた。
このcDNAを鋳型として、APX遺伝子プローブとするDNA断片を、すでに報告のあるイネAPXa遺伝子のcDNA配列(Morita S, Kaminaka H, Yokoi H, Masumura T, Tanaka K. 1997, Plant Physiology 40, 113, 306 ;受託番号D45423)に基づきAPXaをコードするORF全体を増幅するように設計した以下のプライマーを用いて、PCR法により増幅した。
cDNA 100ng
Pri-1 0.5μM
Pri-2 0.5μM
dNTPs 0.2mM
Taq DNAポリメラーゼ(GIBCO BRL社製) 1U
なお、Taq DNAポリメラーゼは最終濃度1.5mMとなる量にてMgCl2を含むTaq DNAポリメラーゼ反応バッファー中に溶解したものを用いた。PCR反応は、94℃で1分、60℃で1分、72℃で1分のサイクルを1サイクルとしてこれを30サイクル行った。
この結果得られた約770bpのcDNA断片を含むクローンについて、Thermo Sequenase Cycle Sequencing Kit(アマシャム社製)を用いてシーケンス反応を行い、DNAシークエンサー(LIC-4200LS-2, Aloka社製)によって塩基配列の決定を行った。その結果、このcDNA配列(配列番号1)が、プローブ設計に用いたイネAPXa遺伝子のDNA配列(Morita S, Kaminaka H, Yokoi H, Masumura T, Tanaka K. 1997, Plant Physiology 40, 113, 306 ;受託番号D45423)と一致していたことから、単離したAPX遺伝子が、イネサイトゾル型アスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼAPXaをコードしていることが判明した。
(2) APXa遺伝子の発現解析による高温処理による発現誘導の確認
(1)で得られたAPXa遺伝子を含むクローンをプローブとして、高温処理後及びそれに続く低温処理後のイネ幼苗から抽出したAPXa mRNAに対するノーザンブロット解析を行った。
精製した全RNA(20μg)を1.2%アガロースゲルにて電気泳動し、ナイロンメンブレンに転写し、32P標識した上記のAPXa遺伝子プローブによるハイブリダイゼーションを行った。ハイブリダイゼーションシグナルは、そのオートラジオグラムをバイオイメージングアナライザー(FUJIX社製, BAS 1000)で画像解析することにより可視化した。
この結果を図3に示す。図に示されている通り、イネ幼苗のAPXa mRNAレベルは、1時間の高温処理によって約1.8倍に増加することが示された。同様に、3、6、9、12、24時間の高温処理後のAPXa mRNAレベルも、無処理の対照と比較して有意に高かった。低温処理後のAPXa mRNAレベルは、高温処理を行ったイネ幼苗では、高温処理のみのものと比べて低下してはいるが、高温処理を行わなかったイネ幼苗と比較するとなお高い値を示していた。
APXa 遺伝子の高温誘導性プロモーターの解析
イネゲノムDNAを鋳型として、APXa遺伝子の上流領域を、熱非対称組み合わせポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(TAIL-PCR)法(Liu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Oosumi T, Whittier RF. 1995, The Plant Journal 8, 457-463)により増幅した。使用したAPXa特異的プライマーTR1(5'-GTAGGAGATGGTGGGTATCT-3':配列番号5)、TR2(5'-TATCTCCTCCTTGATGGGGCT-3':配列番号6)及びTR3(5'-TCACGACGGGGTAGTTCTTA-3':配列番号7)は、イネAPXaの既知のcDNA配列(Morita S, Kaminaka H, Yokoi H, Masumura T, Tanaka K. 1997, Plant Physiology 40, 113, 306)に基づいて設計した。さらに、Liu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Oosumi T, Whittier RF. 1995, The Plant Journal 8, 457-463に記載の方法に従って、ランダム縮重プライマーであるAD(GTNCGASWCANAWGTT:配列番号8)を合成した。センス方向プライマーとして3種のAPXa特異的プライマー(TR1、TR2、TR3)を、アンチセンス方向プライマーとしてADプライマーを用いて、3段階のPCR反応を連続的に行い、APXa遺伝子のプロモーターを含む領域を増幅した。1回目のPCR反応液(20μl)組成は、以下の通りである。
イネゲノムDNA 20ng
TR1プライマー 4pmol
ADプライマー 100pmol
dNTPs 200μM
Taq DNAポリメラーゼ(GIBCO BRL社製) 0.8U
なお、Taq DNAポリメラーゼは最終濃度1.5mMとなる量にてMgCl2を含むTaq DNAポリメラーゼ反応バッファー中に溶解したものを用いた。PCR反応は、以下の温度条件(1)〜(5)を連続して行った。
(1) 94℃1分の後、95℃1分
(2) 94℃1分、65℃1分、72℃3分を1サイクルとして、5サイクル
(3) 94℃1分の後、25〜30℃で3分冷却し、3分かけて72℃へ上昇させて72℃3分、を1サイクル
(4) 94℃30秒、68℃1分、72℃3分、94℃30秒、68℃1分、72℃3分、94℃30秒、44℃1分、72℃3分を1サイクルとして、15サイクル
(5) 72℃5分
TR2プライマー 4pmol
ADプライマー 80pmol
dNTPs 200μM
Taq DNAポリメラーゼ(GIBCO BRL社製) 0.6U
なお、Taq DNAポリメラーゼは最終濃度1.5mMとなる量にてMgCl2を含むTaq DNAポリメラーゼ反応バッファー中に溶解したものを用いた。PCR反応は、以下の温度条件(6)及び(7)を連続して行った。
(6) 94℃30秒、64℃1分、72℃3分、94℃30秒、64℃1分、72℃3分、94℃30秒、44℃1分、72℃3分を1サイクルとして、12サイクル
(7) 72℃5分
TR3プライマー 30pmol
ADプライマー 400pmol
dNTPs 200μM
Taq DNAポリメラーゼ(GIBCO BRL社製) 3U
なお、Taq DNAポリメラーゼは最終濃度1.5mMとなる量にてMgCl2を含むTaq DNAポリメラーゼ反応バッファー中に溶解したものを用いた。PCR反応は、以下の温度条件(8)及び(9)を連続して行った。
(8) 94℃1分、44℃1分、72℃3分を1サイクルとして、20サイクル
(9) 72℃5分
TR3とADとを用いた第3段階の反応により得られた増幅産物を、1.2%アガロースゲルにて電気泳動し、400bpの断片をゲルから抽出して、これをTAクローニング(Invitrogen社製)を用いてpCRIIベクター中にクローニングした。インサートDNAはDNAシークエンサー(LIC-4200LS-2, Aloka社製)を使用して配列決定した。このイネAPXa遺伝子のプロモーター領域の配列を配列番号9に示す。さらにそのDNA塩基配列をシロイヌナズナaxp1遺伝子のプロモーター領域と比較した。
本発明のAPXa遺伝子のプロモーター領域は、TATA boxの81bp上流に位置する一領域を除いては、シロイヌナズナのapx1遺伝子とはごく低い相同性しか有しなかった。その一領域は、推定上の熱ショックエレメント(HSE)nGAAn及びnTTCnを含んでいる(図4A)。HSEは熱ショック因子(HSF)結合最小限モチーフ5'-nGAAnnTTCn-3'を有し、このモチーフはシロイヌナズナapx1プロモーターのHSEと同一であった(図4B)。またCCAATモチーフも-215位置に見出された。
APXa 遺伝子の導入による形質転換イネの作製
(1) APXa遺伝子を組み込んだ過剰発現ベクターの構築
実験例3においてクローニングしたAPXa遺伝子DNAを鋳型として、翻訳開始点の直前に制限酵素BamHIの認識配列を挿入したプライマーPri-3(5'-ACCCGGATCCATGGCTAAGAACTAC-3':配列番号12)と翻訳終止点の直後に制限酵素SacIの認識配列を挿入したプライマーPri-4(5'-ACTAGAGAGCTCTTAAGCATCAGCG-3':配列番号13)を用いてPCR法によってDNA増幅し、コード領域の両端に制限酵素BamHIとSacIの認識配列を付与したAPXa DNA断片を得た。使用したPCR反応液(20μl)組成は以下の通りである。
DNA 100ng
Pri-3 0.5μM
Pri-4 0.5μM
dNTPs 0.2mM
Taq DNAポリメラーゼ(GIBCO BRL社製) 1U
なお、Taq DNAポリメラーゼは最終濃度1.5mMとなる量にてMgCl2を含むTaq DNAポリメラーゼ反応バッファー中に溶解したものを用いた。PCR反応は、94℃で1分、60℃で1分、72℃で1分のサイクルを1サイクルとしてこれを30サイクル行った。
このようにして得られたPCR増幅断片をBamHI及びSacIで切断し、1%アガロースゲルにて電気泳動し、約760pbの該DNA断片をゲルから抽出及び精製した。組み込むベクターには農林水産省農業生物資源研究所(現・独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所)が開発したpMLH7133ベクター(Mitsuhara et al., Plant Cell Rhysiology 37:49-59, 1996)を使用した。このベクターを制限酵素BamHI及びSacIで切断し、上記のように調製したAPXa遺伝子を含むDNA断片を挿入することによって、pMLH7133のインサートDNAのGUSをAPXaで置換した組換えベクターを構築した。この組換えベクターをpMLH7133-APXaと称し、その構造を図5に示した。
この組換えベクターpMLH7133-APXaを、アグロバクテリウム法によりイネ品種「ゆきひかり」に導入した。この「ゆきひかり」は、低温ストレス耐性に優れる北海道のイネ品種である。具体的には、pMLH7133-APXaをエレクトロポレーション法によりアグロバクテリウム(Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404)に導入し、それを共存培養によりイネ「ゆきひかり」の胚盤由来カルスに感染させることによって、pMLH7133-APXaを導入した。次いで、この形質転換によって得られたカルスを、ハイグロマイシン(50mg/l)を含む再分化培地で培養することにより植物体に再生させた。
APXa 遺伝子を導入した形質転換イネの低温ストレス耐性の評価
【図3】図3は、25℃処理した幼苗(対照)、42℃高温処理(1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24時間)した幼苗、42℃高温処理(24時間)後5℃で7日間低温処理した幼苗、及び25℃処理した後5℃で7日間低温処理した幼苗における、APXa遺伝子のmRNA発現量を、ノーザンブロット解析のオートラジオグラム、及びその定量解析結果にて示した図である。オートラジオグラムについてはrRNA存在量を比較対照として示した。*は5%水準で有意であることを示す。
The present invention relates to a transformed (transgenic) plant having enhanced resistance to active oxygen generated under environmental stress conditions.
[Prior art]
In early cultivation and direct sowing cultivation of rice, low temperature is likely to be encountered in the early stages of growth, and significant low-temperature damage is often generated. In Asian countries, the damage caused by salt stress and drought stress is also great. In order to reduce these damages, new varieties with enhanced environmental stress resistance must be developed.
As a method for enhancing environmental stress tolerance of rice, there is a method in which a variety / line having excellent environmental stress resistance is used as a mating parent, and an individual / line having excellent resistance is selected from the progeny of the cross. However, the breeding method using existing varieties as a material has a limit to hope for a significant improvement in environmental stress tolerance. Therefore, a new stress tolerance enhancement method is required.
In general, many plants native to the tropics and subtropics suffer from low temperature damage when exposed to non-freezing temperatures below 12 ° C (Lafuente MT, Belver A, Guye MG, Saltveit ME. 1991. Plant Physiology 95, 443 -449). Some low temperature sensitive plants have increased resistance to low temperature stress after exposure to moderate temperatures (Moynihan MR, Ordentlich A, Raskin I. 1995. Plant Physiology 108, 995-999), Some of the cold-sensitive plants, including rice seedlings, do not show enhanced cold stress tolerance with such treatment.
In low temperature sensitive plants, the main component of low temperature stress is oxidative stress (Hodges DM, Andrews CJ, Johnson DA, Hamilton RI. 1997.Crop Science 37, 857-863, Pinhero RG, Rao MV, Paliyath G, Murr DP, Fletcher RA. 1997 Plant Physiology 114, 695-704). Reactive oxygen species (AOS) such as hydrogen peroxide, superoxide radical, and hydroxyl radical react rapidly with DNA, lipids, and proteins to cause cell damage (Van Breusegem F, Slooten L, Stassart JM, Moens T , Botterman J, Van Montagu M, Inze D. 1999. Plant and Cell Physiology 40, 515-523). Although AOS is thought to be related to light-induced low temperature stress, molecular and biochemical evidence has shown that low temperature oxidative stress is also produced in corn seedlings that have been cold-treated under dark conditions (Prasad , TK, Anderson MD, Martin BA, Stewart CR. 1994 The Plant Cell 6, 65-74).
Several enzymes can effectively detoxify AOS, but prolonged stress conditions can saturate such detoxification systems and cause damage (Van Breusegem F, Slooten L, Stassart JM, Moens T, Botterman J, Van Montagu M, Inze D. 1999. Plant and Cell Physiology 40, 515-523). The main hydrogen peroxide detoxification system in plant chloroplasts and cytosols is called the ascorbate-glutathione cycle, in which ascorbate peroxidase (APX) is an important enzyme (Asada K. 1992. Physiologia Plantarum 85, 235-241).
In recent years, studies have been made to improve the environmental stress tolerance of plants by introducing such an active oxygen removal enzyme gene into plants (Plant Physiol., 111, 1177-1181, 1996, FEBS Letters, 428, 47). -51, 1998). For the production of such active oxygen-tolerant plants, a method for introducing genes of active oxygen species-removing enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase, catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase, etc.) into plants. Is adopted.
However, it has been reported that stress tolerance is not necessarily enhanced even when the expression level of the enzyme is increased in a plant by introducing a gene for an active oxygen removal enzyme (Tepperman JM and Dunsmuir P., Plant Mol. Biol. , 14 (4): 501-511, 1990). In particular, in the case of the ascorbate peroxidase (APX) gene, which is an active oxygen scavenging enzyme, this enzyme activity decreases when the amount of ascorbic acid is insufficient. (Foyer CH, Souriau N, Perret S, Lelandais M, Kunert KJ, Pruvost C, Jouanin L., Plant Physiol., 109: 1047-1057, 1995).
Therefore, at present, in the method for enhancing stress tolerance of plants by introducing active oxygen removal system enzymes, for example, SOD, CAT, and APX, and the activities of multiple related enzymes such as enzyme GR related to ascorbic acid supply cycle are simultaneously enhanced. Otherwise, it is said that it is difficult to effectively enhance oxidative stress tolerance.
Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) includes a plurality of APX isozymes including cytosol type, chloroplast type and the like existing in different intracellular compartments (Asada, 1992, Physiol. Plant. 85, 235- 241; Miyake C, Asada K., 1992, Plant Cell Physiol. 33: 541-553; Yamaguchi K, Mori H, Nishimura M, 1995, Plant Cell Physiol. 36: 1157-1162), active oxygen is mainly leaf green Since it occurs in the body (Nie GY, Baker NR., Plant Physiol. 95: 184-191, 1991), introduction of a chloroplast-type APX gene has been attempted to remove active oxygen (Morita and Tanaka, Protein Nucleic acid enzyme, 44: 2232-2238, 1999).
By the way, it has been reported that the low-temperature sensitive tissue of plants is exposed to a heat shock temperature in advance to increase the resistance to the low temperature to be exposed next (Lurie S, Klein JD. 1991. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 116, 1007-1012, Saltveit ME. 1991. Physiologia Plantarum 82, 529-53). It is thought that heat shock causes oxidative stress, which induces genes involved in the oxidative stress defense system (Morgan RW, Christman MF, Jacobson FS, Storz G, Ames BN. 1986. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 83 , 8059-8063). In fact, the expression of the apx1 gene in pea and Arabidopsis thaliana is induced not only by oxidative stress but also by high temperature stress, and both genes have a heat shock cis element in their promoter (Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. 1992. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 267, 21802-21807, Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. 1994. The Plant Journal 5, 397-405, Storozhenko S, Pauw PD, Van Montagu M, Inze D, Kushnir S. 1998. Plant Physiology 118, 1005-1014).
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An object of the present invention is to provide a stress-tolerant plant and to provide a method for enhancing the tolerance of a plant to stress caused by active oxygen.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
As a result of intensive studies to solve the above problems, the present inventors have found that low temperature stress tolerance is remarkably increased by high-temperature treatment of rice seedlings. We isolated a gene that enhances tolerance to low-temperature stress in plants. As a result, it was found that the gene encodes a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase, which has been considered to be less useful for enhancing stress tolerance of plants. A recombinant vector containing this gene linked to an overexpression promoter was prepared and introduced into a plant body to produce a transformed plant with enhanced stress tolerance, thereby completing the present invention.
That is, the present invention is as follows.
(1) A stress-tolerant plant comprising a recombinant vector comprising a gene encoding the following protein (a) or (b) and an overexpression promoter.
(a) a protein comprising the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2
(b) a protein comprising an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted or added in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 and having ascorbate peroxidase activity
Examples of the gene encoding the protein consisting of the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 include those containing the following DNA (c) or (d).
(c) DNA consisting of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1
(d) a DNA that hybridizes with a DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 under a stringent condition and encodes a protein having ascorbate peroxidase activity
Examples of stress include those caused by active oxygen (for example, environmental stress). Examples of the environmental stress include low temperature stress, high temperature stress, salt stress, drought stress, intense light stress, air pollution stress, agricultural chemical stress, disease stress, and ultraviolet light stress.
Moreover, as a plant, a plant body, a plant organ, a plant tissue, or a plant cultured cell can be used. Examples of the plant include those belonging to any family selected from the family Gramineae, Eggplant family, Brassicaceae family, Legume family, Cucurbitaceae, and Lily family. In particular, the plant belonging to the above family Gramineae may be rice.
(2) A method for enhancing stress tolerance of a plant, comprising introducing a recombinant vector comprising a gene encoding the following protein (a) or (b) and an overexpression promoter into the plant.
(a) a protein comprising the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2
(b) a protein comprising an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted or added in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 and having ascorbate peroxidase activity
In the above method, examples of the gene encoding the protein consisting of the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 include those containing the following DNA (c) or (d).
(c) DNA consisting of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1
(d) a DNA that hybridizes with a DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 under a stringent condition and encodes a protein having ascorbate peroxidase activity
The stresses and plants targeted in this method are the same as described above.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail.
In a plant, finding that the expression level of a specific gene encoding an active oxygen scavenging enzyme is increased by high-temperature treatment, resulting in enhanced resistance to low-temperature stress, and isolating the gene from the plant Can be useful for the development of plants that are highly resistant to active oxygen generated under various environmental stress conditions (high / low temperature, dryness, strong light, salt, air pollutants, pathogens, ultraviolet rays, etc.) . The present invention has been completed based on such an idea.
In the present invention, a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene was found that increases the expression level at high temperatures and enhances low temperature stress tolerance of plants in plants with enhanced low temperature stress tolerance by high temperature treatment. The present invention relates to a method for enhancing resistance to oxidative stress of a plant, which is a transformed plant into which the gene is incorporated in an overexpressed form, and is further incorporated into the plant so as to overexpress the ascorbate peroxidase gene. It is.
The transformed plant of the present invention is one into which an ascorbate peroxidase gene encoding the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 has been incorporated. However, there may be some amino acid sequence differences between plants, depending on cultivars. Even in the same plant variety, amino acids may change due to mutation or the like. Therefore, a transformed plant containing a gene encoding an amino acid sequence in which a plurality of (1 or several, for example, 1 to 10) amino acids are substituted, deleted, or added in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2, It is included in the present invention.
The transformed plant of the present invention has, for example, the ascorbate peroxidase gene shown in SEQ ID NO: 1. However, it is not limited to the said gene, All the genes which code the amino acid sequence shown to sequence
The cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene found in the present invention and capable of enhancing low-temperature stress tolerance by increasing the expression level is considered to exist in various plant species. It is thought that can be acquired. Here, as an example, the present invention will be described using rice (Oryza sativa L.).
1 . Enhancement of low temperature stress tolerance of rice seedlings by high temperature treatment
In the present invention, a gene to be introduced into a plant can be obtained from a rice seedling that has been found to be resistant to low temperature stress by high temperature treatment. However, the plant as the source of the gene of the present invention is not limited to rice seedlings, for example, plants grown with rice, plant organs (for example, leaves, petals, stems, roots, seeds, etc.), plant tissues (For example, epidermis, phloem, soft tissue, xylem, vascular bundle, fence-like tissue, spongy tissue, etc.) or plant cultured cells (eg, callus) may be used. Furthermore, the plant serving as the source of the gene of the present invention is a plant other than rice, such as, but not limited to, other plants belonging to the family Gramineae (such as corn), or solanaceous, cruciferous, legumes, cucumbers. Seedlings or grown plants, plant organs belonging to the family, Convolvulaceae, Lilyaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Citrusaceae, Fusariumaceae, Willowaceae, Rabbitaceae, Gentianaceae, or Gynecidae, It may be a plant tissue or a plant cultured cell. The plant is more preferably a gramineous plant, most preferably rice. As used herein, “rice seedling” means a rice plant that has been germinated and grown at 20-28 ° C., preferably 25 ° C., for 5-10 days, preferably 7 days. To do.
Enhancement of low temperature stress tolerance of rice seedlings by high temperature treatment is achieved by treating rice seedlings at a high temperature that does not cause damage for a certain period of time and then treating them at low temperatures that would cause low temperature damage to rice seedlings. can do. “A high temperature that does not cause damage” means a temperature condition that does not cause growth failure or physiological function failure of the plant when the plant is treated at that temperature, and is appropriately set by those skilled in the art according to the experimental conditions. In the case of rice seedlings, the temperature is specifically 37 to 43 ° C, preferably 40 to 42 ° C, and most preferably 42 ° C. The “certain time” for treatment at a high temperature can be appropriately set by those skilled in the art according to the experimental conditions. In the case of rice seedlings, it is specifically 3-24 hours, preferably 6-24 hours, most preferably 24 It's time. “Low-temperature injury” means plant growth failure or death due to the influence of low temperature. “Temperature that causes low-temperature damage” is a temperature condition that causes such damage to plants, and is generally preferably a non-freezing temperature of 12 ° C. or less. Specifically, it is 0-12 degreeC, Preferably it is 3-10 degreeC, Most preferably, it is 5 degreeC. The high temperature treatment and the low temperature treatment are carried out by leaving the plant to stand under the condition of maintaining a predetermined temperature and humidity. The low temperature treatment may be performed under dark conditions or light conditions.
It can be confirmed by observation of the appearance that the low temperature stress tolerance of the rice seedlings subjected to the above treatment has been enhanced. In order to confirm this, for example, rice seedlings are subjected to low-temperature treatment for a certain period, and then transferred to 20 to 28 ° C., preferably 25 ° C., and grown for several days. The period during which the low-temperature treatment is performed can be appropriately set by those skilled in the art, but specifically for rice seedlings, it is 5 to 10 days, preferably 7 days. The period of growth after the low-temperature treatment can be appropriately set by those skilled in the art, and specifically, it is 2 to 10 days, preferably 7 days. In the present specification, “tolerant to low temperature stress” means that a plant is subjected to a specific treatment and then left under a low temperature condition, and then a temperature suitable for growth of the plant, specifically in rice seedlings. When grown to 20 to 28 ° C., preferably 25 ° C., a temperature suitable for growth after leaving the untreated plant under low-temperature conditions in the same manner as the above plant (for example, 20 to 28 ° C. for rice seedlings, This means that the survival rate of the treated plant is significantly higher than that when the temperature is preferably returned to 25 ° C.
The survival rate can be evaluated by observing the appearance of rice seedlings prepared by performing the treatment described above. For example, a seedling that has resumed growth is regarded as a survivor, and a seedling that has stopped growing or a dead seedling is evaluated as a non-survivor. It is desirable to repeat the above experiment at least twice.
Such evaluation of the survival rate can prove the low temperature stress tolerance enhancement of rice seedlings subjected to high temperature treatment and low temperature treatment. At the same time, rice seedlings with significantly enhanced low-temperature stress tolerance can be obtained by the above treatment.
2 . Identification of enzymes involved in low-temperature stress tolerance enhancement by measuring the activity of active oxygen scavenging enzymes after high-temperature treatment and subsequent low-temperature treatment
By measuring the activity of an active oxygen removal system enzyme in rice seedlings after high temperature treatment and subsequent low temperature treatment, an enzyme whose activity is increased by high temperature stress and whose activity is maintained high after low temperature treatment, It can be identified as a protein involved in enhancing low temperature stress tolerance.
In activity measurement, a combination of plants to be measured suitable for comparative analysis of activity after high temperature treatment and subsequent low temperature treatment is determined. For example, determine appropriate treatment conditions for a control rice seedling that is not subjected to high temperature treatment or low temperature treatment, a rice seedling that has been subjected to high temperature treatment, a rice seedling that has been subjected to low temperature treatment after high temperature treatment, and a rice seedling that has been subjected to low temperature treatment without being subjected to high temperature treatment, prepare.
Next, a sample is collected from each prepared rice seedling. The sample is not particularly limited, but leaves can be used. Each sample is homogenized in buffer, the homogenate is centrifuged, and the supernatant containing the enzyme is collected. A method for obtaining an extract containing such an enzyme is not particularly limited, and any known method can be used. As the buffer solution, one having a conventional composition can be used, for example, 1% Triton X-100-containing 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) can be used. Subsequently, the extract containing the enzyme is preferably used immediately in the next enzyme assay so as to avoid a decrease in enzyme activity.
Examples of active enzyme removal system enzymes for activity measurement include, but are not limited to, ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase, catalase (CAT), and glutathione reductase. It is not something. As a method for measuring these activities, a generally known method suitable for each enzyme is used. For example, APX activity can be measured by the method described in Saruyama and Tanida (1995). That is, the reaction system containing APX contains H2O2Is added to start the ascorbic acid oxidation reaction, measure the absorbance at 290 nm indicating the concentration of ascorbic acid, and set the decrease in the absorbance as the APX relative activity. For example, CAT activity can be measured according to the description of Tanida, 1996. In this method, the absorbance at 240 nm is measured, and the amount of decrease is taken as the relative activity of CAT. The SOD activity can be measured using, for example, an assay kit (SOD test, manufactured by Wako) based on the NBT method (Beyer and Fridovich, 1987). However, the methods for measuring these enzyme activities are not limited to those described.
Based on the above activity measurements, it was confirmed that the APX activity level was significantly increased in rice seedlings that had been subjected to high-temperature treatment, and that high APX activity was retained even after low-temperature treatment after high-temperature treatment. it can. It is said that the main cause of low-temperature injury is peroxidation of membrane lipids due to active oxygen caused by low-temperature stress. Therefore, the increase in APX activity by high-temperature treatment contributes to the enhancement of low-temperature stress tolerance of rice seedlings. It is thought that there is.
3 . APX Gene isolation and expression analysis
From the low temperature stress resistant rice seedlings obtained by the above treatment process, an APX gene whose activity is increased by high temperature treatment is isolated. Furthermore, by confirming the transcription level of the gene after high-temperature treatment and subsequent low-temperature treatment by Northern blot analysis, it can be confirmed that the expression of the gene is induced by high-temperature treatment.
(1) Isolation of APX gene
Samples collected from rice seedlings after high-temperature treatment were extracted in the usual manner to extract total mRNA, and using them as templates, single-stranded cDNA was prepared using oligo dT primer and reverse transcriptase, and then the single-stranded Synthesize double-stranded cDNA from cDNA. The high-temperature treatment is performed for a time sufficient to significantly enhance the low-temperature stress tolerance of the plant to be treated according to the method described in 1. To do.
Furthermore, using this cDNA as a template, a DNA fragment containing the entire APX gene expressed after high-temperature treatment was amplified by PCR using primers designed based on the known DNA sequence of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) gene. The APX gene is isolated.
Known APX gene sequences include, for example, the cDNA sequence of rice cytosolic APX (APXa) gene (Morita S, Kaminaka H, Yokoi H, Masumura T, Tanaka K. 1997,
The amplified DNA fragment thus obtained is incorporated into an appropriate cloning vector by a generally known method to prepare a recombinant vector. The base sequence of the insert APX cDNA is determined for this isolated clone. The base sequence can be determined by a known technique such as a chemical modification method of Maxam-Gilbert or a dideoxynucleotide chain termination method using M13 phage, but usually an automatic base sequencer (eg, DNA sequencer LIC-manufactured by Aloka) Sequencing is performed using 4200LS-2 etc.).
The determined base sequence of the APX gene can be compared with a known DNA sequence of the APX gene. For comparison of base sequences, for example, the sequence and other sequences obtained from the "DDBJ / EMBL / GenBank International Base Sequence Database" (for example, DDBJ can be accessed from This can be done by aligning the DNA sequence of the APX gene. Alternatively, other DNA sequences having high homology with the DNA sequence of the APX gene of the present invention can be obtained from a database by a homology search against the APX cDNA sequence of the present invention and compared. From these sequence comparisons, it was found that the DNA sequence of the APX gene whose expression was induced in rice seedlings by high-temperature treatment was identical to the cDNA sequence of the rice cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APXa) gene. Therefore, the APX gene isolated by the method of the present invention is a cytosolic APX gene. The base sequence of the APXa gene of the present invention is shown in SEQ ID NO: 1.
(2) APXa gene expression analysis
Using the APXa gene isolated clone obtained in (1) as a probe, expression analysis of the APXa gene in rice seedlings after high temperature treatment and subsequent low temperature treatment can be performed.
First, a combination of plants to be measured suitable for comparative analysis of APXa gene expression after high temperature treatment and subsequent low temperature treatment is determined. For example, appropriate treatment conditions are determined for a control rice seedling that is not subjected to high temperature treatment or low temperature treatment, a high temperature treated rice seedling, a rice seedling that has been subjected to low temperature treatment after high temperature treatment, and a rice seedling that has been subjected to low temperature treatment without performing high temperature treatment. These treated seedlings are prepared and then samples are taken from each. Total RNA is extracted from each of these samples by a conventional method and purified using a technique such as ethanol precipitation.
The APXa mRNA expression level can be examined by performing Northern blot analysis on the purified total RNA using the above APXa gene probe by a generally known method. As a specific method, for example, purified total RNA is electrophoresed, blotted, and hybridized with a labeled APXa gene probe. Then, the hybridization signal in which the label is detected by an appropriate method is quantitatively read. For labeling the APX gene probe,32P,35Radioisotopes such as S, or non-radioactive labels such as digoxigenin (DIG), alkaline phosphatase, biotin, or fluorescence can be used, but are not limited thereto. As the labeling method, a random prime method is often used, but other various commonly known labeling methods can also be used. For example, an autoradiography method can be used to detect signals for these labels. Although such an autoradiogram is not limited, quantitative analysis can be performed with high accuracy by using an image analysis device such as a bioimaging analyzer.
By analyzing the amount of APXa mRNA as described above, it is possible to confirm the increase in the expression level of the APXa gene by high temperature treatment and the maintenance of the expression level at a high level after the subsequent low temperature treatment. Thereby, it is confirmed that the expression of the APXa gene isolated by the method of the present invention is induced by high-temperature treatment.
4 . APXa Analysis of high temperature inducible promoter of genes
Since the expression of the APXa gene is induced by high temperature treatment, it is presumed that this gene has a high temperature inducible promoter. Based on this idea, it can be proved that the gene is directly induced by high temperature by confirming that the gene has a high temperature inducible promoter by nucleotide sequencing.
To prove this, a DNA fragment that can contain the rice APXa gene promoter can be obtained by PCR amplification of the upstream region of the APXa gene using rice genomic DNA as a template. As a PCR amplification method for obtaining this DNA fragment, the thermal asymmetric combined polymerase chain reaction (TAIL-PCR) method (Liu YG, Mitsukawa N, Oosumi T, Whittier RF. 1995, The
The amplification product obtained in the final stage of this reaction is cloned into a vector by a generally known method and sequenced. Then, the DNA base sequence is compared with the promoter region of another gene containing a putative heat shock element, for example, the promoter of Arabidopsis thaliana axp1 gene. A putative heat shock element (HSE) is a sequence with a heat shock factor (HSF) binding minimal motif 5'-nGAAnnTTCn-3 'and whether the upstream region of the APXa gene has a sequence that matches this motif By confirming, it is possible to verify the possibility that it is a high temperature inducible promoter. Confirmation that the APXa gene has a high temperature-inducible promoter can support the discovery that the expression of the gene is induced by high temperature, resulting in enhanced low temperature stress tolerance of rice seedlings.
5 . APXa Production of transgenic plants by gene transfer
The above process reveals that the expression level of the APXa gene increases at high temperatures, and as a result, enhances the low temperature stress tolerance of rice seedlings. Based on this discovery, it is conceivable that the cytosolic APX gene is introduced into plants and overexpressed to enhance the tolerance of plants to low temperature stress.
In order to introduce a cytosolic APX gene into a plant and overexpress it, a recombinant vector comprising a cytosolic APX gene and an overexpression promoter is constructed and used to transform the plant. Is a general approach.
SEQ ID NO: 1 shows the base sequence of the cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene to be introduced into the transformed plant of the present invention, and SEQ ID NO: 2 shows the cytosolic ascorbic acid peroxidase encoded by the gene to be introduced into the transformed plant of the present invention. The amino acid sequence of oxidase is exemplified, but as long as the protein containing this amino acid sequence has ascorbic acid peroxidase activity, a plurality of, preferably one or several amino acids in the amino acid sequence have mutations such as deletion, substitution, addition, etc. May occur.
For example, 1 to 10, preferably 1 to 5 amino acids of the amino acid sequence represented by SEQ ID NO: 2 may be deleted, and 1 to 10, preferably 1 may be deleted from the amino acid sequence represented by SEQ ID NO: 2. ˜5 amino acids may be added, or 1 to 10, preferably 1 to 5 amino acids of the amino acid sequence represented by SEQ ID NO: 2 may be substituted with other amino acids.
Here, in the present invention, ascorbate peroxidase activity is
Ascorbic acid + H2O2→ Ascorbic acid oxide + 2H2O
The activity of catalyzing the reaction of In addition, the activity of the protein of the present invention is as follows.2O2Can be confirmed by measuring the change in absorbance of the reaction solution.
In addition, a DNA that can hybridize with the cytosolic APX gene under stringent conditions, wherein a DNA encoding a protein having ascorbate peroxidase activity is linked to an overexpression promoter. Also included in the present invention is a transformed plant comprising Stringent conditions refer to conditions under which so-called specific hybrids are formed and non-specific hybrids are not formed. For example, a nucleic acid with high homology, that is, a condition where a complementary strand of DNA having a homology of 60% or more, preferably 80% or more hybridizes, and a complementary strand of a nucleic acid with lower homology does not hybridize. . More specifically, the sodium concentration is 150 to 900 mM, preferably 600 to 900 mM, and the temperature is 60 to 68 ° C, preferably 65 ° C.
Furthermore, a modified DNA encoding cytosolic APX can be synthesized by site-directed mutagenesis or the like, and a recombinant vector comprising it and an overexpression promoter can be constructed, thereby transforming the plant. In order to introduce a mutation into the APXa gene, a known method such as the Kunkel method or the Gapped duplex method, or a method equivalent thereto can be employed. For example, using a mutagenesis kit (for example, Mutan-K (TAKARA) or Mutan-G (TAKARA)) using site-directed mutagenesis, or TAKARA LA PCR in vitro Mutagenesis Mutation is introduced using a series kit.
The cytosolic APX DNA fragment to be incorporated into the vector is not only obtained from the cytosolic APX gene cloned according to the above method, but once the base sequence has been determined, it can be obtained by chemical synthesis or by the cytosolic APX gene. It can also be obtained by PCR amplification using the clone as a template.
(1) Construction of overexpression vector incorporating cytosolic APX gene
A recombinant vector containing a cytosolic APX gene for introduction into a plant, such as an APXa gene, is obtained by overexpressing a cytosolic APX DNA fragment obtained according to the above method, such as an APXa cDNA amplified fragment, in an appropriate vector. It can be constructed by incorporating it so as to be linked. The vector into which the cytosolic APX gene is inserted is not particularly limited as long as it contains an overexpression promoter and can be replicated in the target plant host, and examples thereof include plasmid DNA and phage DNA. Alternatively, the cytosolic APX gene may be inserted into an appropriate vector in advance linked to an overexpression promoter.
An example of a particularly suitable recombinant vector containing an overexpression promoter is the GUS gene in pMLH7133 (Mitsuhara et al., Plant Cell Rhysiology 37: 49-59, 1996), which can effectively overexpress the inserted gene. Are substituted with the cytosolic APX gene of the present invention.
In order to incorporate the cytosolic APX gene into the vector, a method is used in which the purified DNA is cleaved with an appropriate restriction enzyme, inserted into an appropriate restriction enzyme site downstream of the vector DNA overexpression promoter, and linked to the vector. It is done.
The cytosolic APX gene needs to be incorporated into a vector so that the function of the gene is exerted. Therefore, in addition to an overexpression promoter, cytosolic APX gene, a cis element such as an enhancer, a splicing signal, a poly A addition signal, a selection marker, a ribosome binding sequence (SD sequence), etc. may be linked to the vector. it can. Examples of the selection marker include dihydrofolate reductase gene, ampicillin resistance gene, neomycin resistance gene and the like.
(2) Production of transformants
A transgenic plant can be obtained by introducing the recombinant vector constructed as described above into a plant.
Plants to be transformed in the present invention include whole plants, plant organs (e.g. leaves, petals, stems, roots, seeds, etc.), plant tissues (e.g. epidermis, phloem, soft tissue, xylem, vascular bundle, It means any of a palisade tissue, a spongy tissue, etc.) or a plant cultured cell (for example, callus). Examples of the plant used for transformation include, but are not limited to, the plants described below, preferably a plant in which enhanced low-temperature stress tolerance is found by high-temperature treatment. Plants to which it belongs are preferred, and rice is more preferred.
Eggplant family: Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. Angulosum Mill.), Red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
Brassicaceae: Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica (Brassica campestris L.), Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupr.), Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. Capitata L.), Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus L.), Rapeseed (Brassica camp) L., B. napus L.)
Gramineae: corn (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Legumes: soybean (Glycine max), azuki bean (Vigna angularis Willd.), Green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), broad bean (Vicia faba L.)
Cucurbitaceae: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), Melon (Cucumis melo L.), Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.), Pumpkin (C. moschata Duch., C. maxima Duch.)
Convolvulaceae: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
Liliaceae: Allium fistulosum L., onion (Allium cepa L.), leek (Allium tuberosum Rottl.), Garlic (Allium sativum L.), asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.)
Lamiaceae: Perilla frutescens Britt. Var. Crispa
Asteraceae: Chrysanthemum morifolium, chrysanthemum coronarium L., lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Capitata L.)
Rosaceae: Rose (Rose hybrida Hort.), Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
Citrus: Citrus unshiu, Salamander (Zanthoxylum piperitum DC.)
Myrtaceae: Eucalyptus globulus Labill
Willow family: Poplar (Populas nigra L. var. Italica Koehne)
Rabbitaceae: Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
Gentianaceae: Gentian (Gentiana scabra Bunge var. Buergeri Maxim.)
Nadesico: Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)
The recombinant vector can be introduced into plants by a conventional transformation method such as the Agrobacterium method, particle gun method, PEG method, electroporation method and the like. For example, when using the Agrobacterium method, the constructed plant expression vector is introduced into an appropriate Agrobacterium, such as Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and this strain is inoculated into rice callus. It is possible to infect and obtain transformed plants.
When the particle gun method is used, a plant body, a plant organ, and a plant tissue itself may be used as they are, or may be used after preparing a section, or a protoplast may be prepared and used. The sample thus prepared can be processed using a gene transfer apparatus (for example, PDS-1000 (BIO-RAD) or the like). Treatment conditions vary depending on the plant or sample, but are usually performed at a pressure of about 450 to 2000 psi and a distance of about 4 to 12 cm.
When plant cultured cells are used as a host, transformation is performed by introducing a recombinant vector into the cultured cells by the particle gun method, electroporation method or the like.
Tumor tissue, shoots, hairy roots, and the like obtained as a result of transformation can be used as they are for cell culture, tissue culture or organ culture, and can be used at an appropriate concentration using a conventionally known plant tissue culture method. Of plant hormones (auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin, abscisic acid, ethylene, brassinolide, etc.).
Whether or not a gene has been incorporated into a plant can be confirmed by PCR, Southern hybridization, Northern hybridization, or the like. For example, DNA is prepared from a transformed plant, PCR is performed by designing DNA-specific primers. PCR can be performed under the same conditions as those used to amplify the cDNA fragment inserted into the recombinant vector. Thereafter, the amplified product is subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, etc., stained with ethidium bromide, SYBR Green solution, etc., and the amplified product is detected as a single band, It can be confirmed that it has been transformed. Moreover, PCR can be performed using a primer previously labeled with a fluorescent dye or the like to detect an amplification product. Furthermore, it is possible to employ a method in which the amplification product is bound to a solid phase such as a microplate and the amplification product is confirmed by fluorescence or enzyme reaction.
6 . Evaluation of stress tolerance of transformed plants
When an overexpression recombinant vector containing the cytosolic APX gene is introduced into a plant, the resulting transformed plant has enhanced resistance to stress. Therefore, the transformed plant can be used as a stress resistant plant. In conventional methods for enhancing stress tolerance of plants by introducing genes for reactive oxygen scavenging enzymes, APX is not only less effective when introduced alone, but cytosolic APX is more effective than chloroplast APX. Therefore, in the present invention, it is an unexpected effect that the low temperature stress tolerance of plants is enhanced by introducing cytosolic APX alone.
Here, the stress is based on active oxygen. The stress based on active oxygen means stress based on environmental stress that generates active oxygen in the plant body, and refers to stress that causes a growth disorder or death if a wild-type plant is left in this environment. For example, there is a stress state when a rice seedling is left at a low temperature of 5 ° C. and a relative humidity of 80%. The stress-tolerant plant of the present invention can grow even under the above-mentioned active oxygen conditions.
Active oxygen is generated when exposed to various environmental stresses. Environmental stress includes high temperature stress, low temperature stress, drought stress, strong light stress, salt stress, air pollution stress, pesticide stress, disease stress, UV stress, etc. These stresses can be used alone or in combination. Good.
“High temperature stress” means stress when a temperature of 35 ° C. or higher is continuously or temporarily applied for several minutes or longer.
“Low-temperature stress” means stress when a condition of 10 ° C. or lower is continuously or temporarily applied for several minutes or longer.
“Dry stress” means stress when a state of depletion of water is sustained or temporarily loaded.
`` Strong light stress '' means stress when a plant is exposed to strong light that exceeds the photosynthetic capacity. For example, 2,000 μmol / s / m2The case where the above light is irradiated continuously or temporarily corresponds.
“Salt stress” means stress when damaging the physiological function of a plant body, such as the water potential of the soil being lowered by salts accumulated in the soil and the plant body being unable to absorb moisture.
“Air pollution stress” means stress when an air pollutant (such as ozone, PAN: peroxyacetyl nitrate, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and ethylene) is continuously or temporarily loaded.
“Agricultural chemical stress” means stress when a plant body is in continuous or temporary contact with agricultural chemicals.
“Disease stress” means stress when suffered by fungi and the like, and examples of the harm include soybean purpura.
“Ultraviolet light stress” corresponds to a case where ultraviolet light having a wavelength of 100 to 400 nm is continuously or temporarily irradiated.
A stress-tolerant plant is produced by breeding the transformed plant (transgenic plant) of the present invention in which a cytosolic APX gene is incorporated in an overexpressed form to such an extent that it can be used as the stress-tolerant plant. Can do. In this case, it is only necessary to select a plant exhibiting tolerance without damaging physiological functions under conditions where the above-described various stresses occur, and without causing growth inhibition or death.
The start of use as a stress-tolerant plant may be any time after selecting a plant exhibiting resistance.
The stress tolerance of the transformed plant can be relatively quantified by evaluating the survival rate after leaving it under stress conditions according to the above description.
For example, the plant breeded from the transformant introduced with the cytosolic APX gene of the present invention is subjected to low-temperature treatment, and then returned to 25 ° C. to evaluate the survival rate of the plant grown. At the same time, by evaluating the survival rate of the wild-type plant when the same low-temperature treatment is applied, and comparing it with the survival rate of the transformed plant, it will demonstrate the enhanced stress tolerance of the transformed plant. Can do.
EXAMPLES Hereinafter, although this invention is demonstrated further more concretely using an Example, the technical scope of this invention is not limited to these Examples.
[Example 1]
Enhancement of low temperature stress tolerance by high temperature treatment of rice seedlings
Rice (Oryza sativa L., variety: Kirara 397) seeds are soaked in water at 27 ° C for 3 days, soaked in a vermiculite moistened in a petri dish with a diameter of 9 cm, 25 ° C and 80% relative humidity And germinated under dark conditions. Seven days later, the seedlings were exposed to 100% relative humidity, 42 ° C. for 1, 3, 9, and 24 hours, and then exposed to a low temperature of 5 ° C. for 7 days under dark conditions of 80% relative humidity. Control seedlings were exposed to 25 ° C. After low temperature treatment, rice seedlings were transferred to a growth chamber at 25 ° C. and grown for 7 days. The survival rate of the seedlings was evaluated based on appearance observation. At that time, sufficiently growing seedlings were regarded as survivors, and non-growing seedlings and dead seedlings were regarded as non-surviving bodies. All experiments were repeated at least twice.
Control rice seedlings that had undergone only 7 days of low temperature treatment (5 ° C.) showed low temperature injury. Rice seedlings that had been subjected to high temperature treatment (42 ° C.) for 24 hours before moving to 5 ° C. did not cause such low-temperature damage. When the high temperature treated rice seedlings were placed at 25 ° C. for 4 days before being transferred to low temperatures, the seedlings no longer showed tolerance to low temperature stress.
The effect of high temperature treatment for various times on low temperature stress tolerance of rice seedlings is shown in FIG. After high temperature treatment at 42 ° C. for 6 hours and low temperature treatment at 5 ° C. for 7 days, more than 50% of the seedlings survived. The low temperature stress tolerance was enhanced in proportion to the high temperature treatment time. Low temperature stress tolerance was remarkably enhanced by high temperature treatment at 42 ° C. for 6 hours or more. Particularly, high temperature treatment at 42 ° C. for 24 hours dramatically increased the survival rate after low temperature treatment.
[Example 2]
For high temperature stress and low temperature stress APX , CAT , SOD Activity measurement
By measuring the activity of an active oxygen removing enzyme for high temperature treatment and subsequent low temperature treatment, an enzyme involved in enhancing low temperature stress tolerance was identified.
Rice seedlings treated at 25 ° C for 24 hours (control), rice seedlings treated at a high temperature of 42 ° C (24 hours), and rice treated at a low temperature of 5 ° C for 7 days after a high temperature treatment of 42 ° C for 24 hours The seedlings and the leaves of rice seedlings treated at 25 ° C. for 24 hours and then subjected to low temperature treatment at 5 ° C. for 7 days were homogenized together with 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 1% Triton X-100. Each homogenate was centrifuged at 12,000 g for 20 minutes at 4 ° C., and the supernatant was immediately used for enzyme assay.
First, ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was measured by the method described in Saruyama and Tanida (1995). The reaction mixture (1.0 ml) is NaNThree, 0.5 mM ascorbic acid, 1.54 mM H2O2And 50 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.0) containing the above enzyme fraction. H2O2Ascorbic acid oxidation reaction was started by addition of and the absorbance at 290 nm indicating the ascorbic acid concentration was measured. As a result, a decrease in absorbance was measured. This decrease was measured as the relative activity of APX. Catalase (CAT) activity was measured according to the description of Tanida, 1996, the absorbance at 240 nm was measured, and the decrease was measured as the relative activity of CAT. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was measured using an assay kit (SOD test, manufactured by Wako) based on the NBT method (Beyer and Fridovich, 1987).
As a result of the above measurement, the seedlings that had been treated at a high temperature of 42 ° C. had significantly improved APX activity levels, and retained high activity even after being subjected to a low temperature treatment at 5 ° C. for 7 days after the high temperature treatment. (FIG. 2). The CAT activity of the seedlings treated with high temperature decreased to a lower level, and further decreased dramatically due to low temperature stress. (FIG. 2). There was no significant difference in the SOD activity between the high temperature treatment group and the low temperature treatment group (FIG. 2). Similarly, glutathione reductase activity and reduced ascorbic acid content were also examined, but no effect of high-temperature treatment was observed. Therefore, it was considered that the increase in APX activity contributed to the enhancement of low temperature stress tolerance of seedlings after high temperature treatment.
[Example 3]
APX Gene isolation and expression analysis
The APX gene whose expression was induced by high-temperature treatment was isolated, and Northern blot analysis was performed on the transcription level after high-temperature treatment and subsequent low-temperature treatment of the gene.
(1) Isolation of APX gene
According to the method described in Example 1, the leaves of rice seedlings subjected to high temperature treatment at 42 ° C. for 24 hours were collected and ground in liquid nitrogen in a mortar. Thus, the powdered leaves were treated by a conventional method to extract total RNA, and cDNA was prepared using reverse transcriptase as a template. For cDNA production, cDNA Synthesis Kit (TaKaRa) was used.
Using this cDNA as a template, a DNA fragment using the APX gene probe as a cDNA sequence of a rice APXa gene (Morita S, Kaminaka H, Yokoi H, Masumura T, Tanaka K. 1997,
The composition of the PCR reaction solution used is as follows.
cDNA 100ng
Pri-1 0.5μM
Pri-2 0.5μM
dNTPs 0.2mM
Taq DNA polymerase (GIBCO BRL) 1U
Taq DNA polymerase is MgCl at a final concentration of 1.5 mM.2What was dissolved in Taq DNA polymerase reaction buffer containing was used. The PCR reaction was performed for 30 cycles, with a cycle of 94 ° C for 1 minute, 60 ° C for 1 minute, and 72 ° C for 1 minute.
The PCR amplified fragment thus obtained was electrophoresed on a low melting point agarose gel, and the amplified band was cut out from the gel and purified. The purified PCR amplification product was cloned into the pCR2.1 vector using TA cloning (Invitrogen). Each clone cloned into the pCR2.1 vector was transformed into Escherichia coli, and the plasmid was recovered by a conventional method, treated with restriction enzymes (BamHI and EcoRV), and screened for the size and orientation of the insert fragment.
The resulting clone containing the approximately 770 bp cDNA fragment was subjected to a sequencing reaction using Thermo Sequenase Cycle Sequencing Kit (Amersham), and the nucleotide sequence was determined using a DNA sequencer (LIC-4200LS-2, Aloka). Made a decision. As a result, this cDNA sequence (SEQ ID NO: 1) is the DNA sequence of the rice APXa gene used for probe design (Morita S, Kaminaka H, Yokoi H, Masumura T, Tanaka K. 1997,
(2) Confirmation of expression induction by high-temperature treatment by expression analysis of APXa gene
Using the clone containing the APXa gene obtained in (1) as a probe, Northern blot analysis was performed on APXa mRNA extracted from rice seedlings after high temperature treatment and subsequent low temperature treatment.
25 ° C control rice seedlings prepared according to the method described in Example 1, 42 ° C high temperature treatment (1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 hours), 42 ° C high temperature treatment (24 ° C Shoots were collected from rice seedlings that had been transferred to 5 ° C. after 7 hours and subjected to low-temperature treatment for 7 days and rice seedlings that had been subjected to low-temperature treatment for 24 hours after being placed at 25 ° C. for 24 hours. Total RNA was extracted from 1 g of this shoot by the phenol / SDS method, and purified by ethanol precipitation and LiCl precipitation.
Purified total RNA (20μg) was electrophoresed on 1.2% agarose gel, transferred to nylon membrane,32Hybridization with the above-mentioned APXa gene probe labeled with P was performed. The hybridization signal was visualized by image analysis of the autoradiogram with a bioimaging analyzer (manufactured by FUJIX, BAS 1000).
The result is shown in FIG. As shown in the figure, it was shown that the APXa mRNA level of rice seedlings increased about 1.8 times by high temperature treatment for 1 hour. Similarly, APXa mRNA levels after high temperature treatment for 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 hours were also significantly higher compared to untreated controls. APXa mRNA levels after low-temperature treatment are lower in rice seedlings treated with high-temperature treatment than in rice seedlings not treated with high-temperature treatment, but still show higher values. It was.
Therefore, it was confirmed that the cloned APXa gene was induced by high temperature treatment.
[Example 4]
APXa Analysis of high temperature inducible promoter of genes
Using rice genomic DNA as a template, the upstream region of the APXa gene was analyzed by the thermal asymmetric combined polymerase chain reaction (TAIL-PCR) method (Liu YG, Mitsukawa N, Oosumi T, Whittier RF. 1995, The
Rice genomic DNA 20ng
TR1 primer 4pmol
AD primer 100pmol
dNTPs 200μM
Taq DNA polymerase (GIBCO BRL) 0.8U
Taq DNA polymerase is MgCl at a final concentration of 1.5 mM.2What was dissolved in Taq DNA polymerase reaction buffer containing was used. The PCR reaction was performed continuously under the following temperature conditions (1) to (5).
(1) 94 ° C for 1 minute, then 95 ° C for 1 minute
(2) 94 cycles for 1 minute, 65 ° C for 1 minute, 72 ° C for 3 minutes, 5 cycles
(3) After 94 ° C for 1 minute, cool at 25-30 ° C for 3 minutes, increase to 72 ° C over 3 minutes, then 72 ° C for 3 minutes, 1 cycle
(4) 94 ° C 30 seconds, 68 °
(5) 72 °
1 μl of the amplification product obtained by the first PCR was diluted with 50 μl of sterilized water, and 1 μl thereof was added to the following reaction solution (19 μl).
TR2 primer 4pmol
AD primer 80pmol
dNTPs 200μM
Taq DNA polymerase (GIBCO BRL) 0.6U
Taq DNA polymerase is MgCl at a final concentration of 1.5 mM.2What was dissolved in Taq DNA polymerase reaction buffer containing was used. The PCR reaction was performed continuously under the following temperature conditions (6) and (7).
(6) 94 ° C 30 seconds, 64 °
(7) 72
1 μl of the amplification product obtained by the second PCR was diluted in 10 μl of sterilized water, and 1 μl thereof was added to the following reaction solution (99 μl).
TR3 primer 30pmol
AD primer 400pmol
dNTPs 200μM
Taq DNA polymerase (GIBCO BRL) 3U
Taq DNA polymerase is MgCl at a final concentration of 1.5 mM.2What was dissolved in Taq DNA polymerase reaction buffer containing was used. The PCR reaction was performed continuously under the following temperature conditions (8) and (9).
(8) 20 cycles with 94 ° C for 1 minute, 44 ° C for 1 minute, 72 ° C for 3 minutes as one cycle
(9) 72 °
The amplification product obtained by the third step reaction using TR3 and AD was electrophoresed on a 1.2% agarose gel, a 400 bp fragment was extracted from the gel, and this was subjected to TA cloning (manufactured by Invitrogen). And cloned into the pCRII vector. The insert DNA was sequenced using a DNA sequencer (LIC-4200LS-2, manufactured by Aloka). The sequence of the promoter region of this rice APXa gene is shown in SEQ ID NO: 9. Furthermore, the DNA base sequence was compared with the promoter region of Arabidopsis thaliana axp1 gene.
The promoter region of the APXa gene of the present invention had very low homology with the Arabidopsis apx1 gene except for one region located 81 bp upstream of the TATA box. One region contains putative heat shock elements (HSE) nGAAn and nTTCn (FIG. 4A). HSE has a heat shock factor (HSF) binding
Therefore, it was found that the APXa gene of the present invention has a putative high temperature inducible promoter. This is a result of supporting that the APXa gene is induced at high temperature to enhance low temperature stress tolerance of rice seedlings.
[Example 5]
APXa Production of transgenic rice by gene transfer
(1) Construction of overexpression vector incorporating APXa gene
Using the APXa gene DNA cloned in Experimental Example 3 as a template, primer Pri-3 (5'-ACCCGGATCCATGGCTAAGAACTAC-3 ': SEQ ID NO: 12) in which a restriction enzyme BamHI recognition sequence was inserted immediately before the translation start point and the translation end point Immediately after, DNA amplification was performed by PCR using the primer Pri-4 (5′-ACTAGAGAGCTCTTAAGCATCAGCG-3 ′: SEQ ID NO: 13) in which a recognition sequence for the restriction enzyme SacI was inserted, and restriction enzymes BamHI and SacI were recognized at both ends of the coding region. The APXa DNA fragment to which the sequence was assigned was obtained. The composition of the PCR reaction solution (20 μl) used is as follows.
DNA 100ng
Pri-3 0.5μM
Pri-4 0.5μM
dNTPs 0.2mM
Taq DNA polymerase (GIBCO BRL) 1U
Taq DNA polymerase is MgCl at a final concentration of 1.5 mM.2What was dissolved in Taq DNA polymerase reaction buffer containing was used. The PCR reaction was performed for 30 cycles, with one cycle consisting of 94 ° C for 1 minute, 60 ° C for 1 minute, and 72 ° C for 1 minute.
The PCR amplified fragment thus obtained was cleaved with BamHI and SacI, and electrophoresed on a 1% agarose gel, and the DNA fragment of about 760 pb was extracted from the gel and purified. The vector to be incorporated was the pMLH7133 vector (Mitsuhara et al., Plant Cell Rhysiology 37: 49-59, 1996) developed by the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (currently the National Institute for Agrobiological Sciences), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. This vector was digested with restriction enzymes BamHI and SacI, and a DNA fragment containing the APXa gene prepared as described above was inserted to construct a recombinant vector in which the GUS of the insert DNA of pMLH7133 was replaced with APXa. This recombinant vector was called pMLH7133-APXa, and its structure is shown in FIG.
This recombinant vector pMLH7133-APXa was introduced into the rice cultivar “Yukihikari” by the Agrobacterium method. This “Yukihikari” is a rice cultivar in Hokkaido that excels in low-temperature stress tolerance. Specifically, pMLH7133-APXa was introduced into Agrobacterium (Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404) by electroporation, and infected with scutellum-derived callus of rice `` Yukihikari '' by co-cultivation, thereby pMLH7133-APXa Was introduced. Subsequently, the callus obtained by this transformation was regenerated into a plant body by culturing in a regeneration medium containing hygromycin (50 mg / l).
[Example 6]
APXa Evaluation of tolerance to low temperature stress in transgenic rice
The T2 generation obtained by self-propagating the transformed plant obtained in Example 5 twice is subjected to low-temperature treatment at 5 ° C. for 10 days and then returned to 25 ° C. as described in Example 1. The survival rate of rice was examined. For comparison, the original cultivar “Yukihikari” was also subjected to low-temperature treatment under the same conditions.
As a result, the survival rate of the original cultivar “Yukihikari” was 0%, whereas rice APX991217-5-2, which has a transgene homozygously, showed a survival rate of 48% (FIG. 6). That is, the rice introduced with the cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase APXa gene of the present invention is prominent that 48% can survive even under severe low temperature conditions such that 100% of "Yukihikari" with excellent resistance to low temperature stress dies. Enhanced cold stress tolerance was shown.
【The invention's effect】
INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY The present invention provides a transgenic plant with enhanced resistance to active oxygen generated under various environmental stress conditions (high and low temperature, dryness, strong light, salt, air pollutant gas, pathogenic bacteria, ultraviolet rays, etc.). . The method of introducing a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene according to the present invention into a plant has an activity generated under various environmental stress conditions (high temperature, dryness, strong light, salt, air pollutant gas, pathogen, ultraviolet ray, etc.). It is useful for the development of plants that are highly resistant to oxygen.
[Sequence Listing]
[Sequence Listing Free Text]
Sequence number 3: Synthetic primer
SEQ ID NO: 4: Synthetic primer
SEQ ID NO: 5: synthetic primer
SEQ ID NO: 6: synthetic primer
SEQ ID NO: 7: synthetic primer
Sequence number 8: n of a synthetic primer, the 3rd base, and the 11th base is either a, t, g, or c.
SEQ ID NO: 12: synthetic primer
SEQ ID NO: 13: synthetic primer
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows that when rice seedlings are treated at 42 ° C. for 0, 3, 6, 9, and 24 hours at a high temperature, the resistance to low temperature stress is remarkably enhanced in the treatment section of 6 hours or more. FIG. ** indicates significance at the 1% level.
FIG. 2 shows seedlings treated at 25 ° C. (control), seedlings treated at a high temperature of 42 ° C. (24 hours), seedlings treated at a low temperature of 5 ° C. for 7 days after a high temperature treatment of 42 ° C. (24 hours), and 25 ° C. It is the figure which showed each activity of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in the seedling which was low-temperature-treated at 5 ° C. for 7 days after the treatment. * Means significant at the 5% level, and ** means significant at the 1% level.
[Fig. 3] Fig. 3 shows seedlings treated at 25 ° C (control), seedlings treated at 42 ° C high temperature (1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 hours), and at 5 ° C after high temperature treatment at 42 ° C (24 hours). The figure shows the expression level of APXa gene mRNA in seedlings treated for 7 days at low temperature and seedlings treated at 25 ° C for 7 days at 5 ° C, using the autoradiogram of Northern blot analysis and the results of quantitative analysis. It is. For the autoradiogram, the amount of rRNA present was shown as a comparative control. * Indicates significance at 5% level.
FIG. 4 is a view showing that a minimal heat shock element (HSE) motif nGAAnnTTCn for binding heat shock factor (HSF) is present in the promoter region of the APXa gene. A shows the promoter structure of the APXa gene. ATG indicates a translation initiation codon, and the 5 ′ end of the APXa gene cDNA is indicated by an arrow and +1. The numerical value in the figure is the number of bases from the transcription start point. B, Comparison of HSE on rice APXa promoter (upper) and HSE on Arabidopsis apx1 promoter (lower). The HSE motif nGAAn is shown in capital letters. The minimal motif nGAAnnTTCn for HSF binding is indicated by an inward arrow. There are motifs with one base substitution on both sides.
FIG. 5 shows the structure of a recombinant vector pMLH7133-APXa introduced into rice.
FIG. 6 is a graph showing the difference in survival rate after low-temperature treatment between the original cultivar Yukihikari and transformed rice (APX991217-5-2).
Claims (8)
(a) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列からなるタンパク質
(b) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列において1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列からなり、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質A plant resistant to low temperature stress in Gramineae, wherein a recombinant vector comprising a gene encoding the following protein (a) or (b) and an overexpression promoter is introduced into the cytoplasm .
(a) a protein comprising the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2
(b) a protein comprising an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted or added in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 and having ascorbate peroxidase activity
(c) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNA
(d) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNAとストリンジェントな条件下でハイブリダイズし、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質をコードするDNA A cold stress-resistant plant of the family Gramineae, into which a recombinant vector comprising a gene comprising the following DNA (c) or (d) and an overexpression promoter is introduced into the cytoplasm .
(c) DNA consisting of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1
(d) a DNA that hybridizes with a DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 under a stringent condition and encodes a protein having ascorbate peroxidase activity
(a) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列からなるタンパク質
(b) 配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列において1若しくは数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列からなり、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質A method for enhancing resistance to low-temperature stress in gramineous plants, which comprises introducing a recombinant vector comprising a gene encoding the protein (a) or (b) below and an overexpression promoter into the cytoplasm of the gramineous plant .
(a) a protein comprising the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2
(b) a protein comprising an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted or added in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 and having ascorbate peroxidase activity
(c) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNA
(d) 配列番号1に示す塩基配列からなるDNAとストリンジェントな条件下でハイブリダイズし、かつアスコルビン酸パーオキシダーゼ活性を有するタンパク質をコードするDNAA method for enhancing low temperature stress tolerance of gramineous plants, which comprises introducing a recombinant vector comprising the following gene containing DNA of (c) or (d) and an overexpression promoter into the cytoplasm of gramineous plants.
(c) DNA consisting of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1
(d) a DNA that hybridizes with a DNA comprising the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 under a stringent condition and encodes a protein having ascorbate peroxidase activity
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