前記着色剤(A)としては、例えば、カーボンブラック、ベンガラ、紺青、酸化チタン、ニグロシン染料(C.I.No.50415B)、アニリンブルー(C.I.No.50405)、カルコオイルブルー(C.I.No.azoic Blue3)、クロムイエロー(C.I.No.14090)、ウルトラマリンブルー(C.I.No.77103)、デュポンオイルレッド(C.I.No.26105、キノリンイエロー(C.I.No.47005)、メチレンブルークロライド(C.I.No.52015)、フタロシアニンブルー(C.I.No.74160)、マラカイトグリーンオクサレート(C.I.No.74160)、マラカイトグリーンオクサレート(C.I.No.42000)、ランプブラック(C.I.No.77266)、ローズベンガル(C.I.No.45435)等が挙げられる。
前記有機溶剤(S)に該当するか否かの判定は、例えば、ASTM D3132−84(Reapproved 1996)の7.2結果の解釈(Interpretation of Results:)の7.2.1.1〜に記載された判定法を用いて行うことができる。
前記有機溶剤(S)に該当するか否かの判定は、具体的には粒子状のポリエステル系樹脂(p1)またはポリエステル系樹脂(p2)15重量部と有機溶剤85重量部をフラスコにとって密栓し、25℃で16時間振とうした後の溶解状態を観察し、前記ASTM D3132−84の7.2.1.1〜に記載された下記判定区分で、1.「完全な溶液」か、2.「境界線の溶液」か、3.「不溶」かのどの区分に属するか判定することにより行うことができる。
1.「完全な溶液(Complete Solution)」;明瞭な固形物やゲル粒子を含まない単一の透明な相(A single, clear liquid phase with no distinct solid or gel particle)。
2.「境界線の領域(Borderline Solution)」;明瞭な相分離を含まない透明または混濁した相(Cloudy or turbid but without distinct phase separation)。
3.「不溶(Insoluble)」;2相に分離:分離したゲル固体相を含む液体又は2相に相分離した液体(Two phases : either a liquid with separate gel solid phase or two separate liquids)。
本発明において、水性分散体(I)や水性分散体(II)中の不揮発分の割合は、前記水性分散体を真空乾燥器中に100℃、0.1KPa、3時間の条件で放置し、前記水性分散体の重量変化から求めた。また、微粒子の粒径は、0.001〜2μmの粒子径測定はLeeds+Northrup社製のMICROTRAC UPA150を用て測定し、1〜40μmの粒子測定はベックマンコールター社製マルチサイザーTM3を用いて測定した。
攪拌機、窒素ガス導入口、温度計および精留塔を備えた2Lステンレスフラスコに、エチレングリコール144部、ネオペンチルグリコール199部、エピクロン830 23部およびカージュラE−10 23部を仕込み、温度を140℃まで上げ、ジブチル錫オキサイド0.7部を投入し、系内が均一に攪拌できることを確認後、テレフタル酸763部を徐々に投入した。次いで、攪拌を継続しながら、3時間を要して温度を195℃まで上げ、その後10時間を要して温度を245℃まで上げた。さらに同温度で8時間反応させ、酸価が19、環球法による軟化点が105℃になったら、230℃まで降温した。80Torr以下の減圧下にて1時間更に反応させ、酸価が9.7、環球法による軟化点が165℃、DSCによるTgが67℃、GPC法によるMnが5,800、Mwが195,000であるポリエステル樹脂を得た。これをポリエステル樹脂2とする。
樹脂の濃度が10%となる条件でアセトンに対するポリエステル樹脂1の溶解性の判定をASTM D3132−84(Reapproved 1996)の7.2.1.1〜に記載された判定法を用いて行ったところ、前記判定法の判定区分で「境界線上の溶液」であった。
ポリエステル樹脂1 49部、リ−ガル330(キャボット社製のカーボンブラック)30部、ビスコ−ル550P(株式会社三洋化成製のポリプロピレンワックス)9部及びボントロンE−80(オリエント化学工業株式会社製の帯電制御剤)12部を混合し、ヘンシェルミキサーにてミキシングを行い、加圧ニーダーで混練し混練物を調製した。この混練物の粗粉砕物100部およびアセトン100部をプロペラ翼付きの2Lガラスオ−トクレ−ブに仕込み、窒素ガスで0.2MPaに予備加圧し、100rpmでプロペラ翼を回転させながら系内が90℃になるまで加熱した。この時のオートクレーブ内の圧力は0.45MPaに増加していた。系内が90℃になった後、900rpmにプロペラ翼の回転数を上げて10分間攪拌しながら粗粉砕物にアセトンを吸収させることにより半透明なのり状の膨潤体を得た。その後、25%アンモニア水1.5部とイオン交換水398.5部からなる90℃に予備加熱した水性媒体400部を5分間かけて加圧注入し、水中に膨潤体を微粒子状に分散させた乳濁色の初期水性分散体を得た。この時の中和率〔水性媒体中のアンモニアのモル数(Ma)のポリエステル樹脂1中のカルボキシル基のモル数(Mc)に対する比[(Ma)/(Mc)]を百分率で表したもの。以下同様。〕は150モル%であった。攪拌を続けながら得られた初期水性分散体を30℃まで水冷して取り出し、ロータリーエバポレーターを使用して47℃、30分間の条件でアセトンを留去してポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体1を得た。この分散体の不揮発分は25%、体積平均粒子径は0.21μm、粒度分布は1.9、残留溶剤量は240ppmであった。
ポリエステル樹脂1 25部、リ−ガル330(キャボット社製のカーボンブラック)54部、ビスコ−ル550P(株式会社三洋化成製のポリプロピレンワックス)9部及びボントロンE−80(オリエント化学工業株式会社製の帯電制御剤)12部を混合し、ヘンシェルミキサーにてミキシングを行い、加圧ニーダーで混練し混練物を調製した。この混練物の粗粉砕物100部およびアセトン100部をプロペラ翼付きの2Lガラスオ−トクレ−ブに仕込み、窒素ガスで0.2MPaに予備加圧し、100rpmでプロペラ翼を回転させながら系内が90℃になるまで加熱した。この時のオートクレーブ内の圧力は0.45MPaに増加していた。系内が90℃になった後、900rpmにプロペラ翼の回転数を上げて10分間攪拌しながら粗粉砕物にアセトンを吸収させることにより半透明なのり状の膨潤体を得た。その後、25%アンモニア水0.8部とイオン交換水399.2部からなる90℃に予備加熱した水性媒体400部を5分間かけて加圧注入し、水中に膨潤体を微粒子状に分散させた乳濁色の初期水性分散体を得た。この時の中和率は150モル%であった。攪拌を続けながら得られた初期水性分散体を30℃まで水冷して取り出し、ロータリーエバポレーターを使用して47℃、30分間の条件でアセトンを留去してポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体3を得た。この分散体の不揮発分は25%、体積平均粒子径は0.23μm、粒度分布は2.2、残留溶剤量は260ppmであった。
樹脂の濃度が10%となる条件でアセトンに対するポリエステル樹脂2の溶解性の判定をASTM D3132−84(Reapproved 1996)の7.2.1.1〜に記載された判定法を用いて行ったところ、前記判定法の判定区分で「境界線上の溶液」であった。
ポリエステル樹脂1を49部使用する代わりにポリエステル樹脂2を49部使用する以外は参考例1と同様にして混練物を調製した。この混練物の粗粉砕物100部およびTHF 100部をプロペラ翼付きの2Lガラスオ−トクレ−ブに仕込み、窒素ガスで0.2MPaに予備加圧し、100rpmでプロペラ翼を回転させながら系内が90℃になるまで加熱した。この時のオートクレーブ内の圧力は0.45MPaに増加していた。系内が90℃になった後、900rpmにプロペラ翼の回転数を上げて10分間攪拌して樹脂溶液を得た。その後、25%アンモニア水1.5部とイオン交換水398.5部からなる90℃に予備加熱した水性媒体400部を5分間かけて加圧注入し、水中にポリエステル樹脂を微粒子状に分散させた乳濁色の初期水性分散体を得た。この時の中和率は150モル%であった。攪拌を続けながら得られた初期水性分散体を30℃まで水冷して取り出し、ロータリーエバポレーターを使用して47℃、30分間の条件でTHFを留去してポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体6を得た。この分散体の不揮発分は25%、体積平均粒子径は0.32μm、粒度分布は3.0、残留溶剤量は700ppmであった。
ポリエステル樹脂1を49部使用する代わりにポリエステル樹脂1 32部およびポリエステル樹脂2 17部使用する以外は参考例1と同様にして混練物を調製した。この混練物の粗粉砕物100部およびTHF 100部をプロペラ翼付きの2Lガラスオ−トクレ−ブに仕込み、窒素ガスで0.2MPaに予備加圧し、100rpmでプロペラ翼を回転させながら系内が90℃になるまで加熱した。この時のオートクレーブ内の圧力は0.45MPaに増加していた。系内が90℃になった後、900rpmにプロペラ翼の回転数を上げて10分間攪拌して樹脂溶液を得た。その後、25%アンモニア水1.5部とイオン交換水398.5部からなる90℃に予備加熱した水性媒体400部を5分間かけて加圧注入し、水中にポリエステル樹脂を微粒子状に分散させた乳濁色の初期水性分散体を得た。この時の中和率は150モル%であった。攪拌を続けながら得られた初期水性分散体を30℃まで水冷して取り出し、ロータリーエバポレーターを使用して47℃、30分間の条件でTHFを留去してポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体7を得た。この分散体の不揮発分は25%、体積平均粒子径は0.33μm、粒度分布は3.1、残留溶剤量は720ppmであった。
アンカ−翼、コンデンサ−、窒素ガス導入口、温度計を装備したガラス製2Lオ−トクレ−ブに、ポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体1 100部及びアセトン10部を仕込み室温で50rpmでアンカー翼を回転させながら1%希塩酸20部と1%塩化カルシウム水溶液20部と1%ドデシルベンゼンスルフォン酸ナトリウム水溶液20部との混合物を30分間を要して滴下した。その後、系内の温度を80℃まで1時間を要して上昇させ、同温度でさらに5時間会合を行い、球形の着色された平均粒径4μmのコア粒子を含む水性分散体を得た。この分散体にポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体5 52部を添加し、更に、1%希塩酸10部と1%塩化カルシウム水溶液10部と1%ドデシルベンゼンスルフォン酸ナトリウム水溶液10部との混合物を30分間を要して滴下した。その後、系内の温度を80℃まで1時間を要して上昇させ、同温度でさらに5時間会合を行い、コア粒子の表面にポリエステル樹脂微粒子を会合させて得られたシェル層を有するコアシェル構造の樹脂微粒子を得た。ロータリーエバポレーターを使用して47℃、60分間の条件でアセトンを留去し、イオン交換水で分散体を3回洗浄し、水と分離後乾燥し、樹脂微粒子を得た。この樹脂粒子の残留溶剤量、体積平均粒子径および粒度分布を測定したところ、残留溶剤量は20ppm(検出限界)以下であり、体積平均粒子径は5.9μm、粒度分布は1.7であった。この樹脂微粒子とこの樹脂微粒子の重量に対して0.3%のアエロジルR−974(日本アエロジル製シリカ)とヘンシェルミキサ−で混合してトナー1を調製した。このトナーを用いて得られる画像及び耐オフセット性の評価を下記に示す方法で行った。結果を第1表に示す。
画像評価方法:トナー1を電子写真用複写機「U−Bix5000」(小西六写真工業株式会社製)に装填し、テストチャートとして電子写真学会発行のA4カラ−用(番号5−1)を用いて1200dpiの画像を形成したときの1dot lineの解像性を下記判定に従い評価した。
◎:完全な1dot lineを形成している。
○:ほぼ完全な1dot lineを形成している。
×:不完全な1dot lineを形成している。
××:1dot lineを形成していない。
アンカ−翼、コンデンサ−、窒素ガス導入口、温度計を装備したガラス製2Lオ−トクレ−ブに、ポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体3 60部、ポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体4 40部及びアセトン10部を仕込み室温で50rpmでアンカー翼を回転させながら1%希塩酸20部と1%塩化カルシウム水溶液20部と1%ドデシルベンゼンスルフォン酸ナトリウム水溶液20部との混合物を30分間を要して滴下した。その後、系内の温度を80℃まで1時間を要して上昇させ、同温度でさらに5時間会合を行い、球形の着色された平均粒径4.1μmのコア粒子を含む水性分散体を得た。この分散体にポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体5 52部を添加し、更に、1%希塩酸10部と1%塩化カルシウム水溶液10部と1%ドデシルベンゼンスルフォン酸ナトリウム水溶液10部との混合物を30分間を要して滴下した。その後、系内の温度を80℃まで1時間を要して上昇させ、同温度でさらに5時間会合を行い、コア粒子の表面にポリエステル樹脂微粒子を会合させて得られたシェル層を有するコアシェル構造の樹脂微粒子を得た。ロータリーエバポレーターを使用して47℃、60分間の条件でアセトンを留去し、イオン交換水で分散体を3回洗浄し、水と分離後乾燥し、樹脂微粒子を得た。この樹脂粒子の残留溶剤量、体積平均粒子径および粒度分布を測定したところ、残留溶剤量は20ppm(検出限界)以下であり、体積平均粒子径は5.8μm、粒度分布は1.5であった。この樹脂微粒子とこの樹脂微粒子の重量に対して0.3%のアエロジルR−974とをヘンシェルミキサ−で混合してトナー2を調製した。このトナーを用いて得られる画像及び耐オフセット性の評価を実施例1と同様にして行い、結果を第1表に示す。
アンカ−翼、コンデンサ−、窒素ガス導入口、温度計を装備したガラス製2Lオ−トクレ−ブに、ポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体2 100部及びTHF10部を仕込み室温で50rpmでアンカー翼を回転させながら1%希塩酸20部と1%塩化カルシウム水溶液20部と1%ドデシルベンゼンスルフォン酸ナトリウム水溶液20部との混合物を30分間を要して滴下した。その後、系内の温度を80℃まで1時間を要して上昇させ、同温度でさらに5時間会合を行い、球形の着色された樹脂微粒子を含む水性分散体を得た。ロータリーエバポレーターを使用して47℃、60分間の条件でTHFを留去し、イオン交換水で分散体を3回洗浄し、水と分離後乾燥し、樹脂微粒子を得た。この樹脂粒子の残留溶剤量、体積平均粒子径および粒度分布を測定したところ、残留溶剤量は650ppmであり、体積平均粒子径は6.1μm、粒度分布は1.9であった。この樹脂微粒子とこの樹脂微粒子の重量に対して0.3%のアエロジルR−974とをヘンシェルミキサ−で混合してトナー1′を調製した。このトナーを用いて得られる画像及び耐オフセット性の評価を実施例1と同様にして行い、結果を第1表に示す。
ポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体2 100部の代わりにポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体6 100部を用いた以外は比較例2と同様にして樹脂微粒子を得た。この樹脂粒子の残留溶剤量、体積平均粒子径および粒度分布を測定したところ、残留溶剤量は680ppmであり、体積平均粒子径は6.9μm、粒度分布は2.3であった。この樹脂微粒子とこの樹脂微粒子の重量に対して0.3%のアエロジルR−974とをヘンシェルミキサ−で混合してトナー2′を調製した。このトナーを用いて得られる画像及び耐オフセット性の評価を実施例1と同様にして行い、結果を第1表に示す。
ポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体2 100部の代わりにポリエステル樹脂微粒子水性分散体7 100部を用いた以外は比較例2と同様にして樹脂微粒子を得た。この樹脂粒子の残留溶剤量、体積平均粒子径および粒度分布を測定したところ、残留溶剤量は650ppmであり、体積平均粒子径は6.6μm、粒度分布は3.8であった。この樹脂微粒子とこの樹脂微粒子の重量に対して0.3%のアエロジルR−974とをヘンシェルミキサ−で混合してトナー3′を調製した。このトナーを用いて得られる画像及び耐オフセット性の評価を実施例1と同様にして行い、結果を第1表に示す。
The present invention relates to a method for producing an electrophotographic toner having good image quality and excellent hot offset resistance.
[Prior art]
The electrophotographic toner is manufactured by, for example, a dispersion granulation method. The phase inversion emulsification method is one type of the dispersion granulation method.For example, a dispersion obtained by dispersing a colorant in an organic solvent solution of a polyester resin having a neutralized salt structure is phase-inverted and emulsified in an aqueous medium, and then the organic phase is emulsified. There are known toner production methods for removing and drying a solvent. (For example, refer to Patent Document 1). In the production method of Patent Document 1, since a polyester resin having self-water dispersibility is used, a toner can be produced without using auxiliary materials such as an emulsifier and a suspension stabilizer.
However, in the manufacturing method of Patent Document 1, it is difficult to improve the quality of an image and obtain a toner having excellent hot offset resistance.
An acid-containing polyester resin having a weight average molecular weight of less than 30,000, an acid group-containing polyester resin having a weight average molecular weight of 30,000 or more, and a colorant in order to improve image quality and obtain a toner having excellent hot offset resistance. A method for producing a toner for electrophotography is also known in which a resin melt obtained by mixing the above is dispersed in a basic compound-containing aqueous medium and then resin fine particles are dried (for example, see Patent Document 2).
However, in the production method of Patent Document 2, an acid group-containing polyester resin having a high softening point and a weight average molecular weight of 30,000 or more and an acid group containing polyester resin having a low softening point and a weight average molecular weight of less than 30,000 are used. Is used, a low-viscosity acid group-containing polyester resin having a weight average molecular weight of less than 30,000 is present on the surface of the toner, and the hot melt resistance is not sufficient.
[Patent Document 1]
Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 08-211165 (page 2, pages 4 to 6)
[Patent Document 2]
JP 2001-330990 A (page 2, pages 6 to 7)
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a method for producing an electrophotographic toner having good image quality and excellent hot offset resistance.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present inventors have conducted intensive studies to solve the above problems, and as a result, have found the following findings (a) and (b), and have completed the present invention.
(A) An aqueous dispersion (I) obtained by dispersing resin fine particles (P1) containing a self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p1) having a softening point of 70 to 130 ° C. in an aqueous medium, and a softening point of 120 to 190 ° C. And an aqueous dispersion (II) obtained by dispersing resin fine particles (P2) containing a self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p2) in an aqueous medium with the resin fine particles (P1) and / or the resin fine particles (P). The aqueous medium (I) and the aqueous medium (II) are mixed using a combination such that part or all of P2) becomes colored resin fine particles, and the resin fine particles (P1) and the resin fine particles (P2) are mixed. And a shell layer formed by associating the resin fine particles (P2) with the resin fine particles (P1) as core particles by using the resin fine particles (P1) as core particles, thereby producing an electrophotographic toner having a core-shell structure. To be able to.
(B) The toner for electrophotography has improved hot-melt resistance by arranging a high-viscosity polyester resin having a softening point of 120 to 190 ° C as a shell layer, and has a low softening point of 70 to 130 ° C. Good image quality by arranging viscous polyester resin as core particles.
That is, the present invention relates to an aqueous dispersion (I) obtained by dispersing resin fine particles (P1) containing a self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p1) having a softening point of 70 to 130 ° C. in an aqueous medium and a softening point of 120 to 130 ° C. An aqueous dispersion (II) obtained by dispersing resin fine particles (P2) containing a self-water dispersible polyester resin (p2) at 190 ° C. in an aqueous medium is mixed, and resin fine particles (P1) and resin fine particles (P1) are mixed. P2), wherein the resin fine particles (P1) are used as core particles to form a shell layer formed by associating the resin fine particles (P2) on the surface of the core particles. The softening point of the polyester resin (p2) is higher than the softening point of the polyester resin (p1), and a part or all of the resin fine particles (P1) and / or the resin fine particles (P2) are colored. There is provided a method of manufacturing electrophotographic toner, which is a resin particle.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail.
The self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p1) having a softening point of 70 to 130 ° C and the self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p2) having a softening point of 120 to 190 ° C used in the present invention are an emulsifier, a suspension stabilizer, and the like. Is a polyester resin which can be dispersed in an aqueous medium without using a polyester resin. Among them, an organic solvent such as tetrahydrofuran or methyl ethyl ketone which can dissolve the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) at room temperature is used. After dissolving (p1) and the polyester resin (p2), the obtained resin solution is stirred with an aqueous medium (a neutralizing agent is contained in the case of a polyester resin which can be dispersed in the aqueous medium by neutralization). (Aqueous medium) by dropping, phase-inversion emulsification and a polyester resin capable of being dispersed in the form of particles having an average particle diameter of 10 μm or less. Preferred, particularly preferred polyester resins which can be dispersed in 0.1μm or less particulate.
Examples of the self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p1) and the self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p2) include neutralized acid group-containing polyester resins such as a metal sulfonate and a metal carboxylate. A neutralized basic group-containing polyester-based resin; a hydrophilic segment-containing polyester-based resin such as a polyester-based resin having a so-called nonionic structure such as hydroxypolyoxyethylene; and an acid group having a carboxyl group or the like; Polyester resin that can be anionized in the aqueous phase by adding a neutralizing agent such as an organic base such as alkanolamine or an inorganic base such as ammonia or sodium hydroxide; a base such as an amino group or a pyridine ring It has a basic group and can be cationized in the aqueous phase by adding a neutralizing agent such as an organic acid or an inorganic acid. Riesuteru resins. Among them, preferably neutralized acid group-containing polyester resin and acid group-containing polyester, is particularly preferred acid group-containing polyester resin from it easily save a low hygroscopic property.
As the neutralized acid group-containing polyester resin, for example, a polyester resin obtained by using a compound having a neutralized acid group as an essential component, containing an acid group such as a carboxyl group, and neutralized And then preparing a polyester resin to be a self-water dispersible polyester resin, and then neutralizing the acid group to obtain a polyester resin. Specific examples thereof include a neutralized carboxyl group-containing polyester resin, a neutralized sulfone group-containing polyester resin, a neutralized phosphate group-containing polyester resin, and the like. When a polyester resin obtained by using a neutralized acid group-containing compound as an essential component as a self-water dispersible polyester resin (p1) or a self-water dispersible polyester resin (p2), neutralized sulfone is used. A group-containing polyester resin is preferable.After preparing a polyester resin to be a self-water dispersible polyester resin by the neutralization, when the polyester resin obtained by neutralizing an acid group is used, the polyester resin is neutralized. Carboxyl group-containing polyester resins are preferred. The acid value when the neutralized acid group-containing polyester resin is removed from neutralization is preferably 1 to 100, more preferably 5 to 40.
The polyester resin obtained by using the compound having a neutralized acid group as an essential component is, for example, a dibasic acid or an anhydride thereof and a dihydric alcohol and a dibasic acid having a neutralized acid group. As an essential component, if necessary, in combination with a trifunctional or higher polybasic acid, an anhydride thereof, a monobasic acid, a trifunctional or higher alcohol, a monohydric alcohol, and the like. It can be prepared by a method such as dehydration condensation at a reaction temperature of 180 to 260 ° C. while measuring the value.
Examples of the above-mentioned acid group-containing polyester resin include a carboxyl group-containing polyester resin, a sulfonic acid group-containing polyester resin, and a phosphate group-containing polyester resin. Among them, a carboxyl group-containing polyester resin is preferable. The acid value of the polyester-based resin containing an acid group is preferably from 1 to 100, and more preferably from 5 to 40.
The carboxyl group-containing polyester resin includes, for example, a dibasic acid or an anhydride thereof and a dihydric alcohol as essential, and if necessary, a trifunctional or more polybasic acid, an anhydride thereof, a monobasic acid, and a trifunctional acid. The above alcohols, monohydric alcohols and the like are used in a composition ratio in which a carboxyl group remains, and are prepared by a method such as dehydration condensation at a reaction temperature of 180 to 260 ° C. while measuring an acid value while heating in a nitrogen atmosphere. Can be.
The neutralized acid group-containing polyester resin or acid group-containing polyester resin
As an apparatus used for the preparation of a batch, a batch-type production apparatus such as a reaction vessel equipped with a nitrogen inlet, a thermometer, a stirrer, a rectification tower, etc. can be suitably used, and an extrusion equipped with a deaeration port can be used. An apparatus, a continuous reaction apparatus, a kneader and the like can also be used. In the above dehydration condensation, the esterification reaction can be promoted by reducing the pressure of the reaction system as necessary. Further, various catalysts can be added to promote the esterification reaction.
Examples of the catalyst include antimony oxide, barium oxide, zinc acetate, manganese acetate, cobalt acetate, zinc succinate, zinc borate, cadmium formate, lead monoxide, calcium silicate, dibutyltin oxide, butylhydroxytin oxide, and tetrabutyl oxide. Isopropyl titanate, tetrabutyl titanate, magnesium methoxide, sodium methoxide and the like.
Examples of the dibasic acid having a neutralized acid group include sulfoterephthalic acid, 3-sulfoisophthalic acid, 4-sulfophthalic acid, 4-sulfonaphthalene-2,7-dicarboxylic acid, and sulfo-p Metal salts such as sodium salt, potassium salt, calcium salt, barium salt and zinc salt such as -xylylene glycol and 2-sulfo-1,4-bis (hydroxyethoxy) benzene.
Examples of the dibasic acid and its anhydride include maleic acid, maleic anhydride, fumaric acid, itaconic acid, itaconic anhydride, oxalic acid, malonic acid, succinic acid, succinic anhydride, dodecyl succinic acid, dodecyl anhydride Linear aliphatic dibasic acids such as succinic acid, dodecenylsuccinic acid, dodecenylsuccinic anhydride, adipic acid, azelaic acid, sebacic acid, decane-1,10-dicarboxylic acid; phthalic acid, tetrahydrophthalic acid and anhydrides, hexa Hydrophthalic acid and its anhydride, tetrabromophthalic acid and its anhydride, tetrachlorophthalic acid and its anhydride, hetic acid and its anhydride, hymic acid and its anhydride, isophthalic acid, terephthalic acid, cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, Aromatic or cycloaliphatic disalts such as 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid Acid and the like.
Examples of the divalent alcohol include ethylene glycol, 1,2-propylene glycol, 1,4-butanediol, 1,5-pentaneddiol, 1,6-hexanediol, and diethylene glycol. Linear aliphatic diols such as phenol, dipropylene glycol, triethylene glycol and neopentyl glycol; bisphenols such as bisphenol A and bisphenol F; bisphenol Bisphenol A alkylene oxide adducts such as ethylene oxide adduct of A and bisphenol A propylene oxide adduct; aralkylene glycols such as xylylene diglycol; 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol And cycloaliphatic diols such as hydrogenated bisphenol A.
Examples of the trifunctional or higher polybasic acid and its anhydride include trimellitic acid, trimellitic anhydride, methylcyclohexentricarboxylic acid, methylcyclohexentricarboxylic anhydride, pyromellitic acid, pyromellitic anhydride and the like.
Examples of the monobasic acid include benzoic acid and p-tert-butylbenzoic acid.
Examples of trifunctional or higher functional alcohols include glycerin, trimethylolethane, trimethylolpropane, sorbitol, 1,2,3,6-hexanetetrol, 1,4-sorbitan, pentaerythritol, Pentaerythritol, 2-methylpropanetriol, 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene, tris (2-hydroxyethyl) isocyanurate and the like can be mentioned.
Examples of the monohydric alcohol include higher alcohols such as stearyl alcohol.
The above-mentioned dibasic acids, their anhydrides, trifunctional or higher functional basic acids, their anhydrides, monobasic acids and the like may be used alone or in combination of two or more. Further, those in which a part or all of the carboxyl group is an alkyl ester, an alkenyl ester or an aryl ester can also be used.
The above-mentioned dihydric alcohol, trifunctional or higher functional alcohol, monohydric alcohol and the like can be used alone or in combination of two or more.
Further, for example, a compound having both a hydroxyl group and a carboxyl group in one molecule such as dimethylolpropionic acid, dimethylolbutanoic acid and 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid, or a reactive derivative thereof can be used.
The polyester resin (p1) used in the present invention needs to have a softening point of 70 to 130 ° C. by a ring and ball method. If the softening point is lower than 70 ° C., the strength of the toner decreases, the storage stability decreases, and the hot offset resistance decreases, which is not preferable. If the temperature is higher than 130 ° C., the image quality and the low-temperature fixability become poor, which is not preferable. The softening point of the polyester resin (p1) is preferably from 75 to 125C, more preferably from 80 to 120C. The weight average molecular weight of the polyester resin (p1) determined by gel permeation (GPC) is preferably from 3,000 to 40,000, more preferably from 5,000 to 35,000.
The polyester resin (p2) used in the present invention needs to have a softening point of 120 to 190 ° C. by a ring and ball method. If the softening point is lower than 120 ° C., the strength of the toner decreases and the hot offset resistance decreases, which is not preferable. If the temperature is higher than 190 ° C., the low-temperature fixability becomes poor, the particles are hardly formed, and the image quality becomes poor. The softening point of the polyester resin (p2) is preferably from 135 to 180 ° C, more preferably from 140 to 170 ° C. Further, the weight average molecular weight of the polyester resin (p2) by the GPC method is preferably 50,000 to 500,000, more preferably 60,000 to 420,000, and particularly preferably 70,000 to 350,000.
In the present invention, it is necessary to use the polyester resin (p1) and the polyester resin (p2) in a combination in which the softening point of the polyester resin (p2) is higher than the softening point of the polyester resin (p1). There are, among others,
It is preferable to use a combination in which the difference between the softening point of the polyester-based resin (p1) and the softening point of the polyester-based (p2) is 20 ° C. or more, and a combination in which the difference in the softening points is 30 to 80 ° C. It is more preferable to use.
Further, as the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2), since the particle size distribution of the fine particles of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) becomes small, an alkyl group and / or an alkenyl group are used. More preferably, it is a polyester resin containing Among them, a terminal structure formed by ring-opening addition of an acid anhydride having an alkyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms or an alkenyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms to a terminal hydroxyl group of a polyester resin having a hydroxyl group at a terminal. Polyester resin having a carboxyl group at the terminal, formed by ring-opening addition of an aliphatic monoepoxy compound having an alkyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms or an alkenyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms at the terminal carboxyl group Particularly preferred is a polyester resin having a terminal structure.
Examples of the acid anhydride having an alkyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms or an alkenyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms include, for example, n-octyl succinic anhydride, isooctyl succinic anhydride, n-dodecenyl succinic anhydride, isododecenyl Succinic anhydride and the like can be mentioned, and among them, isododecyl succinic anhydride and dodecenyl succinic anhydride are preferable.
Examples of the aliphatic monoepoxy compound having an alkyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms or an alkenyl group having 4 to 20 carbon atoms include Kajura-E10, a glycidyl ester of a branched fatty acid manufactured by Shell Chemical Company; Monoglycidyl esters of fatty acids such as oil fatty acids, coconut oil fatty acids, soybean oil fatty acids, and tung oil fatty acids; and monoglycidyl esters of branched fatty acids such as isononanoic acid.
In the present invention, it is necessary that part or all of the resin fine particles (P1) and / or the resin fine particles (P2) be colored. It is sufficient that the resin fine particles having a core-shell structure obtained by the production method of the present invention are colored so that they can be used as an electrophotographic toner. For example, the resin fine particles (P1) are colored and the resin fine particles ( P2) may not be colored, the resin fine particles (P1) may not be colored, and part or all of the resin fine particles (P2) may be colored, or the resin fine particles (P1) and the resin fine particles Part or all of (P2) may be colored, but it is preferable to use colored resin fine particles as the resin fine particles (P1). The aqueous dispersion containing the colored resin fine particles may be, for example, a colored resin obtained by kneading a polyester resin (p1) or a polyester resin (p2) and a colorant (A) using a pressure kneader or the like. It is obtained by dispersing in an aqueous medium.
Examples of the coloring agent (A) include carbon black, red iron oxide, navy blue, titanium oxide, nigrosine dye (CI No. 50415B), aniline blue (CI No. 50405), and calco oil blue (C). No. azoic Blue 3), chrome yellow (CI No. 14090), ultramarine blue (CI. No. 77103), Dupont oil red (CI. No. 26105, quinoline yellow (C. No. 47005), methylene blue chloride (CI No. 52015), phthalocyanine blue (CI No. 74160), malachite green oxalate (CI No. 74160), malachite green oxalate (C.I. No. 42000), lamp black (C.I.N. o. 77266) and Rose Bengal (CI No. 45435).
The colorant (A) is preferably used in an amount of 1 to 20 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2). These colorants can be used alone or in combination of two or more.
The aqueous dispersion (I) used in the present invention is preferably an aqueous dispersion in which the average particle diameter of the fine resin particles (P1) is 1 to 10 μm, since a toner suitable as an electrophotographic toner can be obtained. An aqueous dispersion having an average particle size of 2 to 8 μm is more preferable.
The aqueous dispersion (I) is obtained by preparing an aqueous dispersion obtained by dispersing resin fine particles containing a polyester resin (p1) in an aqueous medium, and then associating the resin fine particles in the aqueous dispersion. After preparing an aqueous dispersion (I-1) in which associated fine particles are dispersed, or an aqueous dispersion in which resin fine particles containing a polyester-based resin (p1) are dispersed in an aqueous medium, the aqueous dispersion is colored. The aqueous dispersion of the agent particles and / or the aqueous dispersion of the colored resin particles are mixed to form a mixed dispersion, and the resin particles containing the polyester resin (p1) in the mixed dispersion and the colorant particles and / or An aqueous dispersion (I-2) in which associated fine particles obtained by associating with colored resin fine particles are dispersed is preferable. For the association, for example, a method for performing association between the resin fine particles (P1) and the resin fine particles (P2) described later can be used.
When producing the aqueous dispersion containing the associated fine particles, it is preferable to heat the polyester resin (p1) at the glass transition temperature (Tg) to the glass transition temperature + 50 ° C. at the time of the association. It is more preferable to heat under a pressure of ~ 1.0 MPa (gauge pressure).
The aqueous dispersion of the colorant particles or the aqueous dispersion of the separately prepared colored resin fine particles is not particularly limited as long as the colorant particles or the colored resin fine particles are dispersed in the form of fine particles in an aqueous medium. However, for example, an aqueous dispersion in which the colorant (A) is emulsified using a surfactant or the like, an aqueous dispersion in which the colorant (A) and the resin are heated and melted, and then dispersed in water containing the dispersant, etc. Is mentioned. The concentration of the colorant particles or the colored resin particles in the aqueous dispersion is preferably 5 to 10 times the colorant concentration of the target toner.
In the aqueous dispersion obtained by dispersing resin fine particles containing the polyester resin (p1) used for preparing the aqueous dispersion (I-1) and the aqueous dispersion (I-2) in the aqueous dispersion. The average particle diameter of the resin fine particles is preferably 0.05 to 0.8 μm, more preferably 0.08 to 0.5 μm, and particularly preferably 0.1 to 0.4 μm.
The average particle diameter of the resin fine particles (P2) in the aqueous dispersion (II) used in the present invention is preferably from 0.03 to 1.0 μm because a shell layer is easily formed, and more preferably from 0.08 to 0.5 μm. , 0.2 to 0.4 μm is more preferable.
The average particle diameter of the resin fine particles (P1) is more preferably larger than the average particle diameter of the resin fine particles (P2), since it is easy to manufacture an electrophotographic toner having a core-shell structure.
As the production method of the present invention, for example,
Step 1. An aqueous dispersion (I) obtained by dispersing resin fine particles (P1) containing a polyester resin (p1) in an aqueous dispersion, and an aqueous dispersion containing resin fine particles (P2) containing a polyester resin (p2) Producing an aqueous dispersion (II) dispersed therein,
Step 2. The aqueous dispersion (I) and the aqueous dispersion (II) obtained in the above step 1 are mixed, and the resin fine particles (P1) and the resin fine particles (P2) are associated with each other to use the resin fine particles (P1) as core particles. Forming a shell layer formed by associating resin fine particles on the surface of the core particles to form associated fine particles,
Step 3. Recovering the associated fine particles from the dispersion containing the associated fine particles obtained in the step 2, washing with ion-exchanged water or the like, if necessary, and then drying;
And the like.
In step 1, the aqueous dispersion (I) and the aqueous dispersion (II) can be prepared, for example, by the production method of Patent Document 1. Specifically, the production method is, for example, dissolving a carboxyl group-containing polyester resin in tetrahydrofuran to form a resin solution, adding ammonia water to the resin solution to neutralize the carboxyl group, then adding a pigment and kneading. Then, ion-exchanged water is added dropwise to the kneaded material to perform phase inversion emulsification. After the phase inversion emulsification is completed, tetrahydrofuran is distilled off by distillation under reduced pressure, and the toner raw material is separated by filtration and dried to obtain a toner. is there.
The aqueous dispersion (I) used in the present invention is preferable because the dispersion obtained by the following production method (1) can provide an electrophotographic toner in which the amount of the organic solvent remaining in the resin fine particles is small. In the aqueous dispersion (II) used in the present invention, the dispersion obtained by the following production method (2) has a small amount of organic solvent remaining in the resin fine particles, and an electrophotographic toner having good image quality can be obtained. preferable. Further, it is most preferable to use the dispersion obtained by the above-mentioned production method (1) as the aqueous dispersion (I) and to use the dispersion obtained by the above-mentioned production method (1) as the aqueous dispersion (II).
Production method (1): swelling a self-water-dispersible thermoplastic resin (P) with an organic solvent (S) having a boiling point of less than 100 ° C. which does not dissolve the self-water-dispersible thermoplastic resin (P) but can swell. A first step of producing a swelled body by dispersing the swelled body into fine particles in an aqueous medium to produce an initial aqueous dispersion, and a step of preparing the organic solvent (S) from the initial aqueous dispersion. ) By removing the self-water-dispersible thermoplastic resin (P) into a dispersion in which the fine particles of the self-water-dispersible thermoplastic resin (P) are dispersed in the aqueous medium. A process for producing an aqueous dispersion of polyester resin fine particles using a self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p1) as P).
Production method (2): Polyester using self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p2) instead of using self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p1) as self-water-dispersible thermoplastic resin (P) in the above-mentioned production method (1) A method for producing an aqueous dispersion of resin fine particles.
In the production method (1) or the production method (2), for example, a step such as a meeting may be performed as necessary.
The organic solvent (S) used in the production methods (1) and (2) does not dissolve the polyester-based resin (p1) or the polyester-based resin (p2) but has a boiling point [atmospheric pressure (101.3 KPa) that can swell. ) Refers to the boiling point. The same applies hereinafter. Any organic solvent having a temperature of less than 100 ° C. may be used. When an organic solvent dissolving the polyester-based resin (P1) or the polyester-based resin (p2) and / or an organic solvent having a boiling point of 100 ° C. or higher is used, it is difficult to remove the organic solvent in the third step. When an organic solvent that cannot swell the resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) is used, the dispersion of the polyester resin (p1) and the polyester resin (p2) in the aqueous medium in the second step is performed. Are not preferred because of the difficulty of the above.
When the organic solvent (S) is used in combination with the organic solvent and the polyester-based resin (p1) or the polyester-based resin (p2), the polyester-based resin (p1) or the polyester-based resin (25) at 25 ° C. p2) means an organic solvent having a solubility in the organic solvent of 15% by weight or less, and an organic solvent having a solubility of 0% by weight in the organic solvent of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2). It does not mean.
The determination as to whether or not the organic solvent (S) is applicable is made by, for example, to 7.1 of Interpretation of Results: 7.2 of ASTM D3132-84 (Reapproved 1996). The determination can be performed using the determination method described in 2.1.3.
The determination as to whether or not the organic solvent (S) is made is specifically made by sealing 15 parts by weight of the particulate polyester resin (p1) or polyester resin (p2) and 85 parts by weight of the organic solvent in a flask. After shaking at 25 ° C. for 16 hours, the dissolution state was observed, and according to the following judgment categories described in ASTM D3132-84, to, 1. "Perfect solution" or 2. "Boundary solution" or 3. The determination can be made by determining which category of “insoluble” belongs.
1. "Complete Solution"; a single transparent phase without distinct solids or gel particles (A single, clear liquid phase with solid or gel particles).
2. "Borderline Solution"; a transparent or turbid but with distinct phase separation without clear phase separation.
3. "Insoluble"; separated into two phases: a liquid containing a separated gel solid phase or a liquid separated into two phases (Two phases: ether a liquid with separate gel solid phase or two separate liquids).
In the present invention, as the particulate polyester resin (p1) or the particulate polyester resin (p2), a coarsely pulverized polyester resin (p1) passed through a screen having a hole diameter of 3 mm and a polyester resin (p The coarsely pulverized product of p2) was used for the above judgment.
In the production method (1) and the production method (2), in the present invention, the polyester resin (p1) and the organic solvent (S), and the polyester resin (p2) and the organic solvent (S) are mixed with the organic solvent. In determining whether or not (S) is satisfied, 2. "borderline solution", or Used in a combination that becomes "insoluble". By using the polyester resin (p1) and the organic solvent (S) and the polyester resin (p2) and the organic solvent (S) in this combination, the solvent can be easily removed in the third step.
As the organic solvent (S) used in the present invention, the polyester-based resin (p1) at 25 ° C. can be more easily removed from the solvent in the third step of the production method (1) or the production method (2). ) And the polyester resin (p2) preferably have an solubility of 10% by weight or less, more preferably 7% by weight or less. The determination of the solubility at this time is not made by determining whether the organic solvent corresponds to the organic solvent (S) at the resin concentration of 15% by weight, but by determining whether the resin concentration is 10% by weight or 7% by weight. It is possible by doing.
Further, as the organic solvent (S), it is easy to remove from the particulate swollen body dispersed in the aqueous medium, and it is possible to easily, efficiently and economically produce resin particles having a very small amount of residual solvent. Organic solvents that are compatible with are preferred. However, as the organic solvent compatible with water, it is not necessary that water and the organic solvent form a uniform phase at all mixing ratios, and the polyester-based resin (p1) or the polyester-based resin (p2) is converted into an organic solvent (S It suffices that the swelled body obtained by swelling in step (b) be compatible with each other at the temperature at which the swelled body is dispersed in the aqueous medium and the composition range of water and the organic solvent. The organic solvent (S) may be either a single solvent or a mixed solvent as long as it satisfies this condition, but is compatible with water at the temperature at which the organic solvent (S) is removed in the third step. Those which are compatible with water at 25 ° C. are more preferable. Among them, as the organic solvent (S), the solubility in water at 25 ° C is preferably 50% by weight or more, and it is particularly preferable that the organic solvent (S) is compatible with water at 25 ° C in all proportions. Furthermore, when the organic solvent (S) is a mixed solvent, it is preferable that the boiling point of each of the organic solvents used is less than 100 ° C. Further, the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) is more preferably 40 to 90 ° C. The temperature is more preferably from 40 to 85 ° C, and most preferably from 40 to 60 ° C.
Examples of the organic solvent compatible with water include ketones such as acetone (solubility: compatible with water in all proportions; boiling point: 56.1 ° C.); methanol (solubility: water in all proportions) Compatible, boiling point: 64.7 ° C), ethanol (solubility: compatible with water in all proportions, boiling point: 78.3 ° C), isopropyl alcohol (solubility: compatible with water in all proportions, Alcohols such as boiling point: 82.26 ° C .; esters such as methyl acetate (solubility: 24% by weight, boiling point: 56.9 ° C.). These organic solvents may be used alone or as a mixture of two or more. Preferred as organic solvents are ketones and alcohols, more preferred are acetone and isopropyl alcohol, and most preferred is acetone.
The amount of the organic solvent (S) to be used depends on the particle size of the target resin fine particles, but in the first step, the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) can sufficiently use the organic solvent (S). To be swollen into a paste-like swollen body which is easy to disperse in the form of fine particles, that the swollen body is easily dispersed in an aqueous medium in the second step, and that the dispersion is completed. Since the amount of the aqueous medium to be used can be suppressed, and the content of the organic solvent (S) in the aqueous dispersion is not increased and the production efficiency is improved, the polyester resin (p1) and the polyester resin (p2) are used. The amount is preferably from 5 to 300 parts by weight, more preferably from 10 to 200 parts by weight, most preferably from 20 to 150 parts by weight, per 100 parts by weight.
The amount of the aqueous medium used is 70 to 400 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of the total of the polyester resin (p1) and the organic solvent (S) or 100 parts by weight of the total of the polyester resin (p2) and the organic solvent (S). , And more preferably 100 to 250 parts by weight.
As the aqueous medium used in the present invention, for example, a resin that can be dispersed in an aqueous medium without using an emulsifier, a suspension stabilizer, or the like was used as the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2). In this case, water is preferable, and as the polyester-based resin (p1) or polyester-based resin (p2), a resin that can be dispersed in an aqueous medium by neutralization without using an emulsifier, a suspension stabilizer, or the like is used. In this case, water containing a neutralizing agent is preferable. In addition, these aqueous media may further contain an emulsifier, a suspension stabilizer, and the like, if necessary, but it is usually preferable not to contain them.
When a polyester resin which can be dispersed in an aqueous medium by neutralization is used as the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2), in order to impart self-water dispersibility to these resins, Neutralization with a neutralizing agent is performed in any step up to the second step of dispersing a swelled body obtained by swelling a polyester resin with an organic solvent (S) in an aqueous medium. In the second step of dispersing in a medium, it is preferable to neutralize using an aqueous medium containing a neutralizing agent.
When the polyester resin capable of being dispersed in an aqueous medium by the neutralization is an acid group-containing resin, examples of the neutralizing agent used for neutralizing the acid group include sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and water. Alkali compounds such as lithium oxide; carbonates of alkali metals such as sodium, potassium and lithium; acetates of the alkali metals; aqueous ammonia; alkylamines such as methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, ethylamine, diethylamine, triethylamine; diethanolamine And the like. Among them, aqueous ammonia is preferable.
Further, when the acrylic resin or polyester resin which can be dispersed in an aqueous medium by the neutralization is a basic group-containing resin, examples of the neutralizing agent used for neutralizing the basic group include formic acid. And organic acids such as acetic acid and propionic acid; and inorganic acids such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and phosphoric acid.
The amount of the neutralizing agent to be used is 0.9 to 5.0 times equivalent to the equivalent of the acid group in the acid group-containing resin or the equivalent of the basic group in the basic group-containing resin. The amount is preferably an amount, more preferably an amount equivalent to 1.0 to 3.0 times equivalent.
The method for producing the swelled body in the first step of the production method (1) or the production method (2) is not particularly limited, but the swelled body can be obtained in a short time, and then the swelled body is produced in the second step. Since the dispersion in an aqueous medium is also facilitated, the swollen body is produced by heating with the organic solvent (S) using the particulate polyester resin (p1) or the particulate polyester resin (p2). It is more preferable to produce the swelled body under pressure. At this time, the heating temperature of the polyester resin (p1) and the organic solvent (S) and the heating temperature of the polyester resin (p2) and the organic solvent (S) are preferably equal to or higher than the boiling point of the organic solvent (S). The boiling point of the organic solvent (S) is more preferably 180 ° C., and the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) + 10 ° C. to 120 ° C. is particularly preferable. The pressure in the system is preferably 0.1 to 2.0 MPa in terms of gauge pressure, more preferably 0.2 to 1.5 MPa in terms of gauge pressure, and still more preferably 0.3 to 1.0 in terms of gauge pressure. 0 MPa. As a method for pressurizing the inside of the system, for example, a method of evaporating the organic solvent (S) by heating to obtain the above-mentioned swollen body and pressurizing the inside of the system, or a method of introducing an inert gas into the system in advance and preliminarily adding After the pressure is applied, the organic solvent (S) may be heated to further pressurize by evaporating the organic solvent (S). The reflux and boiling of the organic solvent (S) can be suppressed, and the polyester-based resin fine particle aqueous dispersion having a narrow particle size distribution can be used. Preliminary pressurization is preferred because a body can be obtained. The pre-pressurization is preferably 0.05 to 0.5 MPa.
After the swelled body is obtained in the first step, the method for producing the initial aqueous dispersion by dispersing the swelled body in fine particles in the second step is not particularly limited. In the first step, the swelled body obtained by heating the organic solvent (S) to a temperature equal to or higher than the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) in the first step is used, and the swelled body is subjected to the organic treatment under pressure. It is preferable to disperse the solvent (S) into fine particles in the aqueous medium by a mechanical shearing force at a temperature not lower than the boiling point of the solvent (S) and not higher than 120 ° C. to obtain an initial aqueous dispersion. The temperature of the system at this time is preferably from the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) to 180 ° C., particularly preferably from the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) + 10 ° C. to 120 ° C. Further, the pressure of this system is preferably 0.1 to 2.0 MPa in gauge pressure, more preferably 0.2 to 1.5 MPa in gauge pressure, and still more preferably 0.3 to 1.0 MPa in gauge pressure. is there. When the preparation of the swelling body and the preparation of the dispersion are performed in the same container, the heating and pressurizing conditions of the system at the start of the preparation of the dispersion are the same as the temperature and pressure at the end of the preparation of the swelling body. Preferably, there is. The temperature of the aqueous medium used here is preferably not lower than the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) and not higher than 120 ° C., particularly preferably not lower than the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) and lower than 100 ° C. It is more preferable that the temperature be within the range of the temperature of the system at the start of the step -20 ° C to the temperature of the system at the start of the second step.
Further, the temperature at the time of producing the swollen body in the first step and the temperature at the time of producing the initial aqueous dispersion in the second step are respectively the polyester resin (p1) and the polyester resin (p2). Is preferably lower than the melting point or softening point of the polyester resin (p1) or the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polyester resin (p2), respectively. The temperature is preferably equal to or higher than the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) and 10 to 50 ° C. higher than the glass transition temperature (Tg). In addition, the temperature at the time of producing the swollen body in the first step and the temperature at the time of producing the initial aqueous dispersion in the second step may be the same or different.
As the production method (1) and the production method (2), for example, the following methods (1) to (3) are exemplified.
{Circle around (1)} As the first step, a polyester resin (p1) or a polyester resin (p2) and an organic solvent (S) are charged into a closed container, and the polyester resin is stirred under heating, preferably under heat and pressure. After producing a swelled body by swelling the (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) with an organic solvent (S), as a second step, the obtained swelled body is preferably subjected to mechanical shearing force such as agitation, preferably. Under heat and pressure, the dispersion is dispersed in fine particles in an aqueous medium which may contain a neutralizing agent to obtain an initial aqueous dispersion, and then, as a third step, the organic solvent ( A method for producing a dispersion in which fine particles of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) are dispersed in an aqueous medium by removing S).
(2) After the swelled body is obtained in the same manner as in the first step of (1), as the second step, the obtained swelled body is continuously emulsified with an aqueous medium which may contain a neutralizing agent. The swelled body is dispersed in the form of fine particles in the aqueous medium by mechanical shearing force while being continuously supplied to a dispersing machine to form an initial aqueous dispersion, and then, as a third step, from the obtained initial aqueous dispersion, A method for producing a dispersion in which fine particles of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) are dispersed in an aqueous medium by removing the organic solvent (S).
{Circle around (3)} In the first step, the polyester resin (p1) or polyester resin (p2) melted by melt-kneading in an extruder or the like, or the synthesized polyester resin (p1) or polyester resin (p2) in a molten state. ), The organic solvent (S) is continuously supplied by a method such as press-fitting, and the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) is swollen with the organic solvent (S) under mixing to form a swollen body. After the manufactured swelled body is cooled to a temperature lower than the melting point or softening point of the polyester-based resin (p1) or polyester-based resin (p2), the obtained swelled body is neutralized with the obtained swelled body as a second step. An aqueous medium which may contain an agent is dispersed into fine particles in the aqueous medium by mechanical shearing force while continuously supplying a continuous emulsifying and dispersing machine to form an initial aqueous dispersion. Next, as a third step, the organic solvent (S) is removed from the obtained initial aqueous dispersion to disperse the fine particles of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) in an aqueous medium. How to make the body.
Among these methods, the above method (1) or (2) is preferable because an aqueous dispersion of fine resin particles of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) can be obtained relatively easily. The polyester-based resin (p1) or polyester-based resin (p2) used in the methods (1) and (2) may be in the form of particles because it can be a swollen body in a relatively short time. Preferable examples include pellets having a particle diameter of 1 to 7 mm, coarsely pulverized materials passed through a screen having a hole diameter of 2 to 7 mm, and powder having an average particle diameter of 800 μm or less.
Hereinafter, more specific examples of the dispersion of the resin fine particles containing the polyester resin fine particles (p1) and the aqueous dispersion of the resin fine particles containing the polyester resin fine particles (p2) according to the above methods (1) and (2) will be described. Examples of manufacturing are described below.
First, a 2 L glass autoclave with propeller blades was used, and the polyester resin (p1) or the particulate matter obtained by pulverizing the polyester resin (p2) and the organic solvent (S) were charged into the autoclave. The autoclave is pre-pressurized by introducing an active gas into the autoclave at a pressure of 0.05 to 0.5 MPa. Then, the temperature of the organic solvent (S1) is partially vaporized by raising the temperature to a temperature higher than the boiling point of the organic solvent (S) under stirring at 10 to 300 rpm. After pressurizing the inside of the autoclave to 0.1 to 2.0 MPa (gauge pressure) by stirring, the mixture is stirred at 50 to 700 rpm for 3 to 60 minutes to convert the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) into an organic solvent. To form a swollen body (first step).
Examples of the inert gas used for the preliminary pressurization include a nitrogen gas, a helium gas, a neon gas, an argon gas and the like, and a nitrogen gas is preferable.
The swelled body obtained in this step is absorbed by the polyester resin (p1) or polyester resin (p2) that has absorbed the organic solvent (S), and is absorbed by the polyester resin (p1) or polyester resin (p2). It is a mixture with the organic solvent (S) that remains without being. In addition, for example, in a system of a polyester resin and isopropyl alcohol, when the stirring speed is reduced to about 50 rpm, it is observed that isopropyl alcohol separates from the resin phase to form two phases.
After the swelled body is obtained in this manner, in the method (1), an aqueous medium, for example, water or ammonia water, which has been heated in advance while stirring at 300 to 1500 rpm, is injected under pressure over 2 to 30 minutes. Then, phase inversion emulsification is performed to obtain an initial aqueous dispersion in which the swelled body is dispersed in fine particles (second step). At this time, the organic solvent (S1) in the swelled body has undergone local boiling and reflux, and molecules of the organic solvent (S) having low affinity with the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2). Is considered to form an environment that easily separates from the polyester-based resin (p1) or the polyester-based resin (p2) and facilitates phase inversion emulsification.
In the method (2), after obtaining the swelled body, a continuous emulsifying and dispersing machine, for example, a ring-shaped stator having a slit and a ring-shaped rotating member having a slit disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 9-311502. The swelled body is continuously dispersed in the form of fine particles in an aqueous medium by using a high-speed rotation type continuous emulsifying / dispersing machine or the like in which the particles are coaxially provided (second step). In this case, the swollen body and the aqueous medium may be fed to a continuous emulsifying and dispersing machine under predetermined temperature and pressure conditions, and the rotor may be rotated at 300 to 10,000 rpm.
After obtaining a dispersion in which the swelled body is dispersed in the form of fine particles, the organic solvent (S) is removed from the obtained dispersion, whereby resin fine particles of the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) are obtained. Is obtained in an aqueous medium (third step). Examples of the method of removing the organic solvent (S) include a method of spraying into a decompression chamber, a method of forming a thin film on the inner surface of a desolvation can wall, and a method of passing through a desolvation can containing a filler for solvent absorption. No. As an example of a method for removing the organic solvent (S), a removal method using a rotary evaporator will be described below.
Sample volume: 500ml
Container: 2L eggplant type flask
Rotation speed: 60 rpm
Bath temperature; 47 ° C
Decompression degree: Increase the decompression degree from 13.3 KPa to 1.33 KPa over 20 minutes, and then remove the solvent at 1.33 KPa for 10 minutes.
In the production method (1) or the production method (2), the aqueous dispersion of the resin fine particles containing the polyester resin (p1) or the aqueous dispersion of the resin fine particles containing the polyester resin (p1) is changed by variously changing the production conditions. The average particle size of the resin fine particles in the body can be freely controlled within a range of about 0.01 to 50 μm.
In the production method (1) and the production method (2), in order to control the average particle diameter of the resin fine particles containing the polyester resin (P1) and the resin fine particles containing the polyester resin (p2) in the obtained dispersion to be small. For example, the following means may be used.
{Circle around (1)} Increase the hydrophilic segment concentration such as the concentration of acid groups or neutralized acid groups in the polyester resin (p1) or polyester resin (p2).
{Circle around (2)} When a polyester resin (p1) or a polyester resin (p2) that can be dispersed in an aqueous medium by neutralization is used as the polyester resin (p2), the amount of the neutralizing agent is increased.
{Circle around (3)} Increase the amount of the organic solvent (S) used for the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2).
{Circle around (4)} Increase the temperature during dispersion production.
{Circle around (5)} Increase the stirring speed during dispersion production.
Conversely, in order to increase the average particle size of the resin fine particles in the obtained dispersion, these conditions may be reversed. The dispersion may be prepared by using additives such as a colorant (A), a magnetic powder, a wax, and a charge control agent together with the polyester resin (p1), the polyester resin (p2), and the organic solvent (S). The average particle size of the resin fine particles therein becomes large.
Next, by associating in the step 2, the resin fine particles (P1) are used as core particles to form a shell layer formed by associating the resin fine particles (P2) on the surface of the core particles. Here, the "meeting" will be described. Generally, the resin fine particles in the aqueous resin fine particle dispersion obtained by the above-described production method are stably present in the aqueous medium without aggregation due to electrostatic repulsion derived from the surface charge, but at the same time, An attractive force acts between the resin particles due to the Waals force. Therefore, if the surface charge of the resin particles is appropriately reduced by some action, the attractive force becomes larger than the electrostatic repulsion, and the resin fine particles start to aggregate to form a dispersion of the resin particles grown to a larger particle diameter. This is called a meeting in the present invention. The temperature of this association is preferably the lower of the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polyester resin (p1) and the glass transition temperature of the polyester resin (p2) to 50 ° C. It is more preferable to heat under a pressure of ~ 1.0 MPa (gauge pressure). The time required for the association is usually 2 to 12 hours, preferably 4 to 10 hours. The association is preferably performed under stirring, preferably under gentle stirring, for example, under stirring at a rotation speed of about 10 to 100 rpm with the anchor blade.
Examples of a method for reducing or losing the surface charge of the resin particles include a method of adding an acid such as dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sulfuric acid, acetic acid, formic acid, or carbonic acid as a so-called reverse neutralizer. At this time, metal salts such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride, aluminum sulfate, ferric sulfate, and calcium chloride, and metal complexes such as calcium, aluminum, magnesium, and iron may be added as necessary. . In addition, a surfactant may be used as necessary for the purpose of dispersing a colorant or the like in the association step or controlling the progress of the association.
Examples of the surfactant include anionic surfactants such as sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate, sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium alkyldiphenyldisulfonate; cationic surfactants such as trimethylstearylammonium chloride; and alkylphenoxypoly (ethyleneoxy). Examples include nonionic surfactants such as ethanol, which can be appropriately selected and used.
The mixing ratio [(I) / (II)] of the aqueous dispersion (I) and the aqueous dispersion (II) in the step 2 is preferably 1 to 5 in terms of the weight ratio of the solid content, and more preferably 1.5 to 4. preferable.
When forming a shell layer formed by associating the resin fine particles (P2) on the surface of the core particle, it is preferable that the association is performed so that the thickness of the shell layer is 0.2 to 4 μm, and the thickness is 0 μm. More preferably, the association is performed so as to be 3 to 3 μm.
Examples of a method for collecting the particles having the core-shell structure obtained in the above step 3 include filtration and the like. The drying may be left at room temperature for natural drying, or may be performed using a dryer at a temperature that does not affect the performance of the electrophotographic toner, for example, about 50 ° C.
In the electrophotographic toner of the present invention, additives such as magnetic powder and wax may be used as needed. The electrophotographic toner containing these is kneaded in advance with the polyester resin (p1) or the polyester resin (p2) to form a kneaded product, and is manufactured by using an aqueous dispersion using the kneaded product. You can do it. These additives may be used alone or in combination of two or more.
Examples of the magnetic powder include simple metals such as magnetite, ferrite, cobalt, iron and nickel, and alloys thereof.
Waxes can be used as offset inhibitors for electrophotographic toners. Examples of the wax include, for example, synthetic waxes such as polypropylene wax, polyethylene wax, Fischer-Tropsch wax, stearylbisamide, and oxidized wax, and natural waxes such as carnauba wax and rice wax.
When a charge control agent is used, a toner having good charge characteristics can be obtained. As the charge control agent, for example, positive charge of nigrosine-based electron donating dye, naphthenic acid, metal salt of higher fatty acid, alkoxylated amine, quaternary ammonium salt, alkylamide, metal complex, pigment, fluorinated activator, etc. Control agents, electron-accepting organic complexes, chlorinated paraffins, chlorinated polyesters, and negative charge control agents such as sulfonylamine of copper phthalocyanine, and the like.
In the present invention, the ratio of nonvolatile components in the aqueous dispersion (I) or the aqueous dispersion (II) is determined by leaving the aqueous dispersion in a vacuum drier at 100 ° C. and 0.1 KPa for 3 hours, It was determined from the change in weight of the aqueous dispersion. The particle diameter of the fine particles is 0.001 to 2 μm, and the particle diameter is measured using a MICROTRAC UPA150 manufactured by Leeds + Northrup, and the particle diameter of 1 to 40 μm is measured by Beckman Coulter Multisizer. TM 3 was used.
The amount of the residual solvent in the aqueous dispersion was determined by gas chromatography under the following conditions.
Measuring machine: Shimadzu GC-17A
Column; ULBON HR-20M (PPG)
Column temperature: 80 to 150 ° C
Heating rate: 10 ° C / min
Hereinafter, the present invention will be specifically described with reference to Synthesis Examples, Examples, and Comparative Examples. Parts and percentages in the examples are by weight unless otherwise specified.
Synthesis Example 1 [Synthesis of polyester resin (p1)]
In a 3L stainless steel flask equipped with a stirrer, a nitrogen gas inlet, a thermometer and a rectification tower, 325 parts of ethylene glycol and 546 parts of neopentyl glycol were charged, the temperature was raised to 140 ° C, and 1.0 part of dibutyltin oxide was charged. After confirming that the inside of the system could be uniformly stirred, 1,632 parts of terephthalic acid, 43 parts of p-tert-butylbenzoic acid and 8 parts of benzoic acid were gradually added. Next, the temperature was increased to 195 ° C. over 3 hours while stirring was continued, and then increased to 245 ° C. over 10 hours. Further, the reaction was carried out at the same temperature for 8 hours, and after confirming that the acid value became 10 or less, the temperature was lowered to 200 ° C. At 200 ° C., 83 parts of dodecenyl succinic anhydride was added and reacted for 1 hour. The acid value was 17.2 mg KOH / g, the softening point was 112 ° C. by a ring and ball method, and the glass transition temperature (Tg) was measured by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Was 62 ° C., a polyester resin having a number average molecular weight (Mn) of 4,600 and a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 10,300 as measured by the GPC method. This is designated as polyester resin 1.
Synthesis Example 2 [Synthesis of polyester resin (p2)]
A 2 L stainless steel flask equipped with a stirrer, a nitrogen gas inlet, a thermometer and a rectification tower was charged with 144 parts of ethylene glycol, 199 parts of neopentyl glycol, 23 parts of Epiclone 830 and 23 parts of Kadura E-10, and the temperature was raised to 140 ° C. Then, 0.7 parts of dibutyltin oxide was added, and after confirming that the inside of the system could be uniformly stirred, 763 parts of terephthalic acid was gradually added. Next, the temperature was increased to 195 ° C. over 3 hours while stirring was continued, and then increased to 245 ° C. over 10 hours. The reaction was continued at the same temperature for 8 hours. When the acid value reached 19 and the softening point by the ring and ball method reached 105 ° C, the temperature was lowered to 230 ° C. The reaction was further carried out under a reduced pressure of 80 Torr or less for 1 hour, the acid value was 9.7, the softening point by the ring and ball method was 165 ° C., the Tg by DSC was 67 ° C., the Mn by GPC method was 5,800, and the Mw was 195,000. Was obtained. This is designated as polyester resin 2.
Reference Example 1 [Preparation of aqueous dispersion (I)]
The determination of the solubility of the polyester resin 1 in acetone under the condition that the concentration of the resin is 10% is determined in accordance with to of ASTM D3132-84 (Reapproved 1996). As a result of using the method, it was "solution on the boundary line" in the judgment category of the judgment method.
149 parts of polyester resin, 30 parts of legal 330 (carbon black manufactured by Cabot Corporation), 9 parts of Biscol 550P (polypropylene wax manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Co., Ltd.) and Bontron E-80 (manufactured by Orient Chemical Industries, Ltd.) (Charge control agent) 12 parts were mixed, mixed with a Henschel mixer, and kneaded with a pressure kneader to prepare a kneaded product. 100 parts of the coarsely pulverized product of this kneaded material and 100 parts of acetone are charged into a 2 L glass autoclave with a propeller blade, pre-pressurized to 0.2 MPa with nitrogen gas, and the inside of the system is rotated at 90 rpm while rotating the propeller blade at 100 rpm. Heated to ° C. At this time, the pressure in the autoclave had increased to 0.45 MPa. After the temperature in the system reached 90 ° C., the rotation speed of the propeller blade was increased to 900 rpm, and acetone was absorbed into the coarsely pulverized product while stirring for 10 minutes to obtain a translucent paste-like swollen body. Thereafter, 400 parts of an aqueous medium preheated to 90 ° C., consisting of 1.5 parts of 25% ammonia water and 398.5 parts of ion-exchanged water, are injected under pressure over 5 minutes to disperse the swelled body in water into fine particles. A milky initial aqueous dispersion was obtained. The neutralization rate [the ratio of the number of moles of ammonia in the aqueous medium (Ma) to the number of moles of carboxyl groups in the polyester resin 1 (Mc) [(Ma) / (Mc)] expressed as a percentage. The same applies hereinafter. ] Was 150 mol%. The obtained initial aqueous dispersion was cooled with water to 30 ° C. while stirring was taken out, and acetone was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 30 minutes using a rotary evaporator to obtain an aqueous dispersion 1 of polyester resin fine particles. . The dispersion had a nonvolatile content of 25%, a volume average particle size of 0.21 μm, a particle size distribution of 1.9, and a residual solvent amount of 240 ppm.
Reference Example 2 (same as above)
A kneaded product was prepared in the same manner as in Reference Example 1. 100 parts of the coarsely pulverized product of this kneaded material and 100 parts of tetrahydrofuran (THF) are charged into a 2 L glass autoclave equipped with a propeller blade, pre-pressurized to 0.2 MPa with nitrogen gas, and the system is rotated while rotating the propeller blade at 100 rpm. The inside was heated to 90 ° C. At this time, the pressure in the autoclave had increased to 0.45 MPa. After the temperature in the system reached 90 ° C., the rotation speed of the propeller blade was increased to 900 rpm, and the mixture was stirred for 10 minutes to obtain a resin solution. Thereafter, 400 parts of an aqueous medium preheated to 90 ° C., consisting of 1.5 parts of 25% aqueous ammonia and 398.5 parts of ion-exchanged water, is injected under pressure over 5 minutes to disperse the polyester resin in water into fine particles. A milky initial aqueous dispersion was obtained. The neutralization ratio at this time was 150 mol%. The obtained initial aqueous dispersion was cooled with water to 30 ° C. while stirring was taken out, and THF was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 30 minutes using a rotary evaporator to obtain an aqueous dispersion 2 of polyester resin fine particles. . This dispersion had a nonvolatile content of 25%, a volume average particle size of 0.23 μm, a particle size distribution of 1.8, and a residual solvent amount of 690 ppm.
Reference Example 3 (same as above)
125 parts of polyester resin, 54 parts of legal 330 (carbon black manufactured by Cabot Corporation), 9 parts of Biscol 550P (polypropylene wax manufactured by Sanyo Chemical Co., Ltd.) and Bontron E-80 (manufactured by Orient Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) (Charge control agent) 12 parts were mixed, mixed with a Henschel mixer, and kneaded with a pressure kneader to prepare a kneaded material. 100 parts of the coarsely pulverized product of this kneaded material and 100 parts of acetone are charged into a 2 L glass autoclave with a propeller blade, pre-pressurized to 0.2 MPa with nitrogen gas, and the inside of the system is rotated at 90 rpm while rotating the propeller blade at 100 rpm. Heated to ° C. At this time, the pressure in the autoclave had increased to 0.45 MPa. After the temperature in the system reached 90 ° C., the rotational speed of the propeller blade was increased to 900 rpm, and acetone was absorbed into the coarsely pulverized product while stirring for 10 minutes to obtain a translucent paste-like swollen body. Thereafter, 400 parts of an aqueous medium preheated to 90 ° C., consisting of 0.8 parts of 25% aqueous ammonia and 399.2 parts of ion-exchanged water, is injected under pressure over 5 minutes to disperse the swelled material in water into fine particles. A milky initial aqueous dispersion was obtained. The neutralization ratio at this time was 150 mol%. The obtained initial aqueous dispersion was cooled with water to 30 ° C. while stirring and removed, and acetone was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 30 minutes using a rotary evaporator to obtain an aqueous dispersion 3 of polyester resin fine particles. . This dispersion had a nonvolatile content of 25%, a volume average particle size of 0.23 μm, a particle size distribution of 2.2, and a residual solvent amount of 260 ppm.
Reference Example 4 (same as above)
100 parts of the coarsely crushed polyester resin 1 and 100 parts of acetone are charged into a 2 L glass autoclave equipped with a propeller blade, pre-pressurized to 0.2 MPa with nitrogen gas, and the inside of the system is rotated at 90 rpm while rotating the propeller blade at 100 rpm. Heated to ° C. At this time, the pressure in the autoclave had increased to 0.45 MPa. After the temperature in the system reached 90 ° C., the rotational speed of the propeller blade was increased to 900 rpm, and acetone was absorbed into the coarsely pulverized product while stirring for 10 minutes to obtain a translucent paste-like swollen body. Thereafter, 400 parts of an aqueous medium preheated to 90 ° C., consisting of 3.1 parts of 25% ammonia water and 396.9 parts of ion-exchanged water, are injected under pressure over 5 minutes, and the swelled body is dispersed in water into fine particles. A milky initial aqueous dispersion was obtained. The neutralization ratio at this time was 150 mol%. The obtained initial aqueous dispersion was cooled with water to 30 ° C. while stirring was taken out, and acetone was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 30 minutes using a rotary evaporator to obtain an aqueous polyester resin fine particle dispersion 4. . This dispersion had a nonvolatile content of 25%, a volume average particle size of 0.19 μm, a particle size distribution of 1.5, and a residual solvent amount of 210 ppm.
Reference Example 5 [Preparation of aqueous dispersion (II)]
The determination of the solubility of the polyester resin 2 in acetone under the condition that the concentration of the resin is 10% was determined according to ASTM D3132-84 (Reapproved 1996) in to As a result of using the method, it was "solution on the boundary line" in the judgment category of the judgment method.
100 parts of the coarsely crushed polyester resin 2 and 100 parts of acetone are charged into a 2 L glass autoclave with a propeller blade, pre-pressurized to 0.2 MPa with nitrogen gas, and the inside of the system is rotated at 90 rpm while rotating the propeller blade at 100 rpm. Heated to ° C. At this time, the pressure in the autoclave had increased to 0.45 MPa. After the temperature in the system reached 90 ° C., the rotational speed of the propeller blade was increased to 900 rpm, and acetone was absorbed into the coarsely pulverized product while stirring for 10 minutes to obtain a translucent paste-like swollen body. Thereafter, 400 parts of an aqueous medium preheated to 90 ° C., consisting of 1.8 parts of 25% ammonia water and 398.2 parts of ion-exchanged water, is injected under pressure over 5 minutes to disperse the swelled body in water into fine particles. A milky initial aqueous dispersion was obtained. The neutralization ratio at this time was 150 mol%. The obtained initial aqueous dispersion was cooled with water to 30 ° C. while stirring was taken out, and acetone was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 30 minutes using a rotary evaporator to obtain an aqueous dispersion 5 of polyester resin fine particles. . This dispersion had a nonvolatile content of 25%, a volume average particle size of 0.30 μm, a particle size distribution of 2.7, and a residual solvent amount of 300 ppm.
Reference Example 6 (same as above)
A kneaded product was prepared in the same manner as in Reference Example 1, except that 49 parts of the polyester resin 1 was used instead of 49 parts of the polyester resin 1. 100 parts of the coarsely pulverized product of this kneaded material and 100 parts of THF are charged into a 2 L glass autoclave equipped with a propeller blade, pre-pressurized to 0.2 MPa with nitrogen gas, and the inside of the system is rotated by 90 rpm while rotating the propeller blade at 100 rpm. Heated to ° C. At this time, the pressure in the autoclave had increased to 0.45 MPa. After the temperature in the system reached 90 ° C., the rotation speed of the propeller blade was increased to 900 rpm, and the mixture was stirred for 10 minutes to obtain a resin solution. Thereafter, 400 parts of an aqueous medium preheated to 90 ° C., consisting of 1.5 parts of 25% aqueous ammonia and 398.5 parts of ion-exchanged water, is injected under pressure over 5 minutes to disperse the polyester resin in water into fine particles. A milky initial aqueous dispersion was obtained. The neutralization ratio at this time was 150 mol%. The obtained initial aqueous dispersion was cooled with water to 30 ° C. while stirring was taken out, and THF was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 30 minutes using a rotary evaporator to obtain an aqueous dispersion 6 of polyester resin fine particles. . This dispersion had a nonvolatile content of 25%, a volume average particle size of 0.32 μm, a particle size distribution of 3.0, and a residual solvent amount of 700 ppm.
Reference Example 7 [Preparation of aqueous dispersion of fine resin particles of mixed resin of polyester resin (p1) and polyester resin (p2)]
A kneaded product was prepared in the same manner as in Reference Example 1, except that 32 parts of the polyester resin 1 and 17 parts of the polyester resin 2 were used instead of using 49 parts of the polyester resin 1. 100 parts of the coarsely pulverized product of this kneaded material and 100 parts of THF are charged into a 2 L glass autoclave equipped with a propeller blade, pre-pressurized to 0.2 MPa with nitrogen gas, and the inside of the system is rotated by 90 rpm while rotating the propeller blade at 100 rpm. Heated to ° C. At this time, the pressure in the autoclave had increased to 0.45 MPa. After the temperature in the system reached 90 ° C., the rotation speed of the propeller blade was increased to 900 rpm, and the mixture was stirred for 10 minutes to obtain a resin solution. Thereafter, 400 parts of an aqueous medium preheated to 90 ° C., consisting of 1.5 parts of 25% aqueous ammonia and 398.5 parts of ion-exchanged water, is injected under pressure over 5 minutes to disperse the polyester resin in water into fine particles. A milky initial aqueous dispersion was obtained. The neutralization ratio at this time was 150 mol%. While the stirring was continued, the obtained initial aqueous dispersion was cooled with water to 30 ° C., taken out, and THF was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 30 minutes using a rotary evaporator to obtain an aqueous dispersion 7 of polyester resin fine particles. . This dispersion had a nonvolatile content of 25%, a volume average particle size of 0.33 μm, a particle size distribution of 3.1, and a residual solvent amount of 720 ppm.
Example 1
100 parts of a polyester resin fine particle aqueous dispersion 1 and 10 parts of acetone were charged into a glass 2L autoclave equipped with an anchor blade, a condenser, a nitrogen gas inlet, and a thermometer, and the anchor blade was rotated at room temperature at 50 rpm. A mixture of 20 parts of 1% diluted hydrochloric acid, 20 parts of 1% aqueous solution of calcium chloride, and 20 parts of 1% aqueous solution of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate was added dropwise over 30 minutes. Thereafter, the temperature in the system was raised to 80 ° C. over 1 hour, and association was carried out at the same temperature for another 5 hours to obtain an aqueous dispersion containing spherical colored core particles having an average particle diameter of 4 μm. To this dispersion was added 552 parts of an aqueous dispersion of polyester resin fine particles, and a mixture of 10 parts of 1% diluted hydrochloric acid, 10 parts of 1% aqueous calcium chloride and 10 parts of 1% aqueous sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate was further added for 30 minutes. It was dropped when necessary. Thereafter, the temperature in the system is increased to 80 ° C. in 1 hour, and the assembly is performed at the same temperature for another 5 hours to form a core-shell structure having a shell layer obtained by associating polyester resin fine particles on the surface of the core particles. Resin fine particles were obtained. Acetone was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 60 minutes using a rotary evaporator, and the dispersion was washed three times with ion-exchanged water, separated from water and dried to obtain fine resin particles. When the residual solvent amount, volume average particle size and particle size distribution of the resin particles were measured, the residual solvent amount was 20 ppm (detection limit) or less, the volume average particle size was 5.9 μm, and the particle size distribution was 1.7. Was. Toner 1 was prepared by mixing the resin fine particles with 0.3% of Aerosil R-974 (silica manufactured by Nippon Aerosil) based on the weight of the resin fine particles using a Henschel mixer. The image obtained using this toner and the evaluation of the anti-offset property were performed by the following methods. The results are shown in Table 1.
Image evaluation method: Toner 1 was loaded into an electrophotographic copying machine “U-Bix5000” (manufactured by Konishi Roku Photo Industry Co., Ltd.), and a test chart using A4 color (No. 5-1) issued by the Electrophotographic Society of Japan was used. The resolution of one dot line when a 1200 dpi image was formed was evaluated according to the following judgment.
A: A complete 1 dot line is formed.
:: An almost complete 1 dot line is formed.
×: Incomplete 1 dot line is formed.
XX: 1 dot line is not formed.
Offset resistance evaluation method: Toner 1 was loaded into an electrophotographic copying machine "U-Bix5000", and the image was stained after 10,000 continuous running tests, and toner adhered to a heat roll at a surface temperature of 200C. Was visually evaluated.
:: The image is good, and no toner adheres to the heat roll.
Δ: The image is not stained, but the toner is partially adhered to the heat roll. Alternatively, the toner is hardly attached to the heat roll, but the image is dirty.
X: The image is dirty, and the toner is remarkably adhered to the heat roll.
Example 2
Glass 2L autoclave equipped with anchor blades, condenser, nitrogen gas inlet, thermometer, 60 parts of polyester resin fine particle aqueous dispersion 360, 40 parts of polyester resin fine particle aqueous dispersion 4 and acetone 10 parts And a mixture of 20 parts of a 1% diluted hydrochloric acid, 20 parts of a 1% aqueous solution of calcium chloride, and 20 parts of a 1% aqueous solution of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate was dropped over 30 minutes while rotating the anchor blade at room temperature at 50 rpm. Thereafter, the temperature in the system was raised to 80 ° C. in 1 hour, and the mixture was further associated at the same temperature for 5 hours to obtain an aqueous dispersion containing spherical colored core particles having an average particle size of 4.1 μm. Was. To this dispersion was added 52 parts of an aqueous dispersion of polyester resin fine particles, and a mixture of 10 parts of 1% diluted hydrochloric acid, 10 parts of 1% aqueous calcium chloride, and 10 parts of 1% aqueous sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate was further added for 30 minutes. It was dropped when necessary. Thereafter, the temperature in the system is increased to 80 ° C. in 1 hour, and the assembly is performed at the same temperature for another 5 hours to form a core-shell structure having a shell layer obtained by associating polyester resin fine particles on the surface of the core particles. Resin fine particles were obtained. Acetone was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 60 minutes using a rotary evaporator, and the dispersion was washed three times with ion-exchanged water, separated from water and dried to obtain fine resin particles. When the residual solvent amount, volume average particle size and particle size distribution of the resin particles were measured, the residual solvent amount was 20 ppm (detection limit) or less, the volume average particle size was 5.8 μm, and the particle size distribution was 1.5. Was. Toner 2 was prepared by mixing the resin fine particles and 0.3% of Aerosil R-974 based on the weight of the resin fine particles with a Henschel mixer. The image obtained using this toner and the evaluation of the anti-offset property were performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the results are shown in Table 1.
Comparative Example 1
Into a glass 2L autoclave equipped with an anchor blade, a condenser, a nitrogen gas inlet, and a thermometer, 100 parts of an aqueous dispersion of polyester resin fine particles 2 and 10 parts of THF are charged, and the anchor blade is rotated at room temperature at 50 rpm. A mixture of 20 parts of 1% diluted hydrochloric acid, 20 parts of 1% aqueous solution of calcium chloride, and 20 parts of 1% aqueous solution of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate was added dropwise over 30 minutes. Thereafter, the temperature in the system was raised to 80 ° C. over 1 hour, and the association was carried out at the same temperature for another 5 hours to obtain an aqueous dispersion containing spherical colored resin fine particles. THF was distilled off at 47 ° C. for 60 minutes using a rotary evaporator, and the dispersion was washed three times with ion-exchanged water, separated from water and dried to obtain resin fine particles. When the residual solvent amount, volume average particle diameter and particle size distribution of the resin particles were measured, the residual solvent amount was 650 ppm, the volume average particle size was 6.1 μm, and the particle size distribution was 1.9. The resin fine particles and 0.3% of Aerosil R-974 based on the weight of the resin fine particles were mixed with a Henschel mixer to prepare a toner 1 '. The image obtained using this toner and the evaluation of the anti-offset property were performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the results are shown in Table 1.
Comparative Example 2
Resin fine particles were obtained in the same manner as in Comparative Example 2, except that 100 parts of the polyester resin fine particle aqueous dispersion 6 was used instead of 100 parts of the polyester resin fine particle aqueous dispersion 2. When the residual solvent amount, volume average particle size and particle size distribution of the resin particles were measured, the residual solvent amount was 680 ppm, the volume average particle size was 6.9 μm, and the particle size distribution was 2.3. The resin fine particles and 0.3% of Aerosil R-974 based on the weight of the resin fine particles were mixed with a Henschel mixer to prepare a toner 2 '. The image obtained using this toner and the evaluation of the anti-offset property were performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the results are shown in Table 1.
Comparative Example 3
Resin fine particles were obtained in the same manner as in Comparative Example 2, except that 100 parts of the polyester resin fine particle aqueous dispersion 7 was used instead of 100 parts of the polyester resin fine particle aqueous dispersion 2. When the residual solvent amount, volume average particle size and particle size distribution of the resin particles were measured, the residual solvent amount was 650 ppm, the volume average particle size was 6.6 μm, and the particle size distribution was 3.8. The resin fine particles and 0.3% of Aerosil R-974 based on the weight of the resin fine particles were mixed with a Henschel mixer to prepare a toner 3 '. The image obtained using this toner and the evaluation of the anti-offset property were performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the results are shown in Table 1.
[Table 1]
【The invention's effect】
The electrophotographic toner obtained by the production method of the present invention is characterized in that resin fine particles (P1) containing a self-water-dispersible polyester resin (p1) having a softening point of 70 to 130 ° C. are used as core particles, A shell layer formed by associating resin fine particles (P2) containing a self-water dispersible polyester-based resin (p2) having a softening point of 120 to 190 ° C. with excellent hot offset resistance, and The quality is also good.