JP2004214903A - Cross connection system and method of controlling the same - Google Patents
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本発明は、本発明は、SONET/SDH Interface等におけるようなリング型ネットワークを構成する基幹系伝送装置のクロスコネクトシステム及びクロスコネクトシステムの制御方法に関する。
茲に、「SONET」はSynchronous Optical Networkの略称であり、電話局間を結ぶ大容量光伝送システムの一つである。米国で使われており、ANSI T1.105、ANSI T1.106、ANSI T1.117で使用が規定されている。ATMの物理層としても採用されている。「SDH」はSynchronous Digital Hierarchyの略称であり、電話局間を結び多数の電話や通信回線を収容する光伝送システムの国際規格。米国のSONETと同様の技術である。「リング型ネットワーク(Ring Network)」は、ネットワークの接続構成を表すネットワークトポロジーの一つであり、バスをリング状にして多数のステーション(端末)を分散接続する。リング型LANはバスを終端のないリング状に接続するため、バス上のデータ伝送方向は一方向でよく、隣接したステーションの間隔が短い部分はメタリックケーブルを使い、間隔が長い部分には光ファイバーケーブルを使うというような柔軟な構成が容易であり、ケーブルの延長が長い大規模なLANを実現できる。代表的なリング型LANにIEEE802.5標準のトークンリングLANとANSI標準のFDDI−LANがある。「クロスコネクト(Cross Connect)」とは、多数のケーブルをつなぎ込む装置の総称であり、特に、通信業者が大容量回線網に回線をつなぎ込むために使う装置を指すこともあり、本明細書ではこの意である。
大容量長距離伝送システムの多重中継装置では、高信頼性を確保するため、ラインプロテクションとして1+1 、1:1 、2Fiber 及び4FibeのBLSR(Bidirectional
Line Switched Ring)方式が採用されている。
BLSR(Bidirectional Line Switched Ring)とは、SONETにおいて、通常は最適な経路を選択しておき、リングが切れた場合に反対方向のバックアップ経路に切り換える方式である。SONETノード間の接続形態は1対1あるいはリング状の何れかを選択可能であるが、通常はリング状接続とし、各経路を二重化した構成とすることが多い。経路を二重化しておけば、何れかの箇所でリングが切れた場合でも、反対方向の経路を使って通信を継続することができる。この二重化の方式の一つがBLSRで、もう一つの方式として、UPSR(Uni−directional Path Switched Ring)がある。4Fiber のBLSR構成時の動作を例に、以下に説明する。
図19〜図24は一般的な4Fiber のBLSRのシステムにおけるスイッチ動作例を示す図である。以下に図19〜図24に基づいて伝送路(光ファイバー)に障害が生じルートの切替が発生したときの動作を説明する。
図19に「RING スイッチ 動作例 (Normal)」を示す。図19では、NODE1−2間、NODE1−3間、NODE2−3間でそれぞれデータをADD/DROPし正常にサービスを運用している場合において、NODE1に注目して、切替が発生していない場合のマップを示している。
図20に「RING スイッチ 動作例 (West Span Bridge & Switch)」を示す。図20では、NODE1−2間、NODE1−3間、NODE2−3間でそれぞれデータをADD/DROPしNODE1−2間のWORK LINEに障害が発生している場合を示している。図20のマップで、NODE1に注目すると、正常時は、WEST WORK LINEを通っていた信号がWEST PROT側へ切替られることによりサービスが救済されていることがわかる。NODE1における、この切替制御をWest Span Bridge & Switchという。
図21に「RING スイッチ 動作例 (East Span Bridge & Switch)」を示す。図21では、NODE1−2間、NODE1−3間、NODE2−3間でそれぞれデータをADD/DROPしNODE1−4間のWORK LINEに障害が発生している場合を示している。図21のマップで、NODE1に注目すると、正常時は、EAST WORK LINEを通っていた信号がEAST PROT側へ切替られることによりサービスが救済されていることがわかる。NODE1における、この切替制御をEast Span Bridge & Switchという。
図22に「RING スイッチ 動作例 (West Ring Bridge & Switch)」を示す。図22では、NODE1−2間、NODE1−3間、NODE2−3間でそれぞれデータをADD/DROPしNODE1−2間のWORK LINE及びPROT LINEに障害が発生している場合を示している。図22のマップで、NODE1に注目すると、正常時は、WEST WORK LINEを通っていた信号がEAST PROT側へ切替られることによりサービスが救済されていることがわかる。NODE1における、この切替制御をWest Ring Bridge & Switchという。
図23に「RING スイッチ 動作例 (East Ring Bridge & Switch)」を示す。図23では、NODE1−2間、NODE1−3間、NODE2−3間でそれぞれデータをADD/DROPしNODE1−4間のWORK LINE及びPROT LINEに障害が発生している場合を示している。図23のマップで、NODE1に注目すると、正常時は、EAST WORK LINEを通っていた信号がWEST PROT側へ切替られることによりサービスが救済されていることがわかる。NODE1における、この切替制御をEast Ring Bridge & Switchという。
図24に「RING スイッチ 動作例 (Full−Path−Through)」を示す。図24では、NODE1−2間、NODE1−3間、NODE2−3間でそれぞれデータをADD/DROPしNODE2−3間のWORK LINE及びPROT LINEに障害が発生している場合を示している。ここで、NODE1に注目すると、正常時は、使用していないPROT LINEがスルー接続されサービスが救済されていることがわかる。NODE1における、この切替制御をFull−Path−Through という。
本発明が提供するクロスコネクトシステムは、より具体的な例としては、大容量かつ高信頼なSDH/SONET 装置として、クロスコネクトレベル容量VC−4 256×256 ChまたはVC−3 768×768Chのクロスコネクト回路を6回路組み合わせることによりクロスコネクトレベル 容 量VC−4 512×512 ChまたはVC−3 1536×1536Chのクロスコネクトレベルのスイッチを実現するための制御方式である。(註:VCはバーチャルチャネル。ATMネットワークで通信相手との間に設定された通信路。)
図2〜図6にルートを計算した結果マップの再配置が必要となるパターンを示す。これらに図示のものは、VC−3換算で 768×768CHのクロスコネクト回路(SW1〜SW6)を6個組み合わせ、VC−3(50Mb/s)換算で 1536×1536CHのクロスコネクトを実現する場合の構成図であり、便宜上各クロスコネクト回路(SW1〜SW6)の入力及び出力はVC4−64c(10Gbit/s)で表現している。即ち、1個の各クロスコネクト回路で40Gb/s容量のクロスコネクト、また6個のクロスコネクト回路構成で80Gb/s容量のクロスコネクトを可能とする。。
入力5 から 出力1
入力6 から 出力2
入力7 から 出力3
入力8 から 出力4
入力1 から 出力5
入力2 から 出力6
入力5 から 出力7
入力6 から 出力8
(註:ブロードキャスト(Broadcast)は、データの宛先を指定しないで不特定多数の相手にデータを送ること。一般には、複数の宛先を指定して同じデータを送るマルチキャストとブロードキャストを区別しているが、IP(Internet Protocol)のバージョン6(IPv6)では、ブロードキャストをマルチキャストに含めて、特別なケースとして扱うことにしている。LANやTCP/IPネットワークではアドレス情報を使っている。)
入力5 から 出力7
入力6 から 出力8
入力1 から 出力5
入力2 から 出力6
入力5 から 出力7
入力6 から 出力8
入力7 から 出力7
入力8 から 出力8
入力7 から 出力7
入力8 から 出力8
入力1 から 出力5
入力2 から 出力6
「Br&Swマップ作成」はプロテクションマップの作成であり、Normalマップをもとにパスをサーチする。ラインプロテクションとして1+1 、1:1 、2Fiber及び4Fiber のBLSR (Bidirectional Line Switched Ring)方式の切替が発生した場合に面切替でスイッチSW1−SW6に設定する。また、STM64の4Fiber BLSR構成の場合は特別で、プロテクションマップを生成したときにマップの再配置が必要となる場合があるので考慮しておく。
「Throughマップ作成」については、2Fiber 及び4Fiber のBLSR構成時は、Through設定マップも確保しておく必要がある。Normalマップをもとにパスをサーチする。Br&Swマップ、Throughマップは同時に設定されることはないため、Br&Swマップと共通のルートを選択するようにする。
図9に本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(Non Protectionマップ設定時)を示す。本図は、以下のマップ設定を行った場合のルートを示している。
入力1 から 出力2
入力2 から 出力1
次に、図10に本実施形態のルート決定の一例(4F BLSR Normalマップ−1設定時)を示す。この例のプロテクション構成では、自由にインタフェースパッケージのスイッチ構成を決定することが可能になされている。プロテクション構成を4F BLSR構成とし、入出力6をWEST WORK、入出力5をWESTWORK、入出力4をWEST PROT、入出力3をEAST PROTと設定している。
入力6 から 出力7
入力7 から 出力6
図11は、本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(4F BLSR Span Bridge & Switchマップ−1生成)を示している。ルート3−2は、Normalマップルート3−1に対応するSpan Bridgeマップである。また、ルート4−2は、Normalマップルート4−1に対応するSpan Switchマップである。
図12は、本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(4F BLSR Ring Bridge & Switchマップ−1生成)を示している。ルート3−3は、Normalマップルート3−1に対応するRing Bridgeマップである。また、ルート4−3は、Normalマップルート4−1に対応するRing Switchマップである。
図13は、本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(4F BLSR Full−Path−Through マップ−1生成)を示している。ルート5は、4F BLSR Full−Path−Through マップである。
次にBLSR構成Normalマップ設定を追加する場合の動作例を本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(4F BLSR Normalマップ−2設定時)を示す図14、本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(4F BLSR Span Bridge & Switchマップ−2生成)を示す図15、本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(4F BLSR Ring Bridge & Switchマップ−2生成)を示す図16、本実施形態のルート決定の実施例(4F BLSR Full−Path−Through マップ−2生成)を示す図17に夫々示す。
VC3/STS−1 は50M bit/s 192ch
VC4/STS−3c は150M bit/s 64ch
VC4−4c/STS−12c は600M bit/s 16ch
VC4−16c/STS−48c は2.5G bit/s 4ch
VC4−64c/STS−192c は10G bit/s 1ch
STM−64/ OC−192 及びSTM−16 /OC−48 インタフェースは、ラインプロテクションとして1+1 、1:1 、2Fiber 及び2Fiber のBLSR (Bidirectional Line Switched Ring)方式が選択可能、またVC4−4c/STS−12c以下のSDH/SONET インタフェースは、ラインプロテクションとして1+1 及び1:1 切替方式と、SNCP パスプロテクション方式が選択可能である。
【図19】一般的な4Fiber のBLSRのシステムにおけるスイッチ 動作例を示す図である。
【図20】一般的な4Fiber のBLSRのシステムにおけるスイッチ 動作例を示す図である。
【図21】一般的な4Fiber のBLSRのシステムにおけるスイッチ 動作例を示す図である。
【図22】一般的な4Fiber のBLSRのシステムにおけるスイッチ 動作例を示す図である。
【図23】一般的な4Fiber のBLSRのシステムにおけるスイッチ 動作例を示す図である。
【図24】一般的な4Fiber のBLSRのシステムにおけるスイッチ 動作例を示す図である。[0001]
The present invention relates to a cross-connect system of a backbone transmission device constituting a ring network such as in a SONET / SDH interface and a control method of the cross-connect system.
Here, "SONET" is an abbreviation of Synchronous Optical Network, and is one of large-capacity optical transmission systems connecting telephone offices. It is used in the United States and its use is specified in ANSI T1.105, ANSI T1.106, and ANSI T1.117. It is also used as an ATM physical layer. “SDH” is an abbreviation for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy, which is an international standard for an optical transmission system that connects telephone offices and accommodates many telephones and communication lines. This technology is similar to US SONET. A “ring network” is one of network topologies that represent a network connection configuration, and a bus is formed into a ring to connect a number of stations (terminals) in a distributed manner. Ring-type LANs connect the bus in a ring without termination, so the data transmission direction on the bus may be one-way, using a metallic cable for the part where the interval between adjacent stations is short, and an optical fiber cable for the part where the interval is long. Therefore, a large-scale LAN with a long cable length can be easily realized. Typical ring-type LANs include an IEEE 802.5 standard token ring LAN and an ANSI standard FDDI-LAN. “Cross Connect” is a general term for a device for connecting a large number of cables, and in particular, may refer to a device used by a communication company to connect a line to a large-capacity network. This is what it means.
[Prior art]
In a multiplex repeater of a large-capacity long-distance transmission system, in order to secure high reliability, 1 + 1, 1: 1, 2 Fiber and 4 Fiber BLSR (Bidirectional) are used as line protection.
(Line Switched Ring) system is adopted.
The BLSR (Bidirectional Line Switched Ring) is a method in SONET that normally selects an optimal path and switches to a backup path in the opposite direction when the ring is disconnected. The connection mode between the SONET nodes can be either one-to-one or ring-like. However, in general, the connection is often a ring-like connection and each path is duplicated. If the route is duplicated, communication can be continued using the route in the opposite direction even if the ring is broken at any point. One of the duplication methods is the BLSR, and the other is the UPSR (Uni-directional Path Switched Ring). The operation of the 4-fiber BLSR configuration will be described below as an example.
FIGS. 19 to 24 are diagrams showing an example of a switch operation in a general 4-fiber BLSR system. The operation when a failure occurs in the transmission path (optical fiber) and the route is switched will be described below with reference to FIGS.
Each figure shows a network composed of four nodes (NODE), and each node is connected by four optical fiber transmission lines. If a failure occurs in any transmission path in this ring network configuration, switching occurs to rescue the service.
Although the word "node" originally means "knot" or "intersection", in an information communication network, a device having a switching function, a transmission function, a network management function, and the like is collectively called a node. A communication line connecting nodes is called a link. A router is a typical node on the Internet, but what is described here is an exchange or a LAN switch as another main node. RFC 1392 defines a node as an "addressable device connected to a computer network."
FIG. 19 shows a “RING switch operation example (Normal)”. In FIG. 19, when data is ADD / DROPed between NODE1-2, NODE1-3, and NODE2-3 and the service is normally operated, when NODE1 is noticed and no switching occurs. FIG.
FIG. 20 shows “Example of RING switch operation (West Span Bridge & Switch)”. FIG. 20 shows a case where data is ADD / DROP between NODE1-2, NODE1-3, and NODE2-3, and a failure occurs in WORK LINE between NODE1-2. By paying attention to NODE1 in the map of FIG. 20, it can be seen that the service has been relieved by switching the signal passing through the West Work Line to the West Prot side in the normal state. This switching control in NODE1 is referred to as West Span Bridge & Switch.
FIG. 21 shows “Example of RING switch operation (East Span Bridge & Switch)”. FIG. 21 shows a case where data is ADD / DROP between NODE1-2, NODE1-3, and NODE2-3, respectively, and a failure occurs in the WORK LINE between NODE1-4. By paying attention to NODE1 in the map of FIG. 21, it can be seen that the service has been relieved by switching the signal passing through the EAST WORK LINE to the EAST PROT side in the normal state. This switching control in NODE1 is called East Span Bridge & Switch.
FIG. 22 shows “Example of RING switch operation (West Ring Bridge & Switch)”. FIG. 22 shows a case where data is ADD / DROP between NODE1-2, NODE1-3, and NODE2-3, respectively, and a failure has occurred in WORK LINE and PROT LINE between NODE1-2. By paying attention to NODE1 in the map of FIG. 22, it can be seen that the service has been relieved by switching the signal passing through the West Work Line to the East Prot side in the normal state. This switching control in NODE1 is referred to as West Ring Bridge & Switch.
FIG. 23 shows “Ring switch operation example (East Ring Bridge & Switch)”. FIG. 23 shows a case where data is ADD / DROP between NODE1-2, NODE1-3, and NODE2-3, and a failure occurs in WORK LINE and PROT LINE between NODE1-4. By paying attention to NODE1 in the map of FIG. 23, it can be seen that the service has been relieved by switching the signal passing through the EAST WORK LINE to the WEST PROT side in the normal state. This switching control in NODE1 is called East Ring Bridge & Switch.
FIG. 24 shows “Example of RING switch operation (Full-Path-Through)”. FIG. 24 shows a case where data is ADD / DROP between NODE1-2, NODE1-3, and NODE2-3, and a fault occurs in WORK LINE and PROT LINE between NODE2 and NODE3. Here, paying attention to NODE1, it can be seen that the PROT LINE which is not used is through-connected and the service is rescued in the normal state. This switching control in NODE1 is called Full-Path-Through.
A conventional device generally has a cross-connect switch and a changeover switch at the time of failure in order to realize the above-described protection configuration.
An optical cross-connect device and an optical transmission system for switching a line and a path while using a high-speed optical signal as an optical signal have been conventionally proposed (for example, Patent Document 1).
[Patent Document 1]
JP-A-11-41173 (abstract, FIG. 1)
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, there are still some problems in a specific method for increasing the cross-connect capacity in the above-described conventional technology. In other words, a cross-connect device that can immediately obtain an optimal setting state when switching occurs due to the occurrence of a failure, and when setting each Normal map and Protection map calculated for switching in hardware (H / W). There is a need for a control method that does not affect a path that has not been switched due to the execution of relocation, and a need to determine an appropriate route even when the traffic usage rate is high.
Therefore, an object of the present invention is to provide a new and excellent cross-connect system and a control method of the cross-connect system that solve the above-mentioned conventional problems.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, the present invention has the following characteristic features.
(1) a plurality of switch elements having a switch function of switching a connection relationship of a plurality of buses connected to the self according to given control information and having substantially the same configuration as hardware; A functional unit configured to generate information, and to set and manage a structure of an information transmission route configured by the plurality of switch elements and the plurality of buses based on a map representing the structure, and A first map which is applied at least when no failure has occurred in the bus and a second map which is applied when a failure has occurred in the bus, and information based on the first map when a failure has occurred. A control element adapted to switch from the structure of the transmission route to the structure of the information transmission route according to the second map. Beam.
(2) The cross-connect system according to (1), wherein the switch element includes firmware.
(3) The control element calculates a route calculation based on the structure of the information transmission route based on the first map, and when the route cannot be secured as it is, the structure of the information transmission route based on the second map. (1) The cross-connect system according to the above (1), which is configured so as to determine the optimum route by performing rearrangement to the network.
(4) The control element may calculate a route calculation result based on the structure of the information transmission route based on the first map and / or a calculation result of a route calculation based on the structure of the information transmission route based on the second map. When a corresponding state is set in the switch element, control is performed so as not to affect a bus in which the connection relationship has not changed even if the rearrangement related to the setting is executed. The cross-connect system according to the above (3).
(5) When calculating the route for the rearrangement, the control element minimizes a change in state of the plurality of switch elements that change the bus connection relation and those that change through the connection. The cross connect system according to the above (3), which is configured to execute the calculation.
(6) A plurality of switch elements having a switch function of switching a connection relationship between a plurality of buses connected to the self in accordance with given control information and having substantially the same configuration as hardware, and the plurality of switch elements. A first structure which is configured to manage the structure of an information transmission route formed by a bus in terms of a surface based on a map representing the structure, and which is applied at least when no failure occurs in the bus as the map. A map and a second map to be applied when a failure occurs in the bus are prepared, and when a failure occurs, the structure of the information transmission route based on the first map is changed to the structure of the information transmission route based on the second map. Control method of switching cross-connect system.
(7) The control method for the cross-connect system according to (6), wherein a circuit including firmware is applied as the switch element.
(8) When a route is calculated based on the information transmission route structure based on the first map and the route cannot be secured as it is, relocation to the information transmission route structure based on the second map is performed. (6) The method for controlling a cross-connect system according to the above (6), wherein the optimal route is determined by executing the control.
(9) A state corresponding to the calculation result of the route calculation based on the structure of the information transmission route based on the first map and / or the calculation result of the route calculation based on the structure of the information transmission route based on the second map is determined. The method of controlling a cross-connect system according to the above (8), wherein when setting the switch element, the control is performed so as not to affect the bus in which the connection relation does not change even if the rearrangement relating to the setting is executed.
(10) In calculating the route for the rearrangement, the calculation is performed so that the change in the state of the plurality of switch elements that change the connection relation of the bus and those that change through the connection are minimized. The control method of the cross connect system according to the above (8) to be executed.
Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of a cross-connect system and a control method of the cross-connect system of the present invention will be described in detail.
FIG. 1 is a conceptual diagram illustrating a cross-connect system and a control method of the cross-connect system according to the present invention.
In the cross-connect system of the present invention, a plurality of switches having a switch function of switching a connection relationship of a plurality of buses connected to each other according to given control information and having substantially the same configuration as hardware An element (each SW in “H / W control” in FIG. 1), a plurality of switch elements (each SW) and a plurality of buses (each in “H / W control” in FIG. A function unit ("application control" in FIG. 1) for setting and managing the structure of the information transmission route constituted by the lines connecting the SWs based on a map representing the structure, and At least a first map to be applied when a failure has not occurred in the bus and a second map to be applied to when a failure has occurred in the bus are held ("Application control" in FIG. 1). When a failure occurs in the map information area (two-sided configuration), a control element (see FIG. 1) switches from the structure of the information transmission route based on the first map to the structure of the information transmission route based on the second map. Route control rearrangement program in “application control” and cross-connect setting and switching control in “higher-level setting control”.
The cross connect system provided by the present invention is, as a more specific example, a cross connect level capacity VC-4 256 × 256 Ch or VC-3 768 × 768 Ch as a large capacity and highly reliable SDH / SONET device. This is a control method for realizing a cross-connect level switch with a cross-connect level capacity of VC-4 512 × 512 Ch or VC-3 1536 × 1536Ch by combining six connect circuits. (Note: VC is a virtual channel. A communication channel set up with a communication partner on an ATM network.)
However, when the cross-connect circuit is a combination of six circuits, depending on the setting procedure, output to the set time slot may not be possible even though the route is empty. In that case, it is necessary to rearrange the map in order to change the already set route and to conduct all the signals.
In the present invention, switching control for calculating the route and setting the optimum route by rearranging the map is executed. An embodiment for performing such rearrangement will be described below.
2 to 6 show patterns that require rearrangement of the map as a result of calculating the route. These figures show a case where a cross connect circuit of 1536 × 1536CH is realized in VC-3 (50 Mb / s) conversion by combining six cross connect circuits (SW1 to SW6) of 768 × 768 CH in VC-3 conversion. It is a block diagram, and the input and output of each cross-connect circuit (SW1-SW6) are represented by VC4-64c (10 Gbit / s) for convenience. That is, one cross-connect circuit enables 40 Gb / s capacity cross-connect, and six cross-connect circuit configurations enables 80 Gb / s capacity cross-connect. .
Hereinafter, an example in which the map needs to be rearranged when the cross-connect map is set in the order of FIGS. 2 to 6 will be described.
FIG. 2 shows a case where the following map setting is performed in the configuration of the present invention.
The route at this time is indicated by a thick line in the figure.
Each route is set from the route above each cross-connect circuit in the set order.
FIG. 3 shows a case where the following map setting is performed in the configuration of FIG.
The route at this time is indicated by a thick line in the figure.
Each route is set from the route above each cross-connect circuit in the set order.
In this state, even if an attempt is made to perform the following map setting, the route is already blocked and broadcasting cannot be performed.
(Note: Broadcast refers to sending data to an unspecified number of parties without specifying the destination of the data. Generally, multicast and broadcast, which send the same data by specifying multiple destinations, are distinguished from each other. In version 6 (IPv6) of IP (Internet Protocol), broadcast is included in multicast and treated as a special case. Address information is used in LANs and TCP / IP networks.)
FIG. 4 shows a case where the map is rearranged in the configuration of FIG. 3 and the following map setting is performed.
At this time, the above-mentioned map that has taken the route of SW1-SW3-SW-6 in FIG. 3 is rearranged to SW1-SW4-SW-6.
As described above, by performing the rearrangement of the map, the broadcast from the
FIG. 5 shows a case where the following map settings are deleted in the configuration of FIG.
In this state, even if an attempt is made to perform the following map setting, the route is already blocked and broadcasting cannot be performed.
FIG. 6 shows a case where the map is rearranged and the following map settings are made in the configuration of FIG.
At this time, the above-mentioned map that has taken the route of SW1-SW4-SW-6 in FIG. 5 is rearranged to SW1-SW3-SW-6.
As described above, by performing the rearrangement of the map, the broadcast from the
FIG. 7 is a flowchart for explaining an algorithm of relocation control in the embodiment of the present invention.
After the map setting (S1), the optimum route of the set cross-connect switch is calculated (S2). In this step (S2), the setting is performed sequentially from the top of each cross-connect circuit in the order in which the setting is completed. Next, it is determined whether or not the rearrangement is necessary (S3). When the necessity arises, the rearrangement is executed and the maps of all the switches are created again (S4). On the other hand, when there is no need for rearrangement, only an additional map is created (S5). After the setting of the normal map, a protection map is created (S6). When the route is determined, the
As in the above embodiment, the optimal route is calculated at the time of creating a Normal map and at the time of creating a protection map, and it is determined whether or not map relocation is necessary. Can be realized.
FIG. 8 is a flowchart showing an algorithm for determining a route according to the present embodiment. This flowchart shows a route determination flow when a user actually sets and adds a cross-connect. As a configuration procedure, a Normal (basic) map creation, a Br & Sw map creation, and a Through map creation procedure are performed. As described above, since the Normal map, the Br & Sw map, and the Through map are not set at the same time, the Normal map is set. At that time, a Br & Sw map and a Through map are created and managed in another aspect so that they can be set when switching occurs.
The above-mentioned “Normal map creation” is the creation of a basic map, and the set route is normally set as the state of the switches SW1 to SW6. The state in which one Normal map is set is shown in FIG. 2 described above.
"Br & Sw map creation" is to create a protection map, and a path is searched based on a Normal map. When the switching of the BLSR (Bidirectional Line Switched Ring) method of 1 + 1, 1: 1, 2 Fiber and 4 Fiber is performed as the line protection, the switches SW1 to SW6 are set by the surface switching. Also, the case of the 4-fiber BLSR configuration of STM64 is special, and the rearrangement of the protection map may be required when the protection map is generated.
Regarding “Create a through map”, it is necessary to secure a through setting map when a 2-fiber and a 4-fiber BLSR are configured. The path is searched based on the Normal map. Since the Br & Sw map and the Through map are not set at the same time, a route common to the Br & Sw map is selected.
FIG. 9 to FIG. 17 are diagrams for explaining the operation of route determination according to the embodiment of the present invention. Although the operation in the pattern (condition) requiring the rearrangement of each map has already been described with reference to FIGS. 2 to 6, the operation of the embodiment of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to FIGS. I do.
Here, for convenience, the control operation of the route determination in units of 10 Gb / s will be described in detail.
FIG. 9 shows an example of route determination according to the present embodiment (when setting a non-protection map). This figure shows a route when the following map settings are made.
This map setting is an example of a map setting having no protection configuration. Normally, as shown in
Next, FIG. 10 shows an example of route determination (when setting the 4F BLSR Normal map-1) according to the present embodiment. In the protection configuration of this example, it is possible to freely determine the switch configuration of the interface package. The protection configuration is a 4F BLSR configuration, and the input /
The map setting in FIG. 10 is as follows.
Also in the BLSR configuration, the Normal map setting is usually such that the middle-stage cross-connect circuits SW3 and SW4 are equally used as shown in the route 3-1 and the route 4-1 in the figure, and from the top of each cross-connect circuit. Control is performed so that the maps are packed in order.
At this time, a route 3-1 in the drawing is a direction in which ADD is performed from the
In the case of the BLSR configuration, it is necessary to generate a protection map at the time of setting the Normal map shown in FIG. 10 and secure a route. FIGS. 11, 12, and 13 show examples of the protection map in the present invention.
FIG. 11 illustrates an example of route determination (generation of 4F BLSR Span Bridge & Switch map-1) according to the present embodiment. Route 3-2 is a Span Bridge map corresponding to Normal map route 3-1. The route 4-2 is a Span Switch map corresponding to the Normal map route 4-1.
FIG. 12 shows an example of route determination (4F BLSR Ring Bridge & Switch map-1 generation) according to the present embodiment. Route 3-3 is a Ring Bridge map corresponding to Normal map route 3-1. The route 4-3 is a Ring Switch map corresponding to the Normal map route 4-1.
FIG. 13 shows an example of route determination (4F BLSR Full-Path-Through Map-1 generation) according to the present embodiment.
As an example of the protection map in the present invention, as shown in FIGS. 11, 12, and 13, since the protection maps do not switch at the same time, the routes are set so as to take the same route.
Next, an example of an operation in the case of adding a BLSR configuration Normal map setting is shown in FIG. 14 showing an example of route determination of the present embodiment (4F when BLSR Normal Map-2 is set), and an example of route determination of the present embodiment (4F). FIG. 15 showing BLSR Span Bridge & Switch map-2 generation), FIG. 16 showing an example of route determination of this embodiment (4F BLSR Ring Bridge & Switch map-2 generation), and example of route determination of this embodiment FIG. 17 shows (4F BLSR Full-Path-Through Map-2 generation).
In the case of the example shown in FIGS. 14 to 17, since the use rate of the route is also high, the route is rearranged in accordance with the above-described rule based on the flow chart showing the route determination algorithm of the present embodiment in FIG. Determine the optimal route.
Next, FIG. 18 is a diagram for explaining a network system using an optical cross-connect device as an embodiment of the present invention. In FIG. 18, CORE indicates a capacity of 20 Gb / s, and PORT1 to PORT6 indicate units of capacity of 10 Gb / s, respectively.
VC3 / STS-1 is 50M bit / s 192ch
VC4 / STS-3c is 150M bit / s 64ch
VC4-4c / STS-12c is 600M bit / s 16ch
VC4-16c / STS-48c is 2.5G bit / s 4ch
VC4-64c / STS-192c is 10G bit / s 1ch
Are accommodated respectively.
For the STM-64 / OC-192 and STM-16 / OC-48 interfaces, 1 + 1, 1: 1, 2 Fiber and 2 Fiber BLSR (Bidirectional Line Switched Ring) systems can be selected as line protection, and VC4-4c / STS- For the SDH / SONET interface of 12c or less, 1 + 1 and 1: 1 switching systems and SNCP path protection systems can be selected as line protection.
According to the above-described embodiment, with the expansion of the cross-connect capacity, a plurality of hardware (H / W) having a switch function are provided, the map to be set is surface-managed, and the protection map for the normal map is internally separated. And a cross-connect device that can be set immediately when switching occurs due to the occurrence of a failure.
When a map is set, a route is calculated, and if a route cannot be secured as it is, rearrangement is performed to determine an optimum route. However, the calculated Normal map and Protection map are hardware-based. When setting to (H / W), it is possible to perform control that does not affect a path in which switching has not occurred by executing relocation.
Furthermore, at the time of route calculation, a Protection map is generated based on each Normal map, but the Br & Sw map and the Through map are programmed so that the same route is set as much as possible so as not to waste the route carelessly. Even when the traffic usage rate is high, an appropriate route can be determined.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, it is possible to immediately obtain an optimal setting state when switching occurs due to the occurrence of a fault, and to set each Normal map and Protection map calculated for route switching in hardware (H / W). A cross-connect system and a control method of the cross-connect system that have a high traffic usage rate without affecting the path in which switching has not occurred due to the execution of the rearrangement are realized.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a conceptual diagram illustrating a cross-connect system and a control method of the cross-connect system according to the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing a pattern that requires rearrangement of a map in the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing a pattern that requires rearrangement of a map in the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a diagram showing a pattern that requires rearrangement of a map in the present invention.
FIG. 5 is a diagram showing a pattern that requires rearrangement of a map in the present invention.
FIG. 6 is a diagram showing a pattern which requires rearrangement of a map in the present invention.
FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating an algorithm of relocation control according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 8 is a flowchart illustrating an algorithm for determining a route according to the present embodiment.
FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating an operation of determining a route according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 10 is a diagram illustrating an operation of determining a route according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 11 is a diagram for describing an operation of route determination in the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 12 is a diagram illustrating an operation of determining a route according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 13 is a diagram for describing an operation of route determination according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 14 is a diagram illustrating an operation of determining a route according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 15 is a diagram for describing an operation of route determination according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 16 is a diagram illustrating an operation of determining a route according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 17 is a diagram illustrating an operation of determining a route according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 18 is a diagram illustrating a network system using an optical cross-connect device as an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 19 is a diagram illustrating an example of a switch operation in a general 4-fiber BLSR system.
FIG. 20 is a diagram showing an example of switch operation in a general 4-fiber BLSR system.
FIG. 21 is a diagram illustrating an example of a switch operation in a general 4-fiber BLSR system.
FIG. 22 is a diagram illustrating an example of a switch operation in a general 4-fiber BLSR system.
FIG. 23 is a diagram illustrating an example of a switch operation in a general 4-fiber BLSR system.
FIG. 24 is a diagram showing an example of switch operation in a general 4-fiber BLSR system.
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JP2002381323A JP2004214903A (en) | 2002-12-27 | 2002-12-27 | Cross connection system and method of controlling the same |
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