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ES2424899A2 - Flange for fixing canvas on wind turbine towers and use thereof (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) - Google Patents

Flange for fixing canvas on wind turbine towers and use thereof (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) Download PDF


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ES2424899A2 ES201200353A ES201200353A ES2424899A2 ES 2424899 A2 ES2424899 A2 ES 2424899A2 ES 201200353 A ES201200353 A ES 201200353A ES 201200353 A ES201200353 A ES 201200353A ES 2424899 A2 ES2424899 A2 ES 2424899A2
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    • F16B13/00Dowels or other devices fastened in walls or the like by inserting them in holes made therein for that purpose
    • F16B13/04Dowels or other devices fastened in walls or the like by inserting them in holes made therein for that purpose with parts gripping in the hole or behind the reverse side of the wall after inserting from the front
    • F16B13/08Dowels or other devices fastened in walls or the like by inserting them in holes made therein for that purpose with parts gripping in the hole or behind the reverse side of the wall after inserting from the front with separate or non-separate gripping parts moved into their final position in relation to the body of the device without further manual operation
    • F16B13/0808Dowels or other devices fastened in walls or the like by inserting them in holes made therein for that purpose with parts gripping in the hole or behind the reverse side of the wall after inserting from the front with separate or non-separate gripping parts moved into their final position in relation to the body of the device without further manual operation by a toggle-mechanism
    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/70Wind energy
    • Y02E10/72Wind turbines with rotation axis in wind direction


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Connection Of Plates (AREA)
  • Wind Motors (AREA)


Flange for fixing canvas on wind turbine towers. Consisting of a toothed tongue similar to that of the conventional flange in which the flange head has been replaced by a stop spreader, said tongue being one of the two separate pieces that constitute the flange while the second is a notch of fixing that receives the tongue through a toothed guide located in a flange head that is in the center of the fixing recess. The toothing of the tongue is directed in the opposite direction to that of its guide located in the flange head and the locking recess has a cylindrical base to fit into the hole and a cap for its stop. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)


5 BRIDA PARA FIJACION DE LONAS EN TORRES DE AEROGENERADORES Y USO DE LA MISMA OBJETO DE LA INVENCION La presente invenciOn se refiere a unas bridas que fijan las lonas protectoras de las bases de tramos en las torres de aerogeneradores a traves de una sencilla pero eficaz y novedosa forma de lograrlo coma se vera a continuacion. En una aplicacion 10 diferente estas mismas bridas pueden fijar tambien objetos tales coma lamparas u otros similares en los techos. La invencion es de constituci6n sencilla a partir de hacer actuar la lengtieta de la brida convencional sobre una segunda pieza cilindrica a la que se ha denominado escotadura de fijaci6n, la cual 15 actim en sustituci6n de la cabeza de la brida convencional, de tal manera que la fijaci6n no se produce al cerrar el lazo o aro resultante de introducir la lengueta en la cabeza de la brida aprisionando asi los objetos a embridar, sino que se hace sujetando la lengueta por media de una cruceta configurada en su base a uno 20 de los lados de un orificio pasante e introduciendo su punta en la escotadura de Madan, la cual se halla al otro lado del orificio, resultando una fijaciOn completa de una pieza a su soporte a traves de un orificio pasante que atraviesa tanto la fijaci6n como el objeto fijado, sin necesidad de tornillos y tacos u otros medios de fijaci6n. Se pretende ejecutar una fijacion sencilla y segura en un lugar donde no es posible embridar a traves del lazo convencional de la brida. En este sector de la tecnica priman aquellos desarrollos 5 efectivos y especificamente dedicados a la funci6n en Question, que den lugar a un sistema de sencilla utilizaciOn, bajo coste y resultados tecnicamente apreciables. Las caracteristicas de la invencion propuesta se adaptan perfectamente a este concepto, proporcionando al estado de la tecnica una realizaciOn novedosa, 10 simple, Otil, rapida, comoda y de fabricacion e instalacion altamente economica. Las ventajas que se obtienen son variadas e importantes. En primer lugar destaca el hecho de que la fijaci6n en si no requiere elementos mecanicos si se entiende que el orificio para la fijaciOn ya 15 existe. Y es que la presente invenciOn se puede aplicar a muchos casos en los que hay que fijar un elemento a una fijaci6n a haves de un orificio sin necesidad de rosca, tornillo, tapones o tacos. Por ello es muy apropiada para superficies delicadas, tipo superficies metalicas rectificadas, en las que deberian usarse elementos 20 plastificados para no dear. Tampoco requiere el uso de herramientas tales como martillos, Ilaves fijas, destornilladores manuales o electricos, lo cual resulta muy conveniente en instalaciones donde las posturas o ubicaciones de los operarios son complejas o arriesgadas, como par ejemplo al colocar elementos colgantes en techos o similares. Otra ventaja es que la invenciOn propuesta no esta limitada por las medidas de longitud de los orificios para la fijaci6n, ni par los diametros de los mismos, siendo 5 ello minimizado con la utilizacian de la lengueta, cuya longitud y anchura son perfectamente compatibles en anchura y en profundidad con los orificios de este tipo. El problema principal que se pretende resolver en el caso de la sujecion de lonas protectoras a las bases de tramos de torres io edicas es que el uso extendido de tapones a presi6n como el que describe la invenciOn ES 1 064 799 U presenta el problema de que la presion ejercida por el tap6n recae sobre paredes metalicas lisas, por lo que al estar sometido el elemento fijado a esfuerzos continuos, vibraciones, empuje del aire, cambios de temperatura, 15 habitualmente sucede que poco a poco salen algunos tapones resbalando por los orificios hasta desprenderse y caer, perdiendo su efectividad, mientras que can el uso de los elementos pasantes de la brida objeto de la presente invencian se garantiza la estabilidad de la fijaci6n. 20 Otras ventajas adicionales pero no menos importantes se refieren a que al estar hecha la brida de material plastic° no se darian superficies delicadas, y a que sea posible realizar la operaci6n de fijaci6n al soporte desde una sola de las zonas a 'in lado u otro del orificio, por lo que se requiere tan sOlo un operario para realizar la operacion. Finalmente es un producto econOmico, pudiendose comercializar per separado las dos partes, y reutilizar siempre al menos la escotadura de soporte y en los casos en que la 5 lengueta se pueda recuperar, tambien esta es reutilizable. ANTECEDENTES DE LA INVENCION Aunque no se ha encontrado ninguna invencion identica a la propuesta por el inventor, se exponen a continuacion documentos encontrados que reflejan el estado de la tecnica relacionado con la 10 misma. Asi, el documento ES 212087 U se refiere a una brida o correa de amarre, constituida por una banda o lengiieta relativamente larga y una cabeza de retencion dispuesta en un extremo de la misma. Se diferencia de la invencion aqui propuesta 15 en que son necesarios dos orificios para poder embridar los dos elementos con el aro que conforma la brida. El documento ES 1 003 197 U describe una brida para fijaciOn de tubos y similares, caracterizada por constar de un cuerpo moldeado en una sola pieza, el cual comprende una abrazadera 20 provista en el dorso de una cara de aplicaciOn e inmovilizacion de la misma sobre la superficie de una pared, de cuya cara sobresale una espiga tubular que forma un solo cuerpo con la abrazadera, con un extremo abierto en el interior de la abrazadera, provista de codes longitudinales que no alcanzan el extremo libre de la espiga, el cual presenta una punta de paredes gruesas con un pequerio orificio longitudinal apropiado para el enroscado de un tornillo que se introduce por el extremo de la espiga abierto en el interior de la 5 abrazadera. Se parece mAs a un taco para fijar a traves de tornillo a la pared que a una abrazadera. El documento ES 2 009 979 muestra una brida para la fijaciOn de un carril ferroviario, realizada a base de una varilla desde un extremo de la misma hasta el otro, en primer lugar una parte primera 10 sustancialmente recta, a continuaci6n una segunda parte doblada, a continuaci6n una tercera parte sustancialmente superior a 45° con respecto al eje de la primera parte, quedando dispuestos los dos ejes en el mismo piano, a continuaci6n una zona cuarta constituida por un doblado inverso, a continuacion una parte quinta y luego una is parte sexta que es otra curva inversa y finalmente una parte septima, siendo tai la realizaciOn que se hace posible colocar la brida en una posici6n tal que la parte tercera de la misma queda en disposici6n horizontal y de forma que cuando la brida es contemplada desde la parte superior, las partes quintas y septima 20 aparecen en lados opuestos de la parte tercera. Es bastante diferente a la brida que propone la presente invenciOn. Hay que citar tambien el modelo de utilidad ES 1 064 799 U titulado PROTECTOR PARA EL TRANSPORTE DE TORRES DE GENERADORES EOLICOS, TORRES DEL TIPO CILINDRICAS 0 TRONCOCONICAS HUECAS, propiedad en la actualidad de Arquitex Technologies, St. que resuelve la fijaciOn de la lona a su soporte a traves de unos casquillos, gulas y tacos a los que llama 5 vastagos cuyo diametro se estrecha gradualmente, que se valen de los orificios para dicha fijaci6n, con los problemas de inestabilidad ya descritos anteriormente, en especial el de la tendencia a la caida al resbalar el taco por los vaivenes del soporte. Se trata de un sistema de fijaci6n menos seguro que el propuesto por la invencian objeto de 10 esta memoria descriptiva, la cual se vale realmente de una original brida alojada en el eje de un cuerpo cilindrico que incide en el orificio y hace que dicho cuerpo cierre por ambas caras sin riesgo de desprendimiento y caida. Se incluye a continuaci6n una descripci6n de la invencion, 15 detallando aquellos aspectos que por su configuracion o disposici6n son significativos. DESCRIPCION DE LA INVENCION La brida para fijacion de lonas en torres de aerogeneradores objeto de la presente invencion se constituye a partir de una 20 lengtieta dentada similar a la de la brida convencional pero en la que se ha sustituido la cabeza por una cruceta de tope, siendo dicha lengiieta una de las dos piezas separadas que constituyen la brida objeto de invencion. La segunda es una pieza cilindrica a la que se ha denominado escotadura de fijaciOn, que recibe la lengGeta a traves de una guia dentada situada en una cabeza de brida que se encuentra en el centro de la escotadura de fijaci6n y una vez que la lengueta atraviesa hasta su tope el orificio pasante tanto de la 5 superficie que sujeta coma del objeto sujetado, aprisiona los dos objetos que consecuentemente quedan unidos, resultando asi una fijaci6n completa de la lona a su soporte sin necesidad de tornillos ni tacos ni otros medios de fijaciOn. El dentado de la lengueta esta dirigido en sentido contrario al de su guia situada en la cabeza de 10 brida. La escotadura de fijacion presenta una base cilindrica para encajar en el orificio y un sombrerete para su tope. En la cabeza de la brida hay una pestafia de retencion para bloquear la fijaci6n y una una de desbloqueo. El uso de la brida objeto de invenciOn es el siguiente: 15 Se parte de que tanto la pieza a sujetar, la lona, como la superficie que va a soportar dicha sujeciOn han sido previamente perforadas y estan los orificios ya enfrentados. Dada la propiedad de elasticidad del material plastic° de la lenglieta, se dobla la parte delgada de la misma hasta aproximar en 20 paralelo la cruceta de tope at cuerpo de la lengileta. Can anterioridad se ha introducido someramente uno dos o tres dientes de la punta de la lengueta en el alojamiento de esta en la escotadura de fijaci6n. Se introduce la lenglieta asi doblada en los orificios enfrentados de la lona y de la superficie de sujeci6n y se empuja la brida hasta que la cruceta tope de la lengiieta supere el orificio de la superficie de sujeci6n, de tal manera que al recuperar su forma 5 originaria perpendicular retenga la lengueta haciendo imposible el retroceso. En ese momento a la vez que tira de la punta de la lengueta se empuja la escotadura de fijaciOn hasta presionar la lona contra la superficie de sujeci6n, logrando la correcta fijaciOn. to Para el proceso inverso de retirar las fijaciones realizadas, la escotadura de fijacion se ha disefiado con una prolongacion de la pestaria de retencion que permite desbloquear los dientes de la pestafia y de la lengueta, permitiendo el deslizamiento de la lengueta en sentido contrario, liberando la fijacion y pudiendo asi is extraer completamente la escotadura de fijaciOn para su reutilizacion. En una realizacion diferente la brida objeto de invencian se utiliza para colgar objetos tales como lamparas al techo de edificios, acoplando a la escotadura de fijaciOn un gancho o anilla. 20 BREVE DESCRIPCION DE LOS DIBUJOS A continuacion se hace referencia a unas figuras que ayudan a comprender mejor la descripci6n y muestran un modo concreto no exclusivo de realizacion de la brida para fijar lonas protectoras en torres de aerogeneradores. Figura 1: Vista en alzado de la brida Figura 2: Perspectiva convencional de la brida 5 Figura 3: Planta de la brida. Figura 4: Alzado de la escotadura de Mackin Figura 5: Perspectiva convencional de la escotadura Figura 6: Planta de la escotadura de fijaci6n de la brida 10 En dichas figuras se destacan los siguientes elementos numerados: 15 20 retenci6n. 1.- Lengueta 2.- Punta de la lengOeta 3.- Cruceta tope de la lengOeta 4.- Dientes de retencion de la lengueta. 5.- Escotadura de fijaciOn 6.- Cabeza de brida en el centro de la escotadura. 7.- Guia de paso de la lenglieta par la cabeza de brida 8.- Base cilindrica para encaje en orificio 9.- Sombrerete tope de la escotadura de fijaciOn 10.- Pestaria de retencion en la cabeza de brida. 11.- Una de desbloqueo en la pestana de DESCRIPCION DE UNA REALIZACION PREFERIDA Se describe a continuaci6n un modo de realizaciOn preferida de la invenciOn, no siendo esta sino uno de los multiples modos de construccion que se pueden Ilevar a cabo para el desarrollo de la 5 tecnica y configuraci6n descrita previamente. Una realizacien preferida de la brida para la *don de lonas en torres de aerogeneradores objeto de la presente invencion se puede Ilevar a cabo en base a una lenglieta (1) dentada similar a la de la brida convencional pero en la que se ha sustituido la cabeza 10 por una cruceta de tope (3), siendo dicha lengUeta (1) una de las dos piezas separadas que constituyen la brida objeto de invencion. La segunda es una pieza cilindrica a la que se ha denominado escotadura de fijacion (5), que recibe la lengileta (1) a traves de una guia dentada (7) situada en una cabeza (6) de brida que se 15 encuentra en el centro de la escotadura de fijaci6n (5) y una vez que la lengUeta (1) atraviesa hasta su tope (3) el orificio pasante tanto de la superficie que sujeta como del objeto sujetado, aprisiona los dos objetos que consecuentemente quedan unidos, resultando asI una fijacion complete de la Iona a su soporte sin necesidad de tornillos ni 20 tacos ni otros medios de fijacion. El dentado (4) de la lengUeta este dirigido en sentido contrario al de su guia (7) situada en la cabeza (6) de brida. La escotadura de fijacion (5) presenta una base cilindrica (8) para encajar en el orificio y un sombrerete (9) para su tope. En la cabeza (6) de la brida hay una pestafia de retencion (10) para bloquear la fijacion y una utia de desbloqueo (11). 5 FLANGE FOR FIXING WALLS IN TOWERS OF WIND TURBINES AND USING THE SAME OBJECT OF THE INVENTION The present invention refers to flanges that fix the protective canvases of the bases of sections in the wind turbine towers through a simple but effective and novel way to achieve it as will be seen below. In a different application these same flanges can also fix objects such as lamps or the like on the ceilings. The invention is simple to make from acting on the tongue of the conventional flange on a second cylindrical piece which has been called a fixing recess, which acts in replacement of the head of the conventional flange, in such a way that the fixation does not occur when closing the loop or loop resulting from inserting the tongue on the head of the flange thus imprisoning the objects to be clamped, but it is done by holding the tongue by means of a crosshead configured in its base to one of the sides of a through hole and inserting its tip into the Madan notch, which is on the other side of the hole, resulting in a complete fixation of a piece to its support through a through hole through both the fixation and the fixed object , without the need for screws and plugs or other fixing means.  It is intended to perform a simple and safe attachment in a place where it is not possible to clamp through the conventional tie of the flange. In this sector of the technique, those developments 5 that are effective and specifically dedicated to the function in Question, give rise to a system of simple utilization, low cost and technically appreciable results. The characteristics of the proposed invention are perfectly adapted to this concept, providing the state of the art with a novel, simple, useful, fast, comfortable and highly economical manufacturing and installation. The advantages that are obtained are varied and important. In the first place, it stands out the fact that the fixation itself does not require mechanical elements if it is understood that the hole for fixation already exists. And it is that the present invention can be applied to many cases in which an element must be fixed to a fixation to haves of a hole without the need for a thread, screw, plugs or plugs. For this reason it is very suitable for delicate surfaces, such as rectified metal surfaces, in which plasticized elements should be used to avoid damage. Neither does it require the use of tools such as hammers, fixed wrenches, manual or electric screwdrivers, which is very convenient in installations where the positions or locations of the operators are  complex or risky, as an example when placing hanging elements on ceilings or similar. Another advantage is that the proposed invention is not limited by the measurements of the length of the holes for fixing, or even the diameters thereof, being minimized with the use of the tongue, whose length and width are perfectly compatible in width. and in depth with holes of this type. The main problem to be solved in the case of securing protective tarpaulins to the bases of stretches of towers is that the widespread use of pressure plugs such as the one described by the invention IS 1 064 799 U presents the problem that the pressure exerted by the plug rests on smooth metal walls, so that when the fixed element is subjected to continuous efforts, vibrations, air thrust, changes in temperature, it usually happens that little by little some plugs come out sliding through the holes until detach and fall, losing its effectiveness, while the use of the through elements of the flange object of the present invention guarantees the stability of the fixation. 20 Other additional but not less important advantages refer to the fact that when the plastic material flange is made, delicate surfaces will not be given, and that it is possible to perform the fixing operation to the support from only one of the zones a 'in.  side or another of the hole, so it requires only one operator to perform the operation. Finally, it is an economic product, the two parts can be marketed separately, and at least the support recess can always be reused, and in cases where the tongue can be recovered, it is also reusable. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Although no invention identical to that proposed by the inventor has been found, found documents that reflect the state of the art related thereto are set forth below. Thus, document ES 212087 U refers to a clamping strap or strap, constituted by a relatively long band or tongue and a retention head disposed at one end thereof. It differs from the invention proposed here in that two holes are necessary in order to be able to clamp the two elements with the ring that forms the flange. Document ES 1 003 197 U discloses a flange for fixing tubes and the like, characterized in that it consists of a body molded in a single piece, which comprises a clamp 20 provided on the back of a face of application and immobilization thereof on the surface of a wall, from whose face protrudes a tubular spigot forming a single body with the clamp, with an open end inside the clamp, provided with codes  longitudinal ones that do not reach the free end of the pin, which has a thick-walled tip with a small longitudinal hole suitable for screwing in a screw that is inserted through the end of the open tang inside the clamp. It looks more like a block to fix through a screw to the wall than to a clamp. Document ES 2 009 979 shows a flange for fastening a railway rail, made from a rod from one end thereof to the other, firstly a first part substantially straight, then a second part bent, then a third part substantially greater than 45 ° with respect to the axis of the first part, the two axes being arranged on the same plane, then a fourth zone constituted by a reverse bend, then a fifth part and then an is part sixth, which is another inverse curve and finally a seventh part, this being the realization that it is possible to place the flange in a position such that the third part thereof is horizontally disposed and so that when the flange is contemplated from the superior, the fifth and seventh parts appear on opposite sides of the third part. It is quite different from the flange proposed by the present invention. We must also mention the utility model ES 1 064 799 U entitled PROTECTOR FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF TOWERS OF  WIND GENERATORS, TOWERS OF CYLINDRICAL TYPES OR HOLLOW TRONCOCONICS, currently owned by Arquitex Technologies, St. which resolves the fixation of the canvas to its support through bushings, gulas and plugs which it calls 5 rods whose diameter is narrow gradually, they use the holes for said fixation, with the problems of instability already described above, especially that of the tendency to fall when sliding the block by the swings of the support. It is a less secure fixing system than the one proposed by the invention object of this specification, which actually uses an original flange housed in the axis of a cylindrical body that impinges on the hole and makes said body close on both sides without risk of detachment and fall. A description of the invention is included below, detailing those aspects that by their configuration or disposition are significant. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The flange for fixing canvas on wind turbine towers object of the present invention is constituted from a toothed tongue similar to that of the conventional flange but in which the head has been replaced by a stop spreader, said tongue being one of the two separate pieces that constitute the flange object of the invention. The second is a cylindrical piece to which  It has been called a fixing recess, which receives the tongue through a toothed guide located in a flange head located in the center of the fixing recess and once the tongue passes through the through hole through both the tongue and the end of the tongue. The surface that holds the object in place holds the two objects that are consequently joined, resulting in a complete fixation of the canvas to its support without the need for screws or plugs or other fixing means. The toothing of the tongue is directed in the opposite direction to that of its guide located on the head of the flange. The fixing recess has a cylindrical base to fit into the hole and a cap for its stop. At the head of the flange there is a retaining tab to lock the fastener and an unlocking tab. The use of the flange object of invention is the following: It is assumed that both the piece to be fastened, the canvas, and the surface that will support said fastening have been previously perforated and are the orifices already faced. Given the property of elasticity of the plastic material of the lenglieta, the thin part of it is bent until it approximates in parallel the crosshead stop at the body of the tongue. Prior to this, one or two teeth of the tip of the tongue have been introduced into the housing of the tab in the fixing recess.  The so-folded tongue is inserted into the opposing holes of the tarpaulin and of the fastening surface and the flange is pushed until the stop pin on the tab exceeds the bore of the clamping surface, so that on recovering its shape it will be original perpendicular retains the tongue making impossible the recoil. At that moment, while pulling the tip of the tongue, the fixing recess is pushed until the canvas is pressed against the clamping surface, achieving the correct fixation. For the reverse process of removing the fixations made, the fixing recess has been designed with an extension of the retention bolt that allows unlocking the teeth of the flange and the tongue, allowing the tongue to slide in the opposite direction, releasing the fixation and thus being able to completely extract the fixing recess for its reuse. In a different embodiment the flange object of invention is used to hang objects such as lamps to the roof of buildings, by attaching a hook or ring to the fixing recess. 20 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Reference is made below to figures that help to better understand the description and show a specific way not  Exclusive realization of the flange to fix protective canvases in wind turbine towers. Figure 1: Elevation view of the flange Figure 2: Conventional perspective of the flange 5 Figure 3: Flange plant. Figure 4: Elevation of the Mackin recess Figure 5: Conventional perspective of the recess Figure 6: Plan of the flange fixing recess 10 In these figures the following numbered elements are highlighted: retention. 1.- Tongue 2.- Tip of the tab 3.- Cross tab of the tongue 4.- Retention teeth of the tongue. 5.- Fixing notch 6.- Flange head in the center of the recess. 7.- Guide of passage of the lenglieta for the flange head 8.- Cylindrical base for fitting in hole 9.- Top cap of the fixing recess 10.- Retaining weight in the flange head. 11.- One of unlocking in the tab  DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED EMBODIMENT A preferred embodiment of the invention is described below, not being one of the multiple construction methods that can be carried out for the development of the technique and configuration previously described. A preferred embodiment of the flange for the sack of canvases in wind turbine towers object of the present invention can be carried out based on a toothed tongue (1) similar to that of the conventional flange but in which the head 10 by a stop spreader (3), said tongue (1) being one of the two separate pieces that constitute the flange object of the invention. The second one is a cylindrical piece which has been called a fixing recess (5), which receives the tongue (1) through a toothed guide (7) located in a flange head (6) which is located in the body. center of the fixing recess (5) and once the tab (1) goes through to its stop (3) the through hole of both the surface that holds and the subject held, traps the two objects that are consequently attached, resulting in a complete fixation of the Iona to its support without the need for screws or 20 dowels or other fixing means. The toothing (4) of the tongue is directed in the opposite direction to that of its guide (7) located on the flange head (6). The fixing recess (5) has a cylindrical base (8) for fitting into the hole and a cap (9) for its  stop. In the head (6) of the flange there is a retaining flange (10) to lock the fastener and an unlocking tool (11).

Claims (1)

1.- Brida para fijaci6n de lonas en torres de aerogeneradores, constituida a partir de una lengfieta dentada similar a la de la brida 5 convencional, caracterizada porque en dicha lengOeta se ha sustituido la cabeza de brida por una cruceta de tope, siendo dicha lengueta una de las dos piezas separadas que constituyen la brida mientras que la segunda es una escotadura de fijaciOn que recibe la lengueta a travOs de una guia dentada situada en una cabeza de 10 brida que se encuentra en el centro de la escotadura de fijaciOn. 2.- Brida para fijaci6n de lonas en torres de aerogeneradores, segOn reivindicacion 1, caracterizada porque el dentado de la lengueta esta dirigido en sentido contrario al de su guia situada en la cabeza de brida. 15 3.- Brida para gaol& de lonas en torres de aerogeneradores, segun reivindicaciones 1 y 2, caracterizada porque la escotadura de fijacian presenta una base cilindrica para encajar en el orificio y un sombrerete para su tope. 4.- Uso de brida para fijaciOn de lonas en torres de 20 aerogeneradores, caracterizado por comprender los siguientes pasos: Se parte de que tanto la pieza a sujetar, la lona, como la superficie que va a soportar dicha sujeci6n han sido previamente perforadas y estan los orificios ya enfrentados. Dada la propiedad de elasticidad del material plastic° de la lenglieta, se dobla la parte delgada de la misma hasta aproximar en paralelo la cruceta de tope al cuerpo de la lengiieta. Con anterioridad se ha introducido someramente uno, dos o 5 ties dientes de la punta de la lengiieta en el alojamiento de esta en la escotadura de fijacion. Se introduce la lengileta asi doblada en los orificios enfrentados de la lona y de la superficie de sujeciOn y se empuja la brida hasta que la cruceta tope de la lengueta supere el orificio de la superficie de sujecion, de tal manera que al recuperar su forma originaria perpendicular retenga la lengueta haciendo imposible el retroceso. En ese momento a la vez que tira de la punta de la lengileta se empuja la escotadura de fijacian hasta presionar la lona contra la 15 superficie de sujeciOn, logrando la correcta fijaci6n. Para el proceso inverso de retirar las fijaciones realizadas, la escotadura de fijaciOn se ha disefiado con una prolongacion de la pestafia de retencion que permite desbloquear los dientes de la pestaria y de la lengueta, permitiendo el deslizamiento de la 20 lengtieta en sentido contrario, liberando la fijaci6n y pudiendo asi extraer completamente la escotadura de fijaciOn para su reutilizacion. 1.- Flange for fixing tarpaulins in wind turbine towers, made up of a toothed tongue similar to that of conventional flange 5, characterized in that in said tongue the flange head has been replaced by a stop crosshead, said tongue being one of the two separate pieces that make up the flange while the second is a fixing notch that receives the tongue through a toothed guide located on a flange head that is located in the center of the fixing notch. 2.- Flange for fixing tarpaulins in wind turbine towers, according to claim 1, characterized in that the teeth of the tongue is directed in the opposite direction to that of its guide located on the flange head. 3.- Flange for gaol & tarpaulins in wind turbine towers, according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the fixing notch has a cylindrical base to fit into the hole and a cap for its stop. 4.- Use of flange for fixing tarpaulins in towers of 20 wind turbines, characterized by comprising the following steps: The starting point is that both the piece to be fastened, the tarpaulin, and the surface that will support said fastening have been previously drilled and the holes are already facing each other. Given the elasticity property of the plastic material of the tongue, the thin part of it is bent until the stop crosshead approaches the body of the tongue in parallel. Previously, one, two or 5 stiff teeth of the tip of the tongue have been briefly inserted into the housing of the latter in the fixing recess. The tab thus bent is inserted into the holes facing each other in the canvas and the fastening surface and the flange is pushed until the crosshead on the tongue exceeds the hole in the fastening surface, in such a way that when it recovers its original shape perpendicular retain the tab making backing impossible. At that time, while pulling the tip of the tab, the fixing notch is pushed until the canvas is pressed against the holding surface, achieving the correct fixing. For the reverse process of removing the fixings made, the fixing notch has been designed with an extension of the retaining flange that allows the teeth of the flange and the tongue to be unlocked, allowing the tongue to slide in the opposite direction, releasing the fixing and thus being able to completely remove the fixing recess for reuse.
ES201200353A 2012-04-03 2012-04-03 Flange for fixing tarpaulins in wind turbine towers and using it Pending ES2424899R1 (en)

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ES201200353A ES2424899R1 (en) 2012-04-03 2012-04-03 Flange for fixing tarpaulins in wind turbine towers and using it

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TWI858636B (en) * 2023-03-31 2024-10-11 吳易璋 Fixed component

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