Sioutas et al., 2013 - Google Patents
Waterspout outbreaks over areas of Europe and North America: Environment and predictabilitySioutas et al., 2013
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- 12075588326297742479
- Author
- Sioutas M
- Szilagyi W
- Keul A
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- Publication venue
- Atmospheric Research
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Waterspout outbreak occurrences are examined for the areas of the Aegean and Ionian Seas, Eastern Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe and the Great Lakes of North America. Notable outbreaks included a series of 13 waterspouts on September 5 …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 abstract description 15
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/10—Devices for predicting weather conditions
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/02—Instruments for indicating weather conditions by measuring two or more variables, e.g. humidity, pressure, temperature, cloud cover, wind speed
- G01W1/06—Instruments for indicating weather conditions by measuring two or more variables, e.g. humidity, pressure, temperature, cloud cover, wind speed giving a combined indication of weather conditions
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/08—Adaptations of balloons, missiles, or aircraft for meteorological purposes; Radiosondes
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