Pierron et al., 2003 - Google Patents
The influence of hydride blisters on the fracture of Zircaloy-4Pierron et al., 2003
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- 9023854173952739802
- Author
- Pierron O
- Koss D
- Motta A
- Chan K
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Journal of nuclear materials
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The fracture behavior under near plane-strain deformation conditions of Zircaloy-4 sheet containing solid hydride blisters of various depths has been examined at 25 and 300° C. The study was based on material with either model 'blisters' having diameters of 2 and 3 mm …
- KLGZELKXQMTEMM-UHFFFAOYSA-N hydride   [H-] 0 title abstract description 137
- G01N2203/00—Investigating strength properties of solid materials by application of mechanical stress
- G01N2203/0058—Kind of property studied
- G01N2203/006—Crack, flaws, fracture or rupture
- G01N2203/0062—Crack or flaws
- G01N2203/00—Investigating strength properties of solid materials by application of mechanical stress
- G01N2203/02—Details not specific for a particular testing method
- G01N2203/0202—Control of the test
- G01N2203/0212—Theories, calculations
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