Li et al., 2024 - Google Patents
Bio-inspired fabrication of “brick-and-mortar” interphase in carbon fiber/epoxy composites with significantly improved high-temperature durabilityLi et al., 2024
- Document ID
- 8338003680770736678
- Author
- Li H
- Liu C
- Zhu J
- Huan X
- Qi P
- Xu K
- Geng H
- Guo X
- Wu H
- Zu L
- Ge L
- Jia X
- Yang X
- Wang H
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials
External Links
The application of carbon fiber–reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites in high-temperature environments was hindered by the bottleneck of poor interfacial performance between carbon fiber and epoxy resin at elevated temperatures. In this work, a sophisticated “brick …
- VNWKTOKETHGBQD-UHFFFAOYSA-N methane   C 0 title abstract description 73
- C08J5/00—Manufacture of articles or shaped materials containing macromolecular substances
- C08J5/04—Reinforcing macromolecular compounds with loose or coherent fibrous material
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