Citterio et al., 1999 - Google Patents
X-ray optics for the WFXT telescopeCitterio et al., 1999
- Document ID
- 7898880055236267130
- Author
- Citterio O
- Campana S
- Conconi P
- Ghigo M
- Mazzoleni F
- Braeuninger H
- Burkert W
- Oppitz A
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions II
External Links
Wide field x-ray telescope (WFXT) is the core instrument of the Wide Angle X-ray Survey (WAXS) mission, which is aimed at conducting a high angular resolution, high sensitivity x- ray survey over a large solid angle of the sky. The project has been developed as a …
- PXHVJJICTQNCMI-UHFFFAOYSA-N nickel   [Ni] 0 abstract description 31
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