Mahdi et al., 2019 - Google Patents
Determination of sulfide production by Reducing Bacteria isolated in the injection water of an Iraqi oil fieldMahdi et al., 2019
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- 7748827140266698472
- Author
- Mahdi N
- Al-Tamimi W
- Al-Jawad M
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies
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Several oilfields undergo to reservoir souring, typically during water injection for secondary recovery, resulted in increasing concentrations of produced hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The main reason for this is the mechanism of generating hydrogen sulfide are the sulfate …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 45
- C09K8/00—Compositions for drilling of boreholes or wells; Compositions for treating boreholes or wells, e.g. for completion or for remedial operations
- C09K8/58—Compositions for enhanced recovery methods for obtaining hydrocarbons, i.e. for improving the mobility of the oil, e.g. displacing fluids
- C09K8/582—Compositions for enhanced recovery methods for obtaining hydrocarbons, i.e. for improving the mobility of the oil, e.g. displacing fluids characterised by the use of bacteria
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