Zhang et al., 2024 - Google Patents
Fluorescent carbon dots doped with nitrogen for rapid detection of Fe (III) and preparation of fluorescent films for optoelectronic devicesZhang et al., 2024
View PDF- Document ID
- 7001442143200104569
- Author
- Zhang B
- Luo Y
- Peng B
- Zhang L
- Xie N
- Yue D
- Li W
- Qin B
- Du W
- Wang Z
- Zhang Y
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Journal of Molecular Structure
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The paper presents a green and easily prepared water-soluble fluorescent nitrogen doped carbon dots (Nsingle bondCDs) synthesized by one-step hydrothermal process. The Nsingle bondCDs displays brilliant blue fluorescence excited by UV light, with excellent water …
- VNWKTOKETHGBQD-UHFFFAOYSA-N methane   C 0 title abstract description 103
- G01N21/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of optical means, i.e. using infra-red, visible or ultra-violet light
- G01N21/62—Systems in which the material investigated is excited whereby it emits light or causes a change in wavelength of the incident light
- G01N21/63—Systems in which the material investigated is excited whereby it emits light or causes a change in wavelength of the incident light optically excited
- G01N21/64—Fluorescence; Phosphorescence
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