Griffis et al., 2020 - Google Patents
Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatlandGriffis et al., 2020
View PDF- Document ID
- 5465044608572602680
- Author
- Griffis T
- Roman D
- Wood J
- Deventer J
- Fachin L
- Rengifo J
- Del Castillo D
- Lilleskov E
- Kolka R
- Chimner R
- del Aguila-Pasquel J
- Wayson C
- Hergoualc'h K
- Baker J
- Cadillo-Quiroz H
- Ricciuto D
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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Tropical peatlands are a major, but understudied, biophysical feedback factor on the atmospheric greenhouse effect. The largest expanses of tropical peatlands are located in lowland areas of Southeast Asia and the Amazon basin. The Loreto Region of Amazonian …
- VNWKTOKETHGBQD-UHFFFAOYSA-N methane   C 0 title abstract description 26
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/02—Instruments for indicating weather conditions by measuring two or more variables, e.g. humidity, pressure, temperature, cloud cover, wind speed
- G01W1/06—Instruments for indicating weather conditions by measuring two or more variables, e.g. humidity, pressure, temperature, cloud cover, wind speed giving a combined indication of weather conditions
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/10—Devices for predicting weather conditions
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