Liu et al., 2022 - Google Patents
Investigation of adsorption properties and mechanism of uranium (VI) and europium (III) on magnetic amidoxime-functionalized MCM-41Liu et al., 2022
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- 5431181656299755759
- Author
- Liu F
- Huang W
- Wang S
- Hu B
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- Applied Surface Science
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Herein, a novel magnetic amidoxime-functionalized MCM-41 (Fe 3 O 4@ MCM-41-PDA/OA) was developed by loading Fe 3 O 4 on amidoxime-functionalized MCM-41 via a simple strategy. The microscopic surface morphologies and structures of the as-synthesized …
- AAORDHMTTHGXCV-UHFFFAOYSA-N uranium(6+)   [U+6] 0 title abstract description 26
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