Zheng et al., 2022 - Google Patents
Effects of radiation reabsorption on laminar NH3/H2/air flamesZheng et al., 2022
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- 4796760627958776991
- Author
- Zheng S
- Liu H
- Sui R
- Zhou B
- Lu Q
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- Publication venue
- Combustion and Flame
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Ammonia combustion, owing to its zero greenhouse gas CO 2 emission, is attracting attention for energy utilization. However, the thermal radiation of NH 3 has not been reported and involved in the numerical simulations of ammonia flames, which may cause serious …
- QGZKDVFQNNGYKY-UHFFFAOYSA-N ammonia   N 0 title abstract description 81
- G01N21/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of optical means, i.e. using infra-red, visible or ultra-violet light
- G01N21/17—Systems in which incident light is modified in accordance with the properties of the material investigated
- G01N21/25—Colour; Spectral properties, i.e. comparison of effect of material on the light at two or more different wavelengths or wavelength bands
- G01N21/31—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry
- G01N21/35—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry using infra-red light
- G01N21/3504—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry using infra-red light for analysing gases, e.g. multi-gas analysis
- G01N2021/354—Hygrometry of gases
- G01N21/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of optical means, i.e. using infra-red, visible or ultra-violet light
- G01N21/17—Systems in which incident light is modified in accordance with the properties of the material investigated
- G01N21/25—Colour; Spectral properties, i.e. comparison of effect of material on the light at two or more different wavelengths or wavelength bands
- G01N21/31—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry
- G01N21/39—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry using tunable lasers
- G01N2021/396—Type of laser source
- G01N2021/399—Diode laser
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