Hu et al., 2021 - Google Patents
Breakup and collision of water droplet for mass injection pre-compression coolingHu et al., 2021
- Document ID
- 4778682465268808220
- Author
- Hu F
- Lu Y
- Wu F
- Ming Y
- Xia G
- Zhang H
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Aerospace Science and Technology
External Links
The breaking and bouncing coefficients of water droplets in water injection pre-compression cooling are tested in this paper. The test results show that there appears bimodal structure on the droplet size distribution of water droplets due to the combination and secondary …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 100
- G01M9/00—Aerodynamic testing; Arrangements in or on wind tunnels
- G01M9/02—Wind tunnels
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