This cake need an introduction...ha.this Italian dessert has always been a favourite sweat's either you use sponge cake or the ready sivordi (lady's finger)..layered with mascarpone cheese. Really rich..cheezy and with the bitterness of coffee and cocoa powder. This recipe fits both the sponge cake and the sivordi biscuits.
3 whole eggs / 3 biji telur
3 Tbsp granulated sugar / 3 sdb besar gula pasir
1/3 cup granulated sugar / 1/3 gula pasir
1 tsp vanilla extract / 1 sdt esen vanila
1/2 cup plain flour, sifted / 1/2 cawan tepung
2 Tbsp butter, melted / 2 sdb mentega cair
You can substitute the sponge cake with sivordi or ladyfingers roughly 20 pcs./ Boleh digantikan sponge cake ini dengan biskut sivordi..atau biskut jejari.
For the coffee mixture
2/3 cup of strong Espresso coffee / 2/3 cup kopi - I used nescafe
1 Tbsp granulated sugar / 1 sdb besar gula
1/4 cup Marsala wine or brandy - I omit this with no substitute
For the Mascarpone cream
500 g Mascarpone cheese / 500 g mascarpone cheese
150 g caster sugar / 150 g gula caster
5 large egg / 5 biji telor
1 tsp cream of tartar / 1 sdt krim tarta
1 1/2 tbsp gelatin + 9 tbsp hot water / 1 1/2 sdb gelatin + 9 sudu besar air panas
70 g cocoa powder for sprinkle / 70 g serbuk koko untuk tabur atas
To make the sponge cake
Preheat oven to 350° F. Spray a 9 inch diameter round cake pan or 8
inch by 8 inch rectangular cake pan with vegetable oil and lightly dust with
cake flour. Beat the eggs and 1/3 cup of sugar at medium speed in a double
boiler over very hot water, until the mixture is smooth and pale yellow in
color. Add the remaining 3 Tbsp of sugar and beat at high speed until the
mixture reaches a consistency that forms ribbons when poured. Remove from the
heat, stir in the vanilla extract, and slowly fold in the cake flour. Fold in
the melted butter. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake at 350° F
for 30 to 40 minutes / Panaskan oven
pada 350 F. Alaskan dulang pembakar 9 " bulat dengan minyak masak dan
taburkan sedikit tepung. Pukul telur dengan 1/3 cawan gula pada kelajuan
sederhana atas double boiler dan api panas sehingga adunan menjadi lincin dan
putih. Masukkan baki 3 sdb gula dan pukul pada kadar kelajuan tinggi sehingga
adunan menjadi pekat. Alihkan dari api dan masukkan esen vanilla dan
perlahan=lahan masukkan tepung. Masukkan mentega cair. Tuangkan adunan k edalam
acuandan bakar selama 30-40 minit.
Remove from the oven and immediately turn the cake out of the pan onto a wire rack to cool. / Keluarkan dari oven..sejukkan
To make the coffee mixture
Mix the sugar into the coffee. Evaporate down (by boiling) the coffee-sugar mixture until only 1/3 cup remains. Add the Marsala wine or brandy and stir. /Masukkan gula dan kopi..wapkan dengan carak menjerangkannya sehingga pekat dan tinggal 1/3 cawan.
To make the Mascarpone cream
Beat 1/2 sugar with eggs yolk till til fluffy (texture look like spongecake). Beat again for another 1 minute on high speed. Add mascaporne cheese...whisk slowly so that mixture won't separated at minimum speed. Store in chiller./ Pukul kuning telur dengan 1/2 gula sehingga kembang. Pukul lagi pada speed tinggi selama 1 minit. Masukkan mascarpone cheese pukul perlahan supaya ia tidak berasingan pada kadar rendah. Masukkan ke dalam chiller untuk disejukkan
Beat the egg white with 75 g sugar till fluffy add in cream of tartar and beat till soft peak add egg yolk mixture to the white egg mixture and mix till incoporated . Ada in gelatin mixture and mix well with mixer. / Pukul putih telur pada kadar sederhana sehingga kembang. masukkan krim of tartar da.n pukul pada kadar tinggi sehingga bertanduk. Masukkan adunan kuning telur ke dalam adunan putih telur dan gaul rata. Masukkan gelatin yang dibancuh bersama air panas dan pukul dengan mixer sehingga rata.
Tiramisu Assembly
Slice the cake in half, to make two cakes of half the original height. / Potong kek kepada dua bahagian.
Place the first slice of the cake at the bottom of a serving bowl or pan and sprinkle half of the coffee mixture over it. Spread half of the Mascarpone creme on the cake, using a spatula. Spread half of the whipped cream over the Mascarpone cream / Letakan lapisan pertama kek dan renjiskan adunan kopi ke atas kek. Sapukan adunan cheese atas kek menggunakan spatula
Put the second slice of the cake on top and repeat the above procedure with the coffee mixture, Mascarpone, to finish the Tiramisu. / Letakkan lapisan kedua kek dan lakukan proses yang sama
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 6 hours. / Tutup dengan clig plastic dan sejukkan selama 6 jam.
Jika menggunakan roti..celup roti dengan air kopi dan susun atau pun boleh digunakan cara meletakkan biskut dikeliling dan mascarpone cheese di tengah seperti di bawah.
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