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Scholarship Terms & Conditions

Parking Solutions Scholarship from Parking BOXX
Applicants must be current college or university students, enrolled in an equivalent post-high school program, or be planning to be enrolled in in such a program and actually enrolled at the time of award (i.e. Fall semester or quarter for applicable submission period year). Essays must be written in English only.
How to apply icon
How to apply
Write a 500 word essay that is original, creative, and persuasive on the subject of technology innovation in parking solutions (see example parking solutions), specifically from your perspective as a student. We’re interested in learning your opinions about how parking can be more user-friendly, efficient or otherwise enhanced. Try to be concise, but your submission may be longer than 500 words.
Eligibility icon
1. We do not require any sort of minimum GPA, and both domestic and international students may apply.
2. All applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, in a program at an accredited: Graduate School, University or College, Vocational School, Technical School, or a Community College
3. Winners will be notified by email and must reply within 5 calendar days, else a new winner shall be selected. 
4. Winners must agree to be interviewed for a blog article, press release and provide a photo. 
Due Date / Timing icon
Due Date / Timing
The $1000 Scholarship is awarded annually.The deadline for Parking BOXX’s Scholarship is October 15 of the applicable calendar year. A winner will be selected in November, then the winner shall be notified in December.  Submissions after the October 15 deadline, shall be considered for the next calendar year.
Due Date / Timing

The $1000 Scholarship is awarded annually. NOTE: THE 2017 SUBMISSION PERIOD IS NOW CLOSED. THE 2018 SUBMISSION PERIOD IS NOW OPEN. The deadline for Parking BOXX’s 2018 Scholarship is October 15, 2018. A winner will be selected in November 2018.
School and University Participation icon
School and University Participation
Please help raise awareness of this scholarship opportunity amongst the student body at your school. You can post details from this page on any relevant pages of your website, include it in your newsletters, and/or share it via social media. Scroll down to view our Parking Solutions Scholarship Terms & Conditions
School and University Participation

Please help raise awareness of this scholarship opportunity amongst the student body at your school. You can post details from this page on any relevant pages of your website, include it in your newsletters, and/or share it via social media.

How to apply

Write a 500 word essay that is original, creative, and persuasive on the subject of technology innovation in parking solutions (see example parking solutions), specifically from your perspective as a student. We’re interested in learning your opinions about how parking can be more user-friendly, efficient or otherwise enhanced. Try to be concise, but your submission may be longer than 500 words.
How to apply

Write a 500 word essay that is original, creative, and persuasive on the subject of technology innovation in parking solutions (see example parking solutions), specifically from your perspective as a student. We’re interested in learning your opinions about how parking can be more user-friendly, efficient or otherwise enhanced. Try to be concise, but your submission may be longer than 500 words.

1. We do not require any sort of minimum GPA, and both domestic and international students may apply.
2. All applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, in a program at an accredited:
  • Graduate School
  • University or College
  • Vocational School
  • Technical School
  • Community College
Due Date / Timing

The $1000 Scholarship is awarded annually. NOTE: THE 2017 SUBMISSION PERIOD IS NOW CLOSED. THE 2018 SUBMISSION PERIOD IS NOW OPEN. The deadline for Parking BOXX’s 2018 Scholarship is October 15, 2018. A winner will be selected in November 2018.
Due Date / Timing

The $1000 Scholarship is awarded annually. NOTE: THE 2017 SUBMISSION PERIOD IS NOW CLOSED. THE 2018 SUBMISSION PERIOD IS NOW OPEN. The deadline for Parking BOXX’s 2018 Scholarship is October 15, 2018. A winner will be selected in November 2018.
School and University Participation

Please help raise awareness of this scholarship opportunity amongst the student body at your school. You can post details from this page on any relevant pages of your website, include it in your newsletters, and/or share it via social media.

School & University Participation

Please help raise awareness of this scholarship opportunity amongst the student body at your school. You can post details from this page on any relevant pages of your website, include it in your newsletters, and/or share it via social media.

To participate in this scholarship, you must also meet any minimum age requirements of your state. If you do not meet these requirements, we ask that you not register.
This scholarship is the sole venture of the Parking BOXX which is solely responsible for administration of this offer. Parking BOXX is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by any college, school, corporation or government entity.
This scholarship is open to any current student enrolled in college, university or a similar post-high school level educational program. Employees, officers, and directors of Parking BOXX (Sponsor) and its related companies and agents, and members of the immediate family and household of each are not eligible. Immediate family members include parents, siblings, or any person residing in the same household as employee. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. By participating in the scholarship, entrant fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor, which are final and binding.
To apply, complete the online application. Registration is free and there is no purchase necessary. Parking BOXX is not responsible for errors, omissions, lost, late, interruptions, deletions, delays in operations or transmission, invalid, incomplete, technically corrupted or misdirected entries. All of these types of entries will be disqualified. All entries become the property of Parking BOXX and will not be returned. Parking BOXX is not responsible for any claims, liabilities or damages in conjunction with the prize of the scholarship. Parking BOXX is not responsible for any claims, liabilities or damages in conjunction with the process of meeting the scholarship rules. Parking BOXX reserves the right to disqualify entrants for any reason we deem fit and at any time. Scholarship rules, deadline dates, and guidelines are subject to updates and/or modifications at any time and for any reason without notification.

In the event of a dispute as to the identity of the entrant, entries will be declared made by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at time of entry. The “authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider or other organization (e.g., business, educational, institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the respective domain associated with the submitted e-mail address.
ONE (1) winner will be selected by a judging panel administered by Parking BOXX. The decision of this panel is final.

Winner will be notified by e-mail within approximately three (3) business days of the selection. If a potential winner cannot be contacted after reasonable effort within seven (7) days after the first attempt to contact him/her, this will result in forfeiture of the prize and an alternate entrant will be selected in his/her place. Potential winners must comply with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules and winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements listed.

The scholarship monies will be paid directly to the college or university upon verification that the winner applied. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL TAXES, AND ANY OTHER COSTS AND EXPENSES, ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECEIPT OR USE OF THE PRIZE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WINNER. The scholarship may be tax free if the recipient meets all IRS requirements. Scholarship is awarded WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, express or implied, without limitation. If the winner chooses not to accept his/her prize, an alternate winner may be chosen. The award will be paid in one lump sum.
By participating, entrants (a): agree that the Sponsor, and their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers, and agencies, and their directors, officers, agents, employees, attorneys, and any other person or entity associated with such entities and/or scholarship shall not be liable for any and all claims, damages, losses or injuries, including any third party claims, arising from or relating to, in whole or in part, this scholarship, including entry and participation in this scholarship and acceptance, possession, use or misuse of the prizes; (b) agree that Sponsor and its employees and agents have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize including, but not limited to, its quality, mechanical condition or fitness for a particular purpose; (c) agree to be bound by the official rules and the decisions of the Sponsor (including but not limited to eligibility determinations) which are final and binding in all respects; and (d) consent to use of his/her name, photograph and/or likeness for advertising and promotional purposes in connection with this scholarship without additional compensation, unless prohibited by law.

All entrants further agree that in the event of any third party claims, damages, losses or injuries, arising from or relating to this scholarship, they will indemnify Sponsor from any and all such claims, including the attorneys’ fees related thereto. Sponsor shall not be liable for entries and winner notification responses that are delayed, lost, misdirected, illegible, mutilated, incorrect or incomplete, and such entries will be not be eligible for this scholarship. Sponsor is not responsible for late, lost, incomplete, inaccurate or misdirected entries, whether caused by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of the entries in the scholarship; computer system, phone line, computer equipment or computer malfunctions, software, program malfunctions or other failures, or other errors or delays; or network connections that are human, mechanical or technical in nature. Entrant further agrees that in any cause of action, Sponsor and its employees’ and agents’ liability will be limited to the cost of entering and participating in the scholarship, and in no event shall the released parties be liable for attorney’s fees. Entrant waives the right to claim any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, punitive, consequential, direct or indirect damages. ANY PERSON ATTEMPTING TO DEFRAUD OR IN ANY WAY TAMPER WITH THIS scholarship WILL BE INELIGIBLE FOR PRIZES AND MAY BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Sponsor reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel or suspend this scholarship should viruses, bugs or other causes beyond their control corrupt the administration, security or proper play of the scholarship. Sponsor further reserves the right to modify the rules of the scholarship in any way or at any time, as long as reasonable notice is given.
This scholarship is governed by the laws of the United States without respect to conflict of law doctrines. As a condition of participating in this scholarship, participants agree that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with this scholarship, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively before a court located in the U.S. having jurisdiction. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances will participants be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages, including attorneys’ fees, other than participant’s actual out-of-pocket expenses (e.g. costs associated with entering), and participant further waives all rights to have damages multiplied or increased.
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