I have no idea why that jungle bunny is smiling? That shitskin is Kevin Michael Watts. He murdered 3 people in San Antonio, Texas back in March of 2002 in cold blood. Look at his soulless shitskin nigger eyes. He also raped a woman.
Here is what happened. Back on March 1st of 2002 in San Antonio, Texas 4 staff members at The Sam Won Garden (Korean Restaurant) were getting ready to open their doors for business. Watts came barging in with Tec-22 pistol. He fired a warning shot in the air and rounded up all the employees. While doing so he demanded all their money. He then shot 3 of the 4 staff execution style in the back of the head. He then emptied the registered and grabbed the managers wife hostage. She had only been in the US for 2 months. He then took the manager's SUV. He first started sexually assaulting her in the SUV before bringing her to his apartment to rape her. He then grabbed his room mate Terrance Bolden and he raped her. That's 2 niggers fucking you. Most niggers have AIDS that's double the AIDS. They then made the managers wife ingest drugs. Then they tried to put the pistol in her vagina. The managers wife survived the attack.
Watts was captured after 3 hours. He admitted to it immediately with no denial He was sentenced to death. Bolden was sentenced to 14 years for sexual assault.
Watts was executed October 16th, 2008 in Huntsville, Texas.
Kevin Michael Watts: Was born January 18th, 1981 in Santa Clara, California he was a janitor, cook, and labourer. Mainly a thieving nigger. Shacked up with Tiffany Prince.
Hak Po Kim 30 Restaurant Manager
Yuan Tzu Banks 52 Restaurant Cook
Chae Sun Shook 59 Restaurant Cook
When this worthless piece of shit died he had no remorse towards the victims or his families these were his final words.
"For everybody incarcerated, y'all keep your heads up," he said. "Stay strong and keep fighting, it's not over yet." Watts also asked the Lord to forgive him. He finished his last statement by saying, "I am out of here. I am gone. Keep me in your hearts." The lethal injection was then started. Watts then said, "Can I say something? I'm dying but..." He then lost consciousness.
- Watts's defence argued that he had been on a drinking and narcotics binge prior to the crimes. He was in drug induced psychosis drinking "thug passion" a drink made popular by the most famous nigger Tupac (thank god he's dead too).
- Watts also had previous crimes for assault causing bodily harm, driving while intoxicated, and criminal mischief.
- Some evidence points that Watts was in a street gang even wanting to join a gang in prison
- Watts made a plea as his execution date neared claiming he was mentally retarded. That's mean the mentally retarded are smarter than niggers.
- His reason to rob was to get some money for his "girl" and his child. But your jigs jigs aren't faithful the odds of that kid being Watts are very slim it could be any coons on the block.
- He claims his intent was to put food on the table. Ok then just rob them. You don't shoot 3 people execution style in the back of the head and rape a woman with your friend if that's your intent. He has a woman at home and he is out raping other women that is such nigger behaviour.