Summer on the Plot
I have been on holidays abroad, enjoying the summer sunshine here at home, spending days on the plot and while taking some photos did not turn on the computer to upload so, not to bore anyone, collages are the way to go. Various harvests, you will notice courgettes feature in all of them, but getting more colourful as the season progresses! Beetroot,carrots, courgettes,cucumber, chillis,Kale,lettuce,Mange Tout,onions,sweet peppers,sweetcorn and potatoes, not bad for such a late start on a new plot! The onions drying in the sunshine.Chilli peppers (our first attempt ever at growing these)!Tomatoes reddening on the vines at last, our first red pepper is in there too! I love how colourful the harvest gets as the season unfolds. The story of our pumpkins. they were started off in pots at home and repotted as needed, they were finally planted out on the plot in early June.Clockwise from top left is their progress, it was slow until we got some heavy downpours ...