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10 years of ORBi at ULiège

Conference day celebrating the 10th anniversary of ORBi

In 2008, the University of Liège committed itself to a strong institutional policy in terms of Open Access, through the implementation of ORBi, its institutional archive, and the now famous "Liège mandate". 10 years later, what has happened to this proactive policy? To what extent has it borne fruit?

To celebrate the 10 years of ORBi, ULiège Library organised a day of conferences on 20 November, 2018. It provided an opportunity to take a look in the rear-view mirror but also to see the place that Open Access and Open Science have taken in Belgium, and internationally, in the way of communicating science: strong policy, involvement of research funds, mobilisation of researchers and academic and research institutions. All this and more as the new challenges for the years to come: evaluation of researchers, open data, new models of electronic publication, implementation of international policies.

Videos and presentations


Pr. Jean WINAND - First Vice-Rector of the University of Liège

Presentation (pdf)

10 years of ORBi at ULiège: a look in the rear-view mirror and a look ahead

Paul THIRION - Head Librarian of ULiège Library, University of Liège

Presentation (pdf)

ORBi: a simple accessory for research or an essential tool?

Bernard RENTIER - Honorary Rector of University of Liège, First Vice-President of the Federal Council for Science Policy, Expert for the EUA Working Group on Open Science

ORBilu: 5 years of visibility for research at the University of Luxembourg - experience feedback

Marie-Pierre PAUSCH - Head of the Library Service of the University of Luxembourg (UniLu)

Presentation (pdf)

Opening up knowledge: a democratic challenge

Jean-Claude MARCOURT - Vice-President of the Government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Minister of Higher Education, Research and the Media

Presentation (pdf)

Freedom to search, freedom to communicate: from Open Access to Open Science in F.R.S.-FNRS

Véronique HALLOIN - Secretary General of F.R.S.-FNRS

Presentation (pdf)

Open Minds for Belgian Open Science

Eric LAUREYS - Project Manager Open Access for BELSPO (Belgian Federal Science Policy Office)

Presentation (pdf)

ORCID: improve the visibility of its scientific production

Valérie DURIEUX et Bruno LECLERCQ - Inter-University Library of the French Community of Belgium (BICfB)

Presentation (pdf)

"DMPOnline": a collaborative tool to help write Data Management Plans

Jérôme EECKHOUT - Administration of Research and Innovation, University of Liege

Presentation (pdf)

Creative Commons licenses

Agnez BEWER - Co-founder of, web developer, member of Creative Commons Belgium

Presentation (pdf)

International experiences
France's national plan for Open Science

Marin DACOS - Scientific Advisor for Open Science to the Director General for Research and Innovation at the Ministry of Higher Education (France), Founder of OpenEdition

Presentation (pdf)

The EUA's Strategy for Open Science

Pr. Jean-Pierre FINANCE - Honorary Chairman of Université Henri Poincaré de Nancy, Chairman of the Open Access Group - Open Science de l'EUA

Presentation (pdf)

The future of science is open. Open access policies at the EC

Jean-Claude BURGELMAN - Head of Unit Open Data Policies and Science Cloud (EC DGRTD - European Commission)

Presentation (pdf)

Open Science, an unattainable dream without a revolution in evaluation

Bernard RENTIER - Honorary Rector of University of Liège, First Vice-President of the Federal Council for Science Policy, Expert for the EUA Working Group on Open Science

Presentation (pdf)

Beyond academic journals: Open Science Platforms

Jean-Claude GUÉDON - Professor at the University of Montreal, Chair of the Expert Group on the Future of Academic Publishing, European Commission

Presentation (pdf)


Pierre WOLPER - Rector of the University of Liège

10 years of open access at ULiège

Researchers and professors from our university talk about their experience with Open Access at the University of Liège.


Bernard POCHET, "10 ans d'ORBi à l'ULiège : liège (Belgique) - 20 novembre 2018", Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF), 2018, n°16.
Online :
ISSN: 1292-8399.

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