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ବିଶ୍ବର ସର୍ବବୃହତ ଜନବହୁଳ ସହରସବୁର ତାଲିକା


ଏହି ସନ୍ଦର୍ଭରେ ପୃଥିବୀର ସର୍ବାଧିକ ଜନବହୁଳ ସହର ଗୁଡିକର ତାଲିକା ପ୍ରଦାନ କରାଯାଇଛି ଯାହା କେବଳ ସହରମାନଙ୍କ ଜନସଂଖ୍ୟା ଉପରେ ଆଧାରିତ । ସହର କହିଲେ ଆଇନ ଗତ କିମ୍ବା ରାଜନୈତିକ ଭାବରେ ସୀମା ଚିହ୍ନଟ ହେଇଥିବା ଓ ପ୍ରଶାସନଦ୍ୱାରା ସ୍ୱୀକୃତ ସହରାଞ୍ଚଳ ଭାବେ  ହେଇଥିବା ଓ ସ୍ଥାନୀୟ ପ୍ରଶାସନ[][] ରହିଥିବା ଅଞ୍ଚଳକୁ କୁହାଯାଇଥାଏ । ଏଥି ସହ ଏହାର ଉପ ସହର ( sub urban ) ସମ୍ମିଳିତ ହେଇ ନଥାଏ ମଧ୍ୟ ।[] 

"World Urbanization Prospects" , ନାମକ ମିଳିତ ଜାତିସଂଘର ଏକ ପ୍ରକାଶନ ଅନୁସାରେ ସହରର ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା ଏପରି କରାଯାଇଛି , " ଏକ ସହରର ପ୍ରଶାସନିକ ସୀମା ରେଖା ମଧ୍ୟରେ ରହୁଥିବା ଜନ ସମୂହ ବା ଏକକ ସହର-ପ୍ରଶାସନ ଅଧୀନରେ ଥିବା ସମସ୍ତ ଅଧିବାସୀଙ୍କୁ ନେଇ ସହରର ଜନସଂଖ୍ୟା ଆକଳନ କରାଯାଇପାରିବ " । ଏଥିରେ ଆହୁରି ମଧ୍ୟ ଉଲ୍ଲିଖିତ ଅଛି " ସହରର ପ୍ରଶାସନିକ ସୀମା ରେଖାରେ ତାହାର ସହରତଳିରେ ,  ଯେଉଁଠାରେ ସହରରେ କର୍ଜୟା କରୁଥିବା ଅନେକ ଲୋକ ରହି ଯାତାୟତ କରି କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରନ୍ତି , ଥିବା ଉପସହର ଅନ୍ତର୍ଭୁକ୍ତ ହେବା ଜରୁରୀ ନୁହେ । " 

ଉପରୋକ୍ତ ବ୍ୟାକୟା ଅନୁସାରେ ସହରାଞ୍ଚଳ ବା ମେଟ୍ରୋ- ପଲିଟାନ ଅଞ୍ଚଳର ପ୍ରକୃତ ଚିତ୍ର ଆସିପାରେ ନାହିଁ । ଏହି ପ୍ରଶାସନିକ ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟାଦ୍ୱାରା କିଛି ସହର ତାଲିକା ଭିତରକୁ ଆସୁଥିଲେ ମଧ୍ୟ ପ୍ରକୃତରେ ସେଗୁଡ଼ିକ ନିର୍ଧାରିତ ମନଠାରୁ ସାନ । ଚୀନ ଦେଶରେ ସହର ଗୁଡିକର ପ୍ରଶାସନିକ ଅଞ୍ଚଳର ସୀମା ମୁଖ୍ୟ ସହରଠାରୁ ଅନେକ ଦୁରବର୍ତୀ ଇଲାକା ଯାଏ ଉପ ସହର ଓ ଗ୍ରାମାଚଳକୁ ମଧ୍ୟ ନେଇ ବ୍ୟାପ୍ତ ହେଇଥାଏ । 

Cities proper by population

Rank City Image Population Definition Total
area (km²)
density (/km²)
1 ସାଙ୍ଘାଇ 7007242568000000000♠24,256,800[] Municipality 7003634050000000000♠6,340.5 3,826  ଚୀନ
2 କରାଚୀ 7007235000000000000♠23,500,000[] Metropolitan Corporation 7003352700000000000♠3,527 6,663  ପାକିସ୍ଥାନ
3 ବେଜିଂ  7007215160000000000♠21,516,000[] Municipality 7004164105400000000♠16,410.54[] 1,311  ଚୀନ
4 ଦିଲ୍ଲୀ  7007163498310000000♠16,349,831 Union territory 7003148300000000000♠1,483 11,320  ଭାରତ
5 Lagos 7007160603030000000♠16,060,303[a] Metropolitan City 7003117128000000000♠1,171.28[] 13,712  Nigeria
6 Tianjin 7007152000000000000♠15,200,000 Municipality 7004117600000000000♠11,760 1,293  ଚୀନ
7 Istanbul 7007141604670000000♠14,160,467 Metropolitan Municipality[୧୦] 7003546100000000000♠5,461[୧୧] 2,593  Turkey
8 Tokyo 7007135137340000000♠13,513,734[୧୨] Metropolis 7003219100000000000♠2,191[୧୨] 6,168  Japan
9 Guangzhou 7007130805000000000♠13,080,500[୧୩] Sub-provincial City 7003743440000000000♠7,434.4[୧୪] 1,759  ଚୀନ
10 Mumbai 7007124423730000000♠12,442,373[୧୫] Municipal Corporation[୧୬] 7002603400000000000♠603.4 20,680  ଭାରତ
11 Moscow 7007121975960000000♠12,197,596 Federal City[୧୭] 7003251012000000000♠2,510.12[୧୮] 4,859  ଋଷିଆ
12 São Paulo 7007118958930000000♠11,895,893[୧୯] Municipality City[୨୦] 7003152111000000000♠1,521.11 7,821  Brazil
13 Shenzhen 7007104674000000000♠10,467,400 Sub-provincial City 7003199164000000000♠1,991.64 5,256  ଚୀନ
14 Jakarta 7007100753100000000♠10,075,310 Capital Region – Five Kota 7002664120000000000♠664.12 15,171  ଇଣ୍ଡୋନେସିଆ
15 Lahore 7007100520000000000♠10,052,000 City District 7003177200000000000♠1,772[୨୧] 5,673  ପାକିସ୍ଥାନ
16 Seoul 7006999578400000000♠9,995,784[୨୨] Special City 7002605210000000000♠605.21[୨୩] 17,134  South Korea
17 Kinshasa 7006973500000000000♠9,735,000[୨୪]

[full citation needed]

Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୨୫] 7003111762000099999♠1,117.62[୨୬] 8,710  Democratic Republic of the CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo
18 Cairo 7006927844100000000♠9,278,441 Governorate[୨୭] 7003308510000000000♠3,085.1 3,008  EgyptEgypt
19 ମେକ୍ସିକୋ ସିଟି 7006887472400000000♠8,874,724 Federal District 7003148549000000000♠1,485.49[୨୮] 5,974  MexicoMexico
20 Lima 7006869338700000000♠8,693,387 Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୨୯] 7003267230000000000♠2,672.3 3,253  PeruPeru
21 London 7006867371300000000♠8,673,713 Greater London Authority[୩୦] 7003157215000000000♠1,572.15 5,431  United Kingdom
22 New York City 7006855040500000000♠8,550,405[୩୧] City[୩୨] 7002783840000000000♠783.84 10,908  United StatesUnited States
23 Bengaluru 7006844367500000000♠8,443,675 Municipal Corporation 7002741000000000000♠741.00 11,876  ଭାରତ
24 Bangkok 7006828092500000000♠8,280,925[୩୩] Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୩୪] 7003156874000000000♠1,568.74 5,279  ThailandThailand
25 Ho Chi Minh City 7006822440000000000♠8,224,400[୩୫] Metropolitan Municipality-Province 7003209550000000000♠2,095.5[୩୫] 3,925  Vietnam
26 Dongguan 7006822020700000000♠8,220,207 Prefecture-level City 7003246940000000000♠2,469.4 3,329  ଚୀନ
27 Chongqing 7006818980000000000♠8,189,800[b] Central Chongqing[c]


Sum of the areas of the "urban-function core district" and "urban-function extended district" of Chongqing.ଆଧାର ଭୁଲ: <ref> ଟ୍ୟାଗ ପାଇଁ ବନ୍ଦକରିବା </ref> ନାହିଁ Sub-provincial City 7003471385000000000♠4,713.85 1,737  ଚୀନ
29 Tehran 7006815405100000000♠8,154,051 City Municipality 7002431580000000000♠431.58 18,893  ଇରାନIran
30 Shenyang 7006810617100000000♠8,106,171[୪୦] Sub-provincial City 7004129420000000000♠12,942 626  ଚୀନ
31 Bogotá 7006777684500000000♠7,776,845 Capital District[୪୧] 7002859110000000000♠859.11[୪୨] 9,052  ColombiaColombia
32 Ningbo 7006760568900000000♠7,605,689 Sub-provincial city 7003981623000000000♠9,816.23 775  ଚୀନ
33 Hong Kong 7006729860000000000♠7,298,600 Special Administrative Region[୪୩] 7003110443000000000♠1,104.43 6,608  ଚୀନ
34 Hanoi 7006723270000000000♠7,232,700[୩୫] Metropolitan Municipality-Province 7003332450000000000♠3,324.5[୩୫] 2,176  Vietnam
35 Baghdad 7006718088900000000♠7,180,889 Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୪୪] 7003455500000000000♠4,555[୪୫] 1,576  IraqIraq
36 Changsha 7006704411800000000♠7,044,118[୪୬] Prefecture-level City[୪୭] 7004118190000000000♠11,819 596  ଚୀନ
37 Dhaka 7006697010500000000♠6,970,105[୪୮] City Corporation 7002300000000000000♠300[୪୯] 56,567  ବଙ୍ଗଳାଦେଶBangladesh
38 Wuhan 7006978539200000000♠9,785,392 Sub-provincial City[୫୦] 7003132761000099999♠1,327.61[୫୧] 5,187  ଚୀନ
39 Hyderabad 7006673179000000000♠6,731,790 Municipal Corporation 7002621480000000000♠621.48[୫୨] 10,832  ଭାରତ
40 Chennai 7006672700000000000♠6,727,000 Municipal Corporation[୫୩] 7002426510000000000♠426.51 15,772  ଭାରତ
41 Rio de Janeiro 7006642992300000000♠6,429,923[୫୪] Municipality City 7003120027000000000♠1,200.27[୫୫] 5,357  Brazil
42 Faisalabad 7006641874500000000♠6,418,745[୫୬] City District 7002214000000000000♠214 29,907  ପାକିସ୍ଥାନ
43 Foshan 7006615162200000000♠6,151,622[୫୭] Prefecture-level City 7003203462000000000♠2,034.62 3,023  ଚୀନ
44 Zunyi 7006612700900000000♠6,127,009[ଆଧାର ଲୋଡ଼ା] Prefecture-level city 7004307630000000000♠30,763 199  ଚୀନ
45 Santiago 7006574371900000000♠5,743,719 Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୫୮] 7003124990000000000♠1,249.9 4,595  ChileChile
46 Riyadh 7006567662100000000♠5,676,621 Municipality City[୫୯] 7003123398000000000♠1,233.98[୬୦] 4,600  Saudi Arabia
47 Ahmedabad 7006557058500000000♠5,570,585[୬୧] Municipal Corporation 7002475000000000000♠475 11,728  ଭାରତ
48 Singapore 7006553500000000000♠5,535,000[୬୨] City State 7002719100000000000♠719.1[୬୨] 7,697  Singapore
49 Shantou 7006539102800000000♠5,391,028 Prefecture-level City 7003206442000000000♠2,064.42 2,611  ଚୀନ
50 Yangon 7006521400000000000♠5,214,000 Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୬୩] 7002598750000000000♠598.75[୬୪] 8,708  ମ୍ୟାନମାରMyanmar
51 Saint Petersburg 7006519169000000000♠5,191,690[୬୫] Federal City 7003143900000000000♠1,439[୧୮] 3,608  ଋଷିଆ
52 Abidjan 7006476500000000000♠4,765,000[୨୪] Department/City District 7003211900000000000♠2,119 2,249  Ivory CoastIvory Coast
53 Chengdu 7006474192900000000♠4,741,929[୬୬] Sub-provincial City 7002421000000000000♠421[୬୬] 11,263  ଚୀନ
54 Alexandria 7006461662500000000♠4,616,625[୬୭] Governorate 7003230000000000000♠2,300[୬୮] 2,007  EgyptEgypt
55 Kolkata 7006449669400000000♠4,496,694 Municipal Corporation 7002185000000000000♠185 24,306  ଭାରତ
56 Ankara 7006447080000000000♠4,470,800 Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୬୯] 7003191092000000000♠1,910.92[୭୦] 2,340  Turkey
57 Xi'an 7006446783700000000♠4,467,837 Sub-provincial City[୭୧] 7002832170000000000♠832.17 5,369  ଚୀନ
58 Surat 7006446200200000000♠4,462,002[୧୫] Municipal Corporation 7002326515000000000♠326.515[୭୨] 13,666  ଭାରତ
59 Johannesburg 7006443482700000000♠4,434,827[୭୩] Municipality City 7003164498000000000♠1,644.98 2,696  ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଆଫ୍ରିକାSouth Africa
60 Dar es Salaam 7006436454100000000♠4,364,541 Metropolitan Municipality-Province[୭୪] 7003163112000000000♠1,631.12 2,676  ତାଞ୍ଜାନିଆTanzania
61 Suzhou 7006432706600000000♠4,327,066 Prefecture-level City[୭୫] 7003164972000000000♠1,649.72[୭୬] 2,623  ଚୀନ
62 Harbin 7006428070100000000♠4,280,701[୭୭] Sub-provincial City 7003171820000000000♠1,718.2 2,491  ଚୀନ
63 Giza 7006423998800000000♠4,239,988 Governorate[୭୮] 7002289080000000000♠289.08 14,667  EgyptEgypt
64 Zhengzhou 7006412208700000000♠4,122,087[୭୯] Sub-provincial City[୮୦] 7003101566000000000♠1,015.66 4,059  ଚୀନ
65 New Taipei City 7006395492900000000♠3,954,929 Special Municipality 7003205257000000000♠2,052.57 1,927  TaiwanTaiwan
66 Los Angeles 7006388430700000000♠3,884,307[୮୧] Municipality City[୮୨] 7003121385000099999♠1,213.85 3,200  United StatesUnited States
67 Cape Town 7006374002600000000♠3,740,026[୭୩] Municipality City 7003244497000099999♠2,444.97 1,530  ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଆଫ୍ରିକାSouth Africa
68 Yokohama 7006372616700000000♠3,726,167[୧୨] Designated City 7002437490000000000♠437.49 8,517  Japan
69 Busan 7006359010100000000♠3,590,101[୮୩] Metropolitan City 7002766120000000000♠766.12[୮୩] 4,686  South Korea
70 Hangzhou 7006356039100000000♠3,560,391[୮୪] Sub-provincial City 7002728190000000000♠728.19[୮୪] 4,889  ଚୀନ
71 Xiamen 7006353134700000000♠3,531,347 Sub-provincial City 7003169900000000000♠1,699 2,078  ଚୀନ
72 Quanzhou 7006352084600000000♠3,520,846[୮୫] Prefecture-level City 7003106200000000000♠1,062 3,315  ଚୀନ
73 Berlin 7006351742400000000♠3,517,424 City State 7002891750000000000♠891.75 3,944  GermanyGermany
74 Rawalpindi ଫାଇଲ:FFC Head Office.jpg 7006351000000000000♠3,510,000[ଆଧାର ଲୋଡ଼ା] City District 7002127000000000000♠127 27,638  ପାକିସ୍ଥାନ
75 Jeddah 7006345625900000000♠3,456,259 Municipality City 7003176500000000000♠1,765 1,958  Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
76 Durban 7006344236100000000♠3,442,361[୭୩] Municipality City 7003229131000000000♠2,291.31 1,502  ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଆଫ୍ରିକାSouth Africa
77 Hyderabad 7006342947100000000♠3,429,471[୮୬] City District 7002114000000000000♠114 30,083  ପାକିସ୍ଥାନ
78 Kabul 7006341410000000000♠3,414,100 Municipality City 7002275000000000000♠275 12,415  ଆଫଗାନିସ୍ତାନAfghanistan
79 Casablanca 7006335981800000000♠3,359,818 Prefecture 7002387000000000000♠387 8,682  MoroccoMorocco
80 Hefei 7006335207600000000♠3,352,076 Prefecture-level City[୮୭] 7002838520000000000♠838.52 3,998  ଚୀନ
81 Pyongyang 7006325538800000000♠3,255,388[୮୮] Direct-controlled Municipality 7003211300000000000♠2,113[୮୯] 1,541  ଉତ୍ତର କୋରିଆNorth Korea
82 Madrid 7006320724700000000♠3,207,247 Municipality City 7002605770000000000♠605.77 5,294  SpainSpain
83 Peshawar 7006320100000000000♠3,201,000[ଆଧାର ଲୋଡ଼ା] Municipal Corporation 7002125000000000000♠125 25,608  ପାକିସ୍ଥାନ
84 Ekurhuleni 7006317847000000000♠3,178,470[୭୩] Municipality City 7003197531000000000♠1,975.31 1,609  ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଆଫ୍ରିକାSouth Africa
85 Nairobi 7006313836900000000♠3,138,369 Capital District 7002694900000000000♠694.9 4,829  KenyaKenya
86 Zhongshan 7006312127500000000♠3,121,275[୯୦] Prefecture-level City 7003178367000000000♠1,783.67 1,750  ଚୀନ
87 Pune 7006311543100000000♠3,115,431[୬୧] Municipal Corporation 7002450690000000000♠450.69 6,913  ଭାରତ
88 Addis Ababa 7006310367300000000♠3,103,673 Metropolitan Municipality-Province 7002526990000000000♠526.99 5,889  EthiopiaEthiopia
89 Jaipur 7006307335000000000♠3,073,350[୬୧] Municipal Corporation 7002485000000000000♠485 6,337  ଭାରତ
90 Buenos Aires 7006305430000000000♠3,054,300 Federal District 7002203000000000000♠203 15,046  ArgentinaArgentina
91 Wenzhou 7006303943900000000♠3,039,439[୯୧] Prefecture-level City[୯୨] 7003118788000000000♠1,187.88 2,559  ଚୀନ


  1. Metropolitan Lagos consists 16 out of Lagos State's 20 LGA, which excludes: Badagry, Epe, Ibeju-Lekki and Ikorodu.[]
  2. Sum of the 2014 population estimates for the "urban-function core district" and "urban-function extended district" of Chongqing, which were 3,677,600 and 4,512,200 respectively.[୩୬] See also the next note.
  3. The nine districts of Yuzhong, Jiangbei, Shapingba, Jiulongpo, Nan'an, Dadukou, Banan, Yubei and Beibei together comprise the area commonly referred to as Central Chongqing (重庆主城区). The first six districts make up the "urban-function core district" (都市功能核心区) and the last three comprise the "urban-function extended district" (都市功能拓展区) defined by the Chongqing municipal government.[୩୭][୩୮][୩୯]


  1. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  2. Demographic Yearbook 2005, Volume 57. United Nations. 2008. p. 2; 756. ISBN 92-1-051099-2.[permanent dead link]
  3. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2003 Revision. United Nations. 2004. ISBN 92-1-151396-0.[permanent dead link]
  4. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  5. Amer, Khawaja (10 June 2013). "Population explosion: Put an embargo on industrialisation in Karachi". The Express Tribune. Retrieved 28 February 2016. {{cite news}}: More than one of |accessdate= and |access-date= specified (help)
  6. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  7. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  8. "Population-Lagos State". Lagos State Government. Archived from the original on 18 October 2015. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
  9. The surface of the Metropolitan Lagos is 1171 square kilometres, but 171 square kilometres is water (lagoon).
  10. The city, considered capital of Istanbul Province, is administered by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), which oversees the thirty-nine districts of the city-province (thirty-six urban districts and three rural districts).
  11. Sources have provided conflicting figures on the area of Istanbul.
  12. ୧୨.୦ ୧୨.୧ ୧୨.୨ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  13. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  14. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  15. ୧୫.୦ ୧୫.୧ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  16. Mumbai City consists of two distinct regions: Mumbai City district (Island City) and Mumbai Suburban district (Western Suburban and Eastern Suburban), grouped into 24 wards, under the administration of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).
  17. The federal city of Moscow is divided into twelve administrative okrugs, which are in turn subdivided into districts (raions).
  18. ୧୮.୦ ୧୮.୧ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  19. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  20. Administratively, the Municipality of São Paulo is divided into 31 subprefectures, each in turn divided into 96 districts.
  21. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  22. "2016년 5월 행정자치부 주민등록 인구통계". Archived from the original on 2011-03-03. Retrieved 2016-10-31.
  23. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  24. ୨୪.୦ ୨୪.୧ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  25. The province of Kinshasa is divided into twenty-four districts, administered by the Metropolitan Municipality of Kinshasa.
  26. According to the Constitution of Democratic Republic of the Congo, the province of Kinshasa covers 9965.21 km2.
  27. In April 2011, Prime Minister Essam Sharaf abolished the Helwan Governorate and reincorporated its territory into the Cairo Governorate.
  28. Consejo Nacional de Población, México; Delimitación de las zonas metropolitanas de México 2005 Archived 2010-12-02 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on 26 November 2010.
  29. The province of Lima is divided into forty three "districts of Lima" which are administered by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima.
  30. The 33 local authorities are the 32 London borough councils and the City of London Corporation.
  31. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  32. New York City is composed of five boroughs: Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island
  33. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  34. Bangkok is subdivided into 50 districts (khet เขต, also sometimes wrongly called amphoe อำเภอ as in the other provinces, derived from Pali khetta, cognate to Sanskrit kṣetra), which are further subdivided into 169 khwaeng แขวง, roughly equivalent to tambon ตำบล in the other provinces.
  35. ୩୫.୦ ୩୫.୧ ୩୫.୨ ୩୫.୩ Statistical Handbook of Vietnam 2014, General Statistics Office Of Vietnam
  36. 2014年重庆市国民经济和社会发展统计公报 [Chongqing Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin 2014] (in Chinese). Chongqing Bureau of Statistics. 16 March 2015. Archived from the original on 23 May 2015. Retrieved 26 May 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  37. "Position of Five Function Districts in Chongqing". Chongqing Municipal Government. 22 September 2013. Archived from the original on 21 November 2014. Retrieved 26 May 2015.
  38. 五大功能区域: 都市功能核心区 [Five Functional Districts: Urban-function Core District]. CQNEWS Corporation. Archived from the original on 27 May 2015. Retrieved 26 May 2015. {{cite web}}: Invalid |script-title=: missing prefix (help)
  39. Te Kan (9 November 2007). "New city group in the making". China Daily. Beijing. Retrieved 26 May 2015.
  40. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  41. The Capital District of Bogotá is divided into twenty districts, administered by the Metropolitan Municipality of Bogotá.
  42. The district of Sumapaz is completely rural (no city services) and is not part of the city proper.
  43. The only legally defined city in Hong Kong is the City of Victoria but it serves almost no administrative function.
  44. The province of Baghdad is divided into nine district, administered by the Metropolitan Municipality of Baghdad.
  45. There are many disputes about Baghdad city (urban) area.
  46. "Hunan Stastical Bureau (2011-5-13): Hunan Major data communique of National Census 2010". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2016-10-31.
  47. Based on the following districts: Furong, Tianxin, Yuelu, Kaifu, Yuhua; see Administration
  48. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  49. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  50. The sub-provincial city of Wuhan has direct jurisdiction over 13 districts (eight urban/five rural).
  51. Wuhan Statistical Yearbook 2010 p. 15
  52. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  53. Chennai city is governed by the Chennai Corporation, dividing into three regions – fifteen districts: North (Tiruvottiyur, Manali, Madhavaram, Tondiarpet and Royapuram), South (Valasaravakkam, Alandur, Adyar, Perungudi and Sholinganallur) and Central (Thiru-Vi-Ka Nagar, Ambattur, Anna Nagar, Teynampet and Kodambakkam), which covers 200 wards.
  54. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
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  57. Districts of Changcheng, Nanhai, Shunde; see Foshan#Administration
  58. The province of Santiago is divided into thirty-two districts, administered by the Metropolitan Municipality of Santiago.
  59. Riyadh is divided into 15 branch municipalities, in addition to the Diplomatic Quarter.
  60. Arriyadh Development Authority (Investment_Arriyadh_2013)
  61. ୬୧.୦ ୬୧.୧ ୬୧.୨ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  62. ୬୨.୦ ୬୨.୧ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  63. Yangon is administered by the Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC).
  64. Third Regional EST Forum, Presentation of Myanmar Archived 2009-02-26 at the Wayback Machine..
  65. Rosstat. Оценка численности постоянного населения на 1 января 2015 г.
  66. ୬୬.୦ ୬୬.୧ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  67. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  68. The city of Alexandria has an area of approximately 400 square kilometres.
  69. The province of Ankara is divided into twenty five districts, administered by the Metropolitan Municipality of Ankara.
  70. Yenimahalle district, whose area is not given by, covers 274 km2
  71. The sub-provincial city of Xi'an has direct jurisdiction over 9 districts (区 qu) and 4 counties (县 xian).
  72. "Demographics: Surat Municipal Corporation". Archived from the original on 2009-04-04. Retrieved 2016-10-31.
  73. ୭୩.୦ ୭୩.୧ ୭୩.୨ ୭୩.୩ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  74. Dar es Salaam is divided into three districts: Ilala, Kinondoni, and Temeke.
  75. The city proper based on the districts of Gūsū, Wúzhōng, Sūzhōu Gōngyèyuán (Industrial Park), Xiàngchéng and Sūzhōu Gāo Xīnjìshù Chǎnyè Kāifāqū (New District)
  77. All city proper districts except Sōngběi; namely Dàolǐ, Nángǎng, Dàowài, Píngfáng, Xiāngfang; see Harbin#Administrative divisions
  78. All districts that are listed as being in Greater Cairo and are contiguous; namely Ad-Duqī, Al-Ahrām; Al-'Ajūzah; Al-Badrashayn; Al-Ḥawāmidiyah; Al-Jīzah; Al-Jīzah; Al-'Umrāniyah; Al-Warrāq; Awsīm; Būlāq al-Dakrūr; Imbābah; Kirdāsah.
  79. Sub-provincial City (Census 2010)
  80. The city proper based on the districts of Zhōngyuán, Èrqī, Guǎnchéng Huízú, Jīnshuǐ and Huìjì
  81. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  82. Los Angeles City is divided into over 80 districts and neighborhoods.
  83. ୮୩.୦ ୮୩.୧ [୧] Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine., Retrieved 1 July 2013.
  84. ୮୪.୦ ୮୪.୧ {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  85. Following sections: Licheng District, Fengze District, Shishi City, Jinjiang City; see Quanzhou#Administrative divisions
  87. The prefecture-level city of Hefei administers 9 county-level divisions, including 4 districts, 1 County-city and 4 counties.
  88. United Nations Statistics Division; Preliminary results of the 2008 Census of Population of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea conducted on 1–15 October 2008 (pdf-file) Archived 25 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on 1 March 2009.
  89. "PYONGYANG". Archived from the original on 2014-07-17. Retrieved 2016-10-31.
  91. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  92. Based on the following districts: Lucheng, Longwan, Ouhai; see Administration

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