OpenUK is the unique open tech industry body for the business of open technology in the UK. It spans the opens – software, hardware, data, standards and AI and is the convening point for the UK’s business, academic and contributing communities across open tech. Our work supports the UK’s journey to become “The State of Open”. Our organisation is run with the support of our volunteer community and their leadership in the tradition of open source delivering on three pillars: community, legal and policy and learning.
Our Community is recognised through our world-leading open tech recognition programme including the OpenUK Awards (the Oscars of Open Source) now in their 5th year, New Year’s Honours Lists and Ambassador Scheme.
OpenUK undertakes research and reporting both on its own account through its “State of Open Reports” and on a commissioned basis for third parties. Case studies, Thought Leadership, Surveys and desk-based research are included in our reporting which pushes the envelope and leads the way. Our Research and Reporting Show and Tell events coalesce the global open source research communities digitally to regularly update and share research practices and topics.OpenUK’s new OpenUK Fellows Network for postgraduate researchers is launching in 2024 to encourage more academic research across the opens.
The community’s strength is channeled to enable a cohesive voice that responds to legislative proposals and sets policy. We have set the agenda in policy matters across openness in the UK and beyond. OpenUK’s Policy work leads the conversations around open source licensing and commercialisation, AI openness and cloud computing and other key topics across open source, as they emerge. Engagement with UK policy makers is supported by a volunteer Policy Advisory Board and by experts across our volunteer Advisory Boards and the open source communities. Our Advisory Boards span AI, Communications Tech, Data, Finance, Hardware, Healthcare, Security, Software, Space, Sustainability and Quantum Computing. We are able to provide industry experts across the opens for speaking engagements, consultancy and advisory boards.
OpenUK is the second organisation established anywhere in the world with open source policy as its purpose, our approach is holistic to and representative of the entire open ecosystem.
OpenUK undertakes a broad range of activities in support of its policy work and is a day one member of GaiaX and UK’s GaiaX Hub Coordinator, hosted one of the biggest tech events at COP26, and was the first organisation in open tech to put a Sustainability Policy and Chief Sustainability Officer in place.
Skills and Learning form our third pillar and our Learning work has spanned initiatives for children including our award winning Kids Camps which teach coding, open source and sustainability in a real world context; and exploring the business of open source through our Founder training. We have shared several hundred hours of digital training. Our ambitions include a UK apprenticeship module and adding open source to the UK curriculum.
The State of Open Con has become one of the world’s leading open source conferences since its inception by OpenUK in 2023. In 2025 we expect to host 1000 people across 8 tracks and plenary sessions, with at least 50 partners in our delegate experience space and over 200 speakers. Our small events team deliver to the highest standards a series of unique events through the year and our community organise UK-wide OpenUK meet-ups.
Vision, Mission & Purpose, 2023 Re-Fresh
Updated in OpenUK’s Board Strategy Meeting on 4 July, 2023
OpenUK is the organisation for Open Technology
open source software, open hardware and open data, using open standards for the UK.
OpenUK’s Purpose is to
“Develop UK leadership and Global Collaboration in Open Technology”:
- Empowering the Open Technology community in the UK with a cohesive voice;
- Creating a legal and policy environment for Open Technology to thrive in the UK; and
- Championing learning, education and skills in Open Technology in the UK.
OpenUK’s Vision is that:
- The UK is a global leader in Open Technology;
- Curated Open Technology is the norm across UK public services, businesses and individuals; and
- Open Technology forms the basis of the UK’s thriving digital economy.
OpenUK’s Mission is to:
- Convene the UK’s Open Technology community to harness its power;
- Lead and advocate for the use and development of Open Technology; and
- Encourage education and skills for all in Open Technology.
Our Participants are made up of experts and leaders in the field of Open Technology. They participate by being a part of our pro bono leadership team: Board, Leadership Team Ambassadors, Apprentice Ambassadors or by being a member of one of our expert groups: Legal Group, AI Advisory Board, Policy Advisory Board, Security Advisory Board, Sustainability Advisory Board. Each has its own remit and we will see more of these groups being set up on an ongoing basis, including in Quantum and Space.
Participants are primarily UK based in line with our remit as a geographical organisation, but aligning to our Purpose of international collaboration we also work with individuals and organisations globally.
We are not a pay to play organisation and do not have Members, instead we are funded by Sponsors, Donations and Grants, along-side individual Supporter donations.
OpenUK is a member or affiliated to all significant Open Technology organisations and individuals are able to represent OpenUK on various committees and work groups at these organisations.