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Academic social-networking sites (ASNS) such as and ResearchGate are becoming very popular among academics. These sites allow uploading academic articles, abstracts, and links to published articles; track demand for published... more
Academic social-networking sites (ASNS) such as and ResearchGate are becoming very popular among academics. These sites allow uploading academic articles, abstracts, and links to published articles; track demand for published... more
Today's distance education systems include resources for individual study (intrapersonal dialogue) such as self-instruction texts, Webbased instructional systems, video recordings, etc., and resources for interpersonal dialogue such as... more
This research examined how students at the Open University of Israel studied from video recordings of lectures. At the semester's end, seven history students were interviewed in order to trace their experiences, learning strategies and... more
Method A web-based 44-item Big Five Personality questionnaire (John, Donahue & Kentle, 1991) was used in this survey. Reliability of the Hebrew version was reported by Caspi, Chajut, Saporta & Beyth-Marom (2006). The questionnaire was... more
Abstract This paper presents a theoretical framework for viewing elements that comprise distance education instructional systems in terms of dialogue. It is assumed that learning is mediated by intrapersonal dialogue and facilitated by... more
Findings of a large survey indicate that the structure of leadership in an asynchronous learning environment is consisted with the one repeatedly found in the context of face-to-face leadership. Correlations with students' satisfaction... more
Given the status of Transaction Distance Theory as a theoretical base for distance education, we reviewed (Gorsky & Caspi, 2005) published empirical studies that attempted to support or to validate the theory (Moore, 1993). We found that... more
Abstract One hundred and eighteen Open University of Israel undergraduate students participated in an experiment that was designed to test the differences between sharing and collaborating on a written assignment.
Instructional systems, both distance education and campus‐based, may be viewed in terms of intrapersonal and interpersonal instructional dialogues, that mediate and facilitate learning respectively, and instructional resources that enable... more
This study investigated how students specifically overcame conceptual difficulty and solved problems through the use of intrapersonal and interpersonal instructional dialogues in a difficult physics course at Open University, UK. It was... more
Abstract The adaptation of innovative technologies for learning and teaching faces learners, developers and instructors with a wide range of challenges that should be considered for a successful implementation.
Abstract Two hundred and thirty-nine elementary school teachers reported their perceived learning (cognitive and affective aspects) in four learning environments: Formal–face-to-face (teachers' professional development courses),... more
Abstract Collaborative writing may evoke conflict between individuals' feeling of contribution and their sense of ownership toward the collective outcomes. The present study tested the relations between perceived psychological ownership,... more
Abstract This study aimed to determine the factors that affect students' preferences regarding tutorial modes. A learning-habit inclinations questionnaire (LHIQ) was constructed and administered to 288 students. Factor analysis revealed... more
Abstract The correlation between three conceptions of social presence (seen as 1. a subjective quality of a medium that determines the quality of the communication and perception of others, 2. self-projection onto the group, and 3.... more
This investigation reviews published empirical studies that attempted to support or to validate transactional distance theory (Moore, 1993). It was found that either data only partially supported the theory or, that if they apparently did... more
In this study, the authors examined the effect of group size on students' behavior in asynchronous, nonmandatory instructional discussion groups.
The impacts of the instructional environment (classroom vs. Web-based instructional environment—WBIE) and personality differences on students' social participation were examined among 214 university students. Students reported their... more