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Pull Request Guidelines

We ask that contributors to CC projects submit a pull request with your changes. If you're not familiar with pull requests, please read this GitHub documentation. Here are our expectations for pull requests; following them will expedite the process of merging your code in.

Read and follow the contributing guidelines and code of conduct for the project. Here are screenshots of where to find them for first time contributors and previous contributors.

We aim to review pull requests within five business days.*. If it has been over five business days and you have not received any feedback, feel free to follow up with us.

  • Make A Branch
    • Please create a separate branch for each issue that you're working on. Do not make changes to the default branch (e.g. master, develop) of your fork.
  • Push Your Code ASAP
  • Describe Your Pull Request
    • Use the format specified in pull request template for the repository. Populate the stencil completely for maximum verbosity.
      • Tag the actual issue number by replacing #[issue_number] e.g. #42. This closes the issue when your PR is merged.
      • Tag the actual issue author by replacing @[author] e.g. @issue_author. This brings the reporter of the issue into the conversation.
      • Mark the tasks off your checklist by adding an x in the [ ] e.g. [x]. This checks off the boxes in your to-do list. The more boxes you check, the better.
    • Describe your change in detail. Too much detail is better than too little.
    • Describe how you tested your change.
    • Check the Preview tab to make sure the Markdown is correctly rendered and that all tags and references are linked. If not, go back and edit the Markdown.
      Screenshot: Populated pull request
  • Request Review
    • Once your PR is ready, remove the "[WIP]" from the title and/or change it from a draft PR to a regular PR.
    • If a specific reviewer is not assigned automatically, please request a review from the project maintainer and any other interested parties manually.
  • Incorporating feedback

Code guidelines

  • Write comprehensive and robust tests that cover the changes you've made in your work.
  • Follow the appropriate code style standards for the language and framework you're using (e.g. PEP 8 for Python).
  • Write readable code – keep functions small and modular and name variables descriptively.
  • Document your code thoroughly.
  • Make sure all the existing tests pass.
  • User-facing code should support the following browsers:
    • Chrome (Webkit-Blink / 22+)
    • Firefox (Gecko / 28+)
    • Edge (Chromium based / 12+)
    • Opera (Chromium-Blink / 12.1+)
    • Safari (Apple’s Webkit / 7+)
    • IE 11 (Trident)

* CC staff work Monday through Friday and are not available on weekends and national holidays (the specific holidays observed vary based on the person's location). CC is closed between Christmas Eve and New Years' Day every year and for a few days following the CC Global Summit. Also, our availability during events such as the CC Global Summit and our biannual staff meetups is limited.