Contributes to Wicket
Contributes to Groovy
Contributes to JLine
and 19 other projectsContributes to Vuze (formerly Azureus)
Contributes to OpenKore as damokles
Contributes to Jersey
and 16 other projectsContributes to Groovy
Contributes to Gradle-M2Metadata-Plugin
Contributes to springbatch-over-mongodb
and 6 other projectsContributes to Grails
Contributes to Macromates TextMate Bundles
Contributes to Spock Framework
Contributes to JBoss Application Server
Contributes to Seam 2
Contributes to Weld as dan.j.allen
and 13 other projectsContributes to LiquiBase
Contributes to commonclipse
Contributes to Ruby Jekyll as Matthias Nuessler
and 22 other projectsContributes to Hibernate Search
Contributes to PotPlayer
Contributes to Thymeleaf
and 4 other projectsContributes to Jolokia as Maros
Contributes to OpenDaylight
Contributes to dhcp4j
and 10 other projectsContributes to Apache OFBiz® trunk
Contributes to Moqui Framework
Contributes to Mantle Business Artifacts
and 2 other projects