Analyzed about 21 hours ago
We are an open source hardware company and this is where you can find all of our awesome open source hardware. We use Google Code to host our releases so that they can be distributed easily and reliably. We will be posting releases of all the files used to create our designs: lasercut design
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files, software, firmware, 3D designs, electroncis designs, etc.
You can view all our documentation on our wiki. Our subversion repository is located at http://svn.makerbot.com.
MakerBot is a derivative project of RepRap. Our goals are slightly different: we aim to build an awesome, reliable, cheap, and open source 3D printer. Self-replication is not high on our list, but if we can accomplish that as well at some point in time, then that would be excellent.
Cheers from the MakerBot Team,
Zach, Bre, and Adam [Less]