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Our NEW star gift designs: more luminous than ever

New star gift design

Our star gifts are more magnificent than ever. The Online Star Gift and OSR Gift Pack have been updated to a new dazzling look. Check out our brilliant new features now!

We have redesigned all parts of the Online Star Gift and the OSR Gift Pack. Our brand-new gift designs bring magic to your life and let your star shine brighter than ever. Watch the video below to enjoy a great reveal!

The updated OSR Gift Pack brings a dazzling surprise

Our well-known blue envelope has evolved into a trifold that guides you towards your star. When you open the envelope, the first thing you see is a message just for you. Open the envelope further to see our modernized star certificate. This eye-catching, gold infused and embossed document is perfect to put on display. Which we’ve made easy with a special new feature. Next to the star certificate you’ll find all your star documents. The OSR code explanation sheet, the personalized letter, star map and card with personal message can be viewed at a glance. Our text card has changed from a folding card to a postcard shape. Perfect for writing a personal message by hand.

NEW: Show your certificate

Showing your star certificate has never been so easy with the new OSR Gift Pack design. The star certificate has a beautiful new look which looks perfect when presented in the envelope it came in. This is by far the most original and brilliant way to enjoy your very own star. The icons on the blue envelope tell you how to turn the trifold into a display. Need a more detailed explanation? Check out how to fold your blue envelope into a beautiful display here.

new star gift

The Online Star Gift in a new guise

The Online Star Gift is a digital personalized gift that is instantly delivered to your mailbox. All star documents have a new wonderful look that makes eyes twinkle. Based on the physical gift pack design, the digital documents are easily shared online with friends and family. The documents don’t just have to be viewed digitally, you can also print them yourself on A4 paper. Are you ready to share the magic?

The star gifts in a language of your choice

Both star gifts are available in twenty different languages. When registering and personalizing your star, you can choose a language for your star gift. All star registration documents will display your personal information in the language of your choice. The occasion sheet, the blue envelope and the OSR Star Map insert will be in English. But don’t worry, this text only consists of a few words.

A star for every occasion

At Online Star Register you can name a star for almost any occasion. We are happy to announce that in addition to the already existing occasions, we have also added new ones! Besides the popular occasions Love, Birthday and General, you can now also choose from new themes: Thank You, Get Well Soon, Graduation and Friendship. All occasion sheets have also been redesigned with new enchanting colors that fit every occasion perfectly.

⭐ Are you already a happy starkeeper and want to receive the new and improved star gift? Check out how to order the redesigned gift as an existing customer.

Name a star now!

Our updated star gift designs are more luminous than ever. All parts have a brand-new dazzling design which includes amazing new features. Display your star certificate and impress your family and friends. Dazzle that special someone with the most original gift in the universe. Name a star now! For a gift that makes memories.

Order the new star gift!