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Revenue Streams

The One Community revenue stream model is meant to be open source duplicable like all other aspects of One Community. This revenue stream model and our marketing engine are also designed to help promote and support others building self-replicating teacher/demonstration community, village, and city modeled after One Community and demonstrating a desire to live, open source share, and create for The Highest Good of All. This page is about community revenue streams that are maintained, distributed, and evolved by community members through the consensus process to help us forward our global goals.




The purpose of One Community revenue streams is to provide a duplicable model for future teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities and to allow us to forward our goals of open source blueprints for sustainable duplication. These revenue streams will allow us to maintain this new way of living sustainably as accessible to everyone, with a lifestyle that offers mainstream appeal, and to achieve expansion of One Community as outlined throughout this website. Tourism and timeshare sales are our primary revenue streams methods of accomplishing this for the following reasons:

● Lowest energy output to income ratio
● Duplicable and easy to support for others
● Supports the participation of friends, family, and others
● Supports our desire to keep One Community free to join
● Can be operated 100% on the property – nobody needs to leave for work
● Helps share and spread the One Community model and sustainability ideas
● Cohesive with the already existing infrastructure and operation of One Community
● Business model that can be easily shared as part of our open source strategy for helping others
● Provides the financial foundation for us to keep One Community well maintained, growing, and a place that demonstrates sustainable living as a forward-moving and abundant model versus a return to primitive living
Provides funding for aspects of living that fall outside of current self-sustainability capabilities like insurance, saving for kids’ college, personal travel, clothing, energy infrastructure repair and upgrade, etc.*
● Provides the potential for people to pay off existing debt, create a “nest egg,” or build a financial foundation to operate from if their needs or desires point them in a direction other than One Community*

*Note for anyone considering joining One Community: While One Community is designed to be a financially successful endeavor, we are a not-for-profit organization. With this in mind, the Pioneer Team is focused first and foremost on global contribution and achieving our long-term global change goals – and we seek to work with others who agree about the importance of maximally prioritizing these goals when making all non-profit financial decisions. For those focused more on personal financial needs, please see the Entrepreneurial Model Page.


One Community’s primary offering is the One Community Experience with participation available in the form of community membership, tourism, and timeshare ownership. Where else can you visit and stay in a hand-built eco-home, eat hand-grown food prepared lovingly by the people who live there, choose to have the experience of learning and working side-by-side with the people of the community, or just sit in on a variety of classes and activities the community conducts daily as a way of life? And when you are done, you can take the blueprints of this experience home with you and build your own greenhouse, or cob home, or composting bin.

Like a bed and breakfast hosted by family, One Community IS a new way to live and everyone is invited to visit, participate, learn, and explore the novelty and intelligence of an environment where everything we do is designed to promote and support the environment, human health, and progress for The Highest Good of All people and life on our planet.

● Organic Food
● Renewable Energy
● Zero-Waste Living
● Sustainable Building
● Open Source Sharing
● Diversity of Personal Growth
Balanced Life Social Architecture
Constant Contribution to the World

As a byproduct of One Community’s daily operations we will also generate a surplus of food that we can sell locally, have space for a few retirees, and also space for a few special students wishing to join our childhood education program. And finally, One Community will establish an internet network of businesses and offer grants and assistance staffing to Community Members to help them establish residual income streams.


The point of One Community is to demonstrate to people a new way of Living, Be-ing, and sharing what we create simply because we can. Because of this, daily living at One Community, and the experience of visiting One Community, will include the following:

● 100% Community Produced Food
● 3 Daily Home Cooked Organic Meals
● Art, Music, and other Creativity Classes
● Live Music and the Rest of the Social Life
● Nature Interaction and Appreciation Time
● Walk-in Community Environment – No Cars
● Sustainable and Beautiful Home Construction
● Yoga, Meditation and Other Mindfulness Classes
● A Diversity of Sacred and Quiet Meditative Spaces
● A Stimulating and Educational Childcare Environment
● Option to participate in all aspects of daily function at One Community (gardening, building, etc)

Because our infrastructure is self-sustainable, and our labor force is 100% volunteer, our operating costs will be significantly lower than a traditional bed and breakfast or hotel and this allows us to price ourselves comparable to local markets while offering FAR more in value. SEGO Center nightly rates will run between $150-$250 night for a suite, and regular room rates will range from $70-$100/night. Food and all group recreational activities, participating in the community experience, use of the grounds, and childcare are all included.


Timeshare ownership is a secondary option to tourism offering all the same benefit but purchased a week at a time with indefinite ownership. Weekly timeshare cost could be very competitively priced at $5,000, with annual dues/cleaning fees of $150 for a family of 2 and an additional surcharge of $30 per person over two. Because we will grow all of our food this lower than industry standard fee would actually be an additional small revenue stream for us. People not using their timeshare would also be able to submit it to the Overflow Pool creating additional revenue, covering their dues, and potentially profiting up to $400. Initial calculations for this option of revenue, if applied to all the allocated rental rooms in the earthbag village, has the potential for raising over 1.5 million in short-term revenue but at the expense of long-term profitability. Timeshare sales are not  necessary in the existing plans for One Community financial viability and, because of the sacrifice of long-term profitability, will only be offered if a specific situation dictates a need.


One Community is also creating  an educational program expanding on the most cutting edge and transformational methodologies currently in existence. This program, like One Community, is unique in its offerings and approach. As part of the One Community blueprints of civilization model, we will be conducting and evolving this program with the children of One Community and offering a limited number (5-15 as the One Community grows) of spaces to those outside the community for private education. Tuition will be around $5,000 per child (national average is $3,116) generating a projected $25,000 – $75,000 annually while supporting the education needs of our own children.


One Community will also offer space for 10 active retirees by the third year (please see the Retiree’s Page for details). Because of the community model, this space will be completely different from any other retirement community on the planet, offering a place for a One Community Retiree Member to actually be an active contributor and elder member of the community. Cost of being a Retiree Member will be $60,000 a year (national average being $70,000) with a community contribution of 30 hours, or $80,000 a year with a community contribution of 20 weekly hours. Community Contribution for these members will be self-selected doing things like reading stories to children, gardening, answering phones, playing music, nature walks, teaching, etc.


One Community is founded on principles of diversity and collaboration that are perfect for inspired business creation that helps both the community and economic development. Members with business ideas are encouraged to present detailed business plans to the complete membership of the community for consensus on viability and community sponsorship. If 100% of community membership agrees that a business is viable, we will then sponsor the business and provide a grant or loan and staffing for the business’s creation. This provides on-going opportunity for us to leverage the diversity of our skills in the marketplace, individual revenue for our members, and 25% gross revenue to One Community. The criteria for business selection are:

● Submission of complete business plan
● Consensus agreement to sponsor business
● Business must require only temporary community staffing support
● Business must be in alignment with One Community’s triple-bottom-line foundation
● Business model should take no longer than one year to be profitable AND repay supplied startup costs

With the team we have now, it will be very easy to build a website hub connecting individual business owners’ websites to each other, and One Community, and then use the marketing power of the Community and the Team to help support both. What these and other businesses focus on, and end up looking like, remains to be seen. But the power of a community focused on helping them grow with innovative new ideas, support through capital, and publicity by association is a HUGE asset.

"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~