Displaying 1-3 of 3 results found.
Number of sequences of n 2's and 3's with curling number 2, which have the form XY^2 with Y = 2, and which are robust.
0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 16, 30, 63, 122, 251, 495, 1003, 1990, 4012, 7992, 16043, 32024, 64173, 128226, 256692, 513131, 1026765, 2053034, 4107060, 8213109, 16428221, 32854454, 65712883, 131421763, 262851530, 525695069, 1051406116
Let S be a sequence of n 2's and 3's with curling number 2 and which has the form XY^2 with Y = 2. S is robust if no proper suffix of S^3 has curling number > 2.
Number of sequences of n 2's and 3's with curling number 2, which have the form XY^2 with Y = 2, and which are not robust.
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 4, 1, 7, 1, 18, 0, 32, 5, 65, 5, 130, 4, 261, 19, 504, 16, 1043, 20, 2028, 81, 4043, 82, 8155, 81
Let S be a sequence of n 2's and 3's with curling number 2 and which has the form XY^2 with Y = 2. S is robust if no proper suffix of S^3 has curling number > 2.
Number of sequences of n 2's and 3's with curling number 2 and which have the form XY^2 where Y has length 1 (so Y is 2 or 3).
0, 2, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 126, 252, 504, 1004, 2008, 4016, 8024, 16048, 32096, 64178, 128356, 256712, 513392, 1026784, 2053568, 4107076, 8214152, 16428304, 32856482, 65712964, 131425928, 262851612, 525703224, 1051406448, 2102812394, 4205624788, 8411249576, 16822498162
This is twice A217832, the latter being the main entry for this sequence.
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