C. S. Lewis
Clive Staples Lewis, mai conegut coma C.S. Lewis (Belfast, Irlanda, 29 de novembre de 1898 – Oxford, Anglatèrra, 22 de novembre de 1963) foguèt un escrivan, poèta, medievista, critica literari e ensagista britanic. Aqueste amic pròche de l'escrivan J.R.R Tolkien, ensenhaire a l'Universitat d'Oxford e a l'Universitat de Cambridge, es conegut subretot per The Chronicles of Narnia.
[modificar | Modificar lo còdi]Ficcion
[modificar | Modificar lo còdi]- The Pilgrim's Regress (1933)
- Space Trilogy
- Out of the Silent Planet (1938)
- Perelandra (o tanben Voyage to Venus) (1943)
- That Hideous Strength (1945)
- The Screwtape Letters (1942)
- The Great Divorce (1945)
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950)
- Prince Caspian (1951)
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952)
- The Silver Chair (1953)
- The Horse and His Boy (1954)
- The Magician's Nephew (1955)
- The Last Battle (1956)
- Till We Have Faces (1956)
- Ministering Angels (1958)
- Screwtape Proposes a Toast (1961)
- The Dark Tower (1977)
- Boxen: The Imaginary World of the Young C. S. Lewis (1985)
[modificar | Modificar lo còdi]- Spirits in Bondage, publicat jol pseudonim de Clive Hamilton (1919)
- Dymer, publicat jol pseudonim de Clive Hamilton (1926)
- Poems (1964)
- Narrative Poems (ed. Walter Hooper, 1969; includes Dymer, Launcelot, The Nameless Isle, and The Queen of Drum.
- The Collected Poems of C. S. Lewis (1994)
- C.S. Lewis's Lost Aeneid: Arms and Exile (2011)
- The Collected Poems of C. S. Lewis: A Critical Edition (2015)