Quilts CanadaCanadian QuiltsMaple Leaf FlagPatriotic BabyFlag QuiltI Am CanadianBaby Quilt PatternAppliqué QuiltsCanada EhHearts Breaking for CanadaQuilter, Teacher, Author, Hopeless Scrapaholic! Bonnie K Hunter is the head, heart and hands behind Quiltville.com.102
Canada QuiltQuilts CanadaFlag QuiltsCanadian QuiltsLeaf QuiltsFlag QuiltI Am CanadianQuilts Of ValorQuilting BoardQuilt, Knit, Run, SewQuilt, Knit, Run, Sew this site has some awesome info and more!!!!1.1k
Quilts CanadaCanadian QuiltsNancy ZiemanFlag QuiltRed And White QuiltsQuilt Of ValorPatriotic QuiltsQuilt BorderFall QuiltsCanada 150 Quilt: It's your turn!Here it is! My Canada 150th quilt design is now a top! Dancing a happy jig over here! Canada 150 quilt top - 58.5" x 69.5" There's a pattern too! "150" by Canuck Quilter Designs pattern cover I'm sure you noticed there isn't a finished quilt on the cover. Generally speaking, I don't like EQ drawings as pattern covers. I like to see a finished quilt that proves it's doable and looks decent in actual fabric. However, I know some folks want to get started on this to have a quilt to show off on…1k
Canada QuiltQuilting OrganizationQuilts CanadaQuilt ShopsQuilt StoresQuilt FestivalWestern CanadaEdmonton AlbertaTime SaverCanada Quilt Shop DirectoryPicking an accurate canada quilt shop directory for mapping and planning your trip be a huge time saver. Pick the best quilt shops.12
Canadian Quilt PatternsPiano QuiltCanada QuiltQuirky QuiltsQuilts CanadaCanadian QuiltsRemembrance Day ActivitiesFamily QuiltLeaf QuiltGlorious & Free QuiltFrom completed quilts to everything you need to create your own, you can find it all in our online store.127
November Quilt BlockLeaf Quilt Patterns FreeMaple Leaf Quilt Block Free PatternOak Leaf Quilt BlockLeaf Quilt BlockMaple Leaf QuiltsMaple Leaf PatternBeginner Quilt Patterns FreeQuilts CanadaMaple Leaf quilt blockA very recognizable symbol of Canada -- the MAPLE LEAF. This quilt block is a different selection than the usual basic 'Maple Leaf' quilt block -- something for those who want to "branch out" (sorry, I just couldn't resist). What I enjoy most about this block is its directional nature -- leading to all sorts of possibilites when designing your quilt.1.4k
Map EmbroideryQuilts CanadaCanada DecorCanadian QuiltsMap QuiltsQ Is For QuiltNine Patch QuiltsDenim QuiltsMap QuiltO Canada ! Canadian Nine Patch quiltsWhat are Canadian Nine Patch quilts? They are quilts made by Canadians to honor the country's 150th anniversary in 2017. Each of these out...169
Quilts CanadaCanadian QuiltsLeaf QuiltsThemed QuiltsLeaf QuiltDenim QuiltsQuilt PanelsTwo Color QuiltsRed And White QuiltsHappy Canada Day! and a linky partyHappy 150 years Canada! I put the last stitches in yesterday with just a few hours to spare! Each white leaf is labelled wit...19
Maple Leaf Quilt BlockLeaf Quilt BlockMaple Leaf QuiltQuilts CanadaCanadian QuiltsLeaf QuiltsLeaf QuiltWoodworking Plans PatternsCanada Maple LeafFREE PATTERNSFree quilt patterns by Monica Curry at Cut, Stitch and Piece Quilt Designs.70
Quilts CanadaPixelated HeartCanadian QuiltsQuilt HeartHeart QuiltsFlag QuiltQuilts Of ValorHomemade QuiltsQuilt CareHeart Shaped Canadian Flag Pixelated QuiltHello Friends! Canada Day is less than a month away and this year it's Canada's 150th birthday. The impossibly difficult to say and spell Sesquicentennial. Here at Daydreams of Quilts we are in full Canada Day preparation and our shop is stocked with Canadian flag quilts and pillows. This is another heart shaped Canadian flag quilt made from my pattern for a customer in my Etsy shop! I have had three orders for quilts from my pattern so far. One went to Calgary, one is en-route to Halifax…39