There are 4 muscles that are collectively called the Rotator cuff.
SITS – supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis
Weakness in the rotator cuff muscles can lead not only to impingement syndrome but also to tears in the rotator cuff muscles themselves usually near where 3 of them insert on the greater tuberosity of the humerus.
We can gradually strengthen shoulders going from plank to downward dog.
Have a moderate external rotation in almost all yoga postures with the arms foreward or overhead (plank, handstand, downward dog)
Plank – elbow creases turn forward somewhat
Sirsanana – triceps same direction as the nose
To maintain the health of the rotator cuff not only strengthen the muscles work on opening the chest.
We need a well-rounded asana practice to be healthy
SITS – supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis
Weakness in the rotator cuff muscles can lead not only to impingement syndrome but also to tears in the rotator cuff muscles themselves usually near where 3 of them insert on the greater tuberosity of the humerus.
We can gradually strengthen shoulders going from plank to downward dog.
Have a moderate external rotation in almost all yoga postures with the arms foreward or overhead (plank, handstand, downward dog)
Plank – elbow creases turn forward somewhat
Sirsanana – triceps same direction as the nose
To maintain the health of the rotator cuff not only strengthen the muscles work on opening the chest.
We need a well-rounded asana practice to be healthy