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In seinem Beitrag untersucht George R. Lucas ein grundlegendes ethisches Dilemma in Hobbes' ursprünglicher, ansonsten streng amoralischer Darstellung des Naturzustands: Wie sollte der Mensch einen scheinbar moralisch notwendigen Übergang... more
Text for ethics seminars in the Naval Postgraduate School, edited by Patricia J. Cook, including essays by George R Lucas Jr. Includes selected readings and case studies focusing on military and defense procurement and... more
First monograph linking ethics and conduct of cyber conflict, including for the first time a description of "state-sponsored hacktivism" as the preferred mode of cyber warfare. Offers the first sustained critique of the Tallinn Manual on... more
Attacks the concept of "anonymity" as a right either identical to or equivalent to privacy in the cyber domain.  Proposes norms for constraining responsible cyber conflict and modes of cyber security.
In a volume on "Soft War" ("ethics of unarmed conflict") edited by Michael Gross and Tamar Meisels, the author of this chapter discusses cyber security and cyber conflict, especially state-sponsored hacktivism, as a principle mode of... more
Written shortly following the Snowden affair in July 2013, this was the first analysis of the significance of the material he had stolen and revealed on WikiLeaks. Discusses the NSA Enterprise system, TreasureMap software, and the... more
Thoroughly annotated and comprehensive bibliography of ethical issues in war and international conflict.
This book examines the importance of "military ethics" in the formulation and conduct of contemporary military strategy. Clausewitz's original analysis of war relegated ethics to the sidelines in favour of political realism, interpreting... more
Recently discovered text of Alfred North Whitehead's first lecture to students and faculty in "Philosophy of Science" (PHIL 3b) in September, 1924. This is the unedited typescript of that long-missing lecture, whose content has been the... more
An account of the discovery and significance of this lecture among long-hidden papers provided to the author by Alfred North Whitehead's grandson, upon finally moving out of the Whitehead home on Avon Street in Cambridge MA.
Analysis of recent advances and ethical challenges in maritime autonomous systems, including lethally armed surface and underwater autonomous weapons (LAWS)
In this Article, I review the military and security uses of robotics and "un-manned" or "uninhabited" (and sometimes "remotely piloted") vehicles in a number of relevant conflict environments that, in turn, raise issues of law and ethics... more
A young Canadian mathematician and philosopher, Winthrop Bell, who was Edmund Husserl s first doctoral student from North America, taught as a postdoc at Harvard in the 1920s, where he took a complete set of notes in the first class at... more
This is the second installment in a series that reports on the progress of some of the more interesting discoveries emerging from ongoing work on the new and comprehensive critical edition of Whitehead being published by Edinburgh... more
In lieu of the present range of rival and only partial ethical accounts, this essay proposes an underling interpretive framework for the cyber domain as a Hobbsean state of nature, with its current status of unrestricted conflict... more
A summary account of the U.S. Army's "Human Terrain System" and charges by academics of malfeasance for enlisting civilian anthropologists and other social scientists as "spies" and covert agents in the 2003 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A comprehensive encyclopedia of ethics for advanced high school students, college undergraduates and graduate students, as well as public libraries. Vol 1: introductory and basic theoretical approaches; Vol 2: Political Practices (Law,... more
Scharre offers an authoritative and sobering perspective on the automated battlefields that will very soon come to characterize military conflict.
Review of Audrey Cronin's POWER TO THE PEOPLE, a critique of potentially-lethal open-source technology and the Internet of Things.
What is the “history of philosophy?” What exactly is this the “history” of, and how is that history to be understood in relationship to “philosophy” itself? In particular, can philosophy’s history, on any of a number of diverse... more