0.0.9 • Published 2 years ago
oshark v0.0.9
Advanced GitHub CLI utilities
Table of contents
npm i oshark -g
yarn global add oshark
Use the --help
flag if you ever want to view more information about a command
oshark <command> --help
Connects Octoshark to your GitHub account
oshark connect
Sets the connection protocol that should be used when interacting with repositories using git
oshark protocol "ssh"
Displays general information about Octoshark
oshark status
repo comb
Loops through your repositories and allows you to mark them for deletion/privatization
oshark repo comb
repo copy (cp)
Copies a repository
oshark repo cp "user/repo" "user/repo-copy"
repo create (c)
Crates a new repository
oshark repo c --name "my-awesome-repo" --description "Hello World!"
repo delete (rm)
Deletes a repository
oshark repo rm "user/my-awesome-repo"
secrets group create (c)
Creates a new local secret group
oshark secrets group c "shh"
secrets group delete (rm)
Deletes a local secret group
oshark secrets group rm "shh"
secrets group get
Retrieves a local secret group
oshark secrets group get "other-shh"
secrets group push (p)
Pushes a local secret group to an existing repository as an environment
oshark secrets group p "other-shh" "user/repo" "MY_ENV"
util generate (g)
Generates a file/directory from an existing template
oshark util g "gitignore"
MIT © Juan de Urtubey