kirimase2 v0.0.41
- Initialization and Configuration: quickly add and set up essential packages to jump-start your Next.js project.
- Code Generation: scaffold models, views, and controllers directly from the CLI.
Quick Start
Install Kirimase CLI globally:
npm install -g kirimase
If you don't already have a Nextjs app, run create-next-app with your preferred package manager.
Then run the following command within the directory of your project:
kirimase init
Note: Kirimase is not compatible with the the pages directory.
Run these commands within the directory of your Nextjs app:
1. kirimase add
Initializes and configures the following packages for your Next.js project, categorized into:
- Based on your chosen database type (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite), Kirimase sets up the required files for Drizzle-ORM, drizzle-zod for validations and and drizzle-kit to manage migrations.
- Scripts are auto-added to
for immediate use of drizzle-kit.
- Kirimase sets up required files for Prisma with zod-prisma for validations.
- Generates files for Auth.js (Next-Auth), including the latest Drizzle adapter. (For PlanetScale, references are excluded as it doesn't support foreign keys).
- Generates a generic sign-in component for immediate use within your Next.js project.
- Wraps the root layout with the auth provider and generates utilities for auth checks and redirects in your Next.js routes.
- Generates files for Clerk including all necessary config.
- Wraps the root layout with the auth provider and generates utilities for auth checks and redirects in your Next.js routes.
- Generates files for Lucia including all necessary config.
- Generates UI and API routes for sign-in and sign-up
- Generates files for Kinde including all necessary config.
- Generates sign in component and route handler
- Generates files to configure tRPC with the app router.
- Provides client-side tRPC and scaffolds server-side configuration using the experimental server-invoker pattern.
- Wraps the root layout in the tRPC provider.
- Installs and configures Shadcn-UI including button and toast components.
- Inserts the toast-provider (
<Toaster />
) to the root layout for instant toast notifications in your Next.js app.
- Installs and configures Stripe within your Next.js project so you can start accepting subscription payments.
- Installs and configures Resend
Kirimase also adds relevant keys to your .env
which you'll need to provide values for.
2. kirimase generate
Akin to rails scaffold
but for Next.js:
Kirimase generates:
a) Model:
- Generates a drizzle schema with column types based on your SQL flavor and database provider.
- Uses drizzle-zod to generate Zod schemas for frontend and backend validation.
- Generates queries and mutations for CRUD operations, fully typed and optimized for consumption via a Next.js front-end.
b) Controller:
- Gives you an option to integrate tRPC and/or API routes.
- Uses Zod schemas from models for request validation.
- Includes built-in error handling for API routes and auto-adding of tRPC routes to the root router.
c) Views:
- Scaffolds views using Shadcn-UI to enable immediate CRUD operations (including select fields for adding relations and datepickers for dates).
Run in non-interactive mode
As of v0.0.23, you can run kirimase init
and kirimase add
entirely via the command line as follows:
kirimase init -sf yes -pm bun --orm prisma -db pg -a next-auth -ap github discord -mp trpc stripe resend -cl shadcn-ui -ie yes
Command | Short Flag | Long Option | Description | Argument |
init | - | - | initialise and configure kirimase | - |
- | -sf | --src-folder | use a src folder | yes or no |
- | -pm | --package-manager | package manager | <pm> |
- | -cl | --component-lib | component library | <component-lib> |
- | -o | --orm | orm | <orm> |
- | -db | --db | database ("pg", "mysql", "sqlite") | <db> |
- | -dbp | --db-provider | database provider - important if using drizzle | <dbp> |
- | -a | --auth | auth | <auth> |
- | -ap | --auth-providers | auth providers (if using next-auth) | <providers> |
- | -mp | --misc-packages | packages ("trpc", "shadcn-ui", "resend") | <packages> |
- | -ie | --include-example | include example | yes or no |
Keen on enhancing Kirimase? Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are always welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
To run locally:
pnpm i
pnpm run dev
npm install -g . (in a second terminal - this will then make kirimase available across your machine using "kirimase *command*")