Create an array containing pseudorandom numbers generated using a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) whose output is shuffled.
Create an array containing pseudorandom numbers generated using a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) whose output is shuffled.
Shuffle elements of an array-like object.
Create an iterator for a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) whose output is shuffled.
Create a readable stream for a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) whose output is shuffled.
Create a readable stream for a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) whose output is shuffled.
Fill a strided array with pseudorandom numbers generated using a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) whose output is shuffled.
Shuffle a string.
Fast and Minimalist Array Shuffling.
Shuffle Array based on a Seed
An assortment of useful randomness functions, with TypeScript type declarations.
Shuffle arrays
Dead simple array shuffling
It returns a copy of the array with the order of items randomized
This package includes a set of useful array methods that facilitates working with arrays, specifically the arrays that contain objects or arrays even falsy values (such as: 0, null, false, NaN...). This package is es5 supported.
A library for array functions in Array.prototype
Amazing array utils. Do more with arrays.
不改变文字显示的原有顺序,而改变在 DOM 树中顺序.
A collection of utility functions for array manipulation and transformation. Simplifies common operations like chunking, flattening, shuffling, finding differences, and more.
Utilities for TypeScript library
npm package to easily shuffles an array.