TypeScript package which smartly trims and strips indentation from multi-line strings
TypeScript package which smartly trims and strips indentation from multi-line strings
Remove indentation from multiline strings
Remove indentation from multiline template strings
A simple ES6 template string tag function for replacing newlines and tabs with single spaces.
Radically Straightforward SQLite
A Tiny module for stripping indentation from multi-line strings
A lightweight migration system for @leafac/sqlite
A lightweight SQL (string) builder using ES6 template strings. Lego embraces SQL instead of adding yet another abstraction layer.
A lightweight SQL (string) builder using ES6 template strings. Lego embraces SQL instead of adding yet another abstraction layer.
A small template tag function library for ES6 string literals
Object, Map and WeakMap creation sugar using tagged template string
Remove all leading/trailing white-space & newline characters from multiline template strings
Parse source code and extract translation strings. Like gettext, but ES6 compatible
Node.js command line client for crusca, the ES6 compatible gettext alternative to extract translation strings
Util for create Observable of string from ES6-TemplateStrings. The keys can be Observable or any.
Better regexp literals!
Babel plugin that simplifies using Django's JavaScript gettext functions
MV* Framework with Proxy Observables and JS Template Literals
Make symbols easily: s`foo`
Remove indentation from multiline template strings