JavaScript library for quantity calculation and unit conversion
JavaScript library for quantity calculation and unit conversion
OSX temperature sensor
Represent amounts of stuff with units and conversions
Kelvin color temperature to RGB convertor
The [Homebridge](https://homebridge.io) Honeywell Home plugin allows you to access your [Honeywell Home](https://honeywellhome.com) device(s) from HomeKit.
The [Homebridge](https://homebridge.io) SwitchBot plugin allows you to access your [SwitchBot](https://www.switch-bot.com) device(s) from HomeKit.
A color spectrum representing air temperature
Reads data from DHT sensors on Raspberry Pi
The smallest & fastest library for really easy, totally type-safe unit conversions in TypeScript & JavaScript
Exec Plugin for Homebridge supporting all accessorys and characteristics
Node-red node for node-dht-sensor
A Node Red node to monitor CPU usage
a homebridge(https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge) plugin that get RaspberryPi CPU temperature.
This is an ioBroker-Adapter to integrate DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensors.
Get temperature from the DS18B20 sensor connected to RPI
The node-switchbot is a Node.js module which allows you to control your Switchbot Devices through Bluetooth (BLE).
The climate cli is a nodejs cli that takes parameters from the terminal and makes a fetch request to openweather current api using axios to give the current weather condition of a place in different temperature units.
Homebridge plugin for Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Measure the temperature of a Raspberry Pi.
Node-red node to connect DS18B20 sensors