Check if something is a Node.js stream
Check if something is a Node.js stream
Turn a writable and readable stream into a streams2 duplex stream with support for async initialization and streams1/streams2 input
Shallow clones an object while respecting the original property descriptors
Create a duplex stream from a readable and a writable stream.
A Writable stream that flushes before emitting finish
Predefine your Object.defineProperties to create a more human readable API.
Dominic Tarr's JSONStream using Rodd Vaggs' through2
Node stream mock module
Another Stream2 duplexer
A silly writable stream that eats all data
Convert an abstract-chunk-store compliant store into a readable or writable stream
MediaSource API as a node.js Writable stream
Return promise for writable stream
Collect Node.JS Stream Data Into Catchment: Stream With Promise Property Resolved On Finish.
readable stream cloner
mongoose-write-stream =====================
Extend stream classes.
Create a readable Node.js stream that produces no data (or optionally blank data) or a writable stream that discards data
A mutable buffer library for node.js
Turn any window method to a writable state in IE<=8