Weighted Round Robin Resource pool
Weighted Round Robin Resource pool
Node.js module to make a random choice among weighted elements of table.
A dead-simple module for picking a random item with weights.
Select randomly from a list of weighted values.
Pseudo-random number generators w/ unified API, distributions, weighted choices, ID generation
Simple utility module to select weighted random numbers
An implementation of weighted Damerau–Levenshtein distance.
Helper with misc. math functions such as sums, averages, max, min, etc
Simple weighted round robin implementation using Redis list and sorted set
Generate pseudorandom numbers and sample probability distributions with optional seed and choice of algorithm.
Weighted round robin resource pool. Algorithm is similar to Nginx
Pick a random item from a weighted list.
Node-RED added node functions.
Financial Technical Analysis in JavaScript
Get a weighted random object from an array of objects.
A random weighted item chooser with custom seed option for JavaScript and TypeScript.
Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
Select a random element from a Map<element, weight>
Shuffle a collection of weighted values
Easily choose a random item from a weighted list of items.