hint that that checks if the web app manifest file is valid
hint that that checks if the web app manifest file is valid
hint for best practices related to the meta charset
hint for media types (f.k.a. MIME types) related best practices
hint that that checks using axe for accessibility related best practices
hint for best practices related to usage of the X-UA-Compatible meta tag and response header
hint for best practices related to the meta viewport
Require scripts and styles to use Subresource Integrity
hint that that checks if external links disown the opener
hint that that warns against using the BOM character at the beginning of a text file.
hint that that checks if protocol relative URLs are used
hint for HTTP compression related best practices
hint that that validates HTML pages using the Nu HTML checker
hint that that checks using Cloudinary's API if images are optimized
hint for HTTP caching related best practices
hint that that checks if protocol relative URLs are used
hint for best practices related to the usage of the X-Content-Type-Options response header.
hint that that checks using Snyk for vulnerable JavaScript libraries
hint for best practices related to the usage of the Strict-Transport-Security response header
hint that that checks using SSL Labs for best practices related to the website's SSL configuration
hint for best practices related to the usage of the Set-Cookie response header.