PostCSS syntax for parsing HTML (and HTML-like)
PostCSS syntax for parsing HTML (and HTML-like)
hap shared utils
hap server
webpack {loader,plugin} for supporting xvm in quickapp
Transform a weapp into a quickapp
apex-ui quickapp components ui suits
Multi terminal CMS component library
module compiler for quickapp, generate ux&js from tsx
hap shared utils
Prettier Quickapp Plugin
Angular2 (ASP.NET Core) startup project template with complete user and role management. Plus other useful services for quick application development. IMPORTANT! PLEASE USE THE SOURCE PORJECT AT whilst we port to npm
webpack {loader,plugin} for supporting vue in quickapp
A pack tool build on hap-toolkit for packing oppo ads quickapp.
Angular2 (ASP.NET Core) startup project template with complete user and role management. Plus other useful services for quick application development. IMPORTANT! PLEASE USE THE SOURCE PORJECT AT whilst we port to Yeoman
webpack {loader,plugin} for supporting xvm in quickapp
hap server
hap shared utils
vivo card templates