A utility for creating webpack configs with common settings
A utility for creating webpack configs with common settings
Babel preset for all es2015 plugins except es2015-modules-commonjs to enable tree-shaking in webpack Edit
build font file by tree-shaking
A Text component that shakes every time its content changes
Minify JavaScript code from chrome/puppeteer coverage report. tree shaking.
Asynchronously load components using webpack's code splitting
Find packages with 'module' in their package.json
Google Closure Compiler plugin for Webpack 4+
React component used to detect motion and shake interaction
A library that exports various functions that can be used to see if your app tree shakes out functionality that isn't used.
gulp plugin for ad-mob component tree shaking
gulp plugin for ad-mob icon tree shaking
A utility library to help with lazy load
A utility library to help with lazy load