Checkbox with autocomplete and other additions for Inquirer
Checkbox with autocomplete and other additions for Inquirer
Lightweight, customizable and fast Dropdown Tree Select component for React
A single / multiple, categorizable, customizable, localizable and searchable item picker (drop-down) component for react native which supports both Android & iOS.
An Ionic component similar to Ionic Select, that allows to search items, including async search, group, add, edit, delete items, and much more.
A simple symmetric encryption plugin for individual fields. Dependency free, only mongoose peer dependency.
Lightweight, customizable and fast Dropdown Tree Select component for React
An Ionic component similar to ion-select, that allows to search items, including async search and infinite scrolling.
A sortable and searchable table, as a Vue component, using Bootstrap and Fontawesome styling.
mongoose plugin to regex search on schema searchable fields.
Searchable Select MUI
A sortable and searchable vue table, as a Vue component, using bootstrap styling.
A VueJS plugin that provides a searchable and reactive select list component with no dependencies.
Lightweight, customizable and fast Dropdown Tree Select component for React
Removes diacritics from a string or make it searchable.
A library with everything you need to set your (searchable data) tables right.
A React based searchable, sortable and fully customizable dual list.
Filterable tree view monitor for Redux DevTools
An Ionic component similar to Ionic Select, that allows to search items, including async search, group, add, edit, delete items, and much more.
An Ionic component similar to Ionic Select, that allows to search items, including async search, group, add, edit, delete items, and much more.
better inquirer-checkbox-plus-prompt