Another JSON Schema Validator
Another JSON Schema Validator
JSON Safe Parser & Schema Validator
A command line JSON Schema validator that supports many file formats. Fork of jessedc/ajv-cli.
$merge and $patch keywords for Ajv JSON-Schema validator to extend schemas
Another JSON Schema Validator
String sanitization with JSON-Schema using Ajv
Configure async validation mode in Ajv - JSON-Schema validator
Customizable and hackable json-validator and json-schema utilities for traversal, data generation and validation
AJV schema validator with super powers!
default jsonschema validator based on jsonschema library
Simple form validation using JSON Schema and AJV
Decorators for Koa
Another JSON Schema Validator: forked at jeymisson/ajv
A JSON schema parser for Yup
JSON Schema Filter/Validator
Another JSON Schema Validator: forked at jonscode/ajv
JSON Schema Filter/Validator
A JavaScript Schema class that implements the JSON Schema specification as immutable objects with lazy, async initialization and optimized validations using closures and thunks.
Express router with schema
This is a simple and fast JSON schema validator