convert japanese Wareki(和暦) to Era(西暦)
convert japanese Wareki(和暦) to Era(西暦)
A command-line tool to show the current year in the Reiwa period
Convert western or japanese years into opposite years.
A year-week calendar with epoch to the birthday of Luka Megurine
Extremely basic X12 835 file parser. Use at your own risk
Client for ERA to communicate with Data Collection Servers
Buddhist - Christian Era converter
Convert western or japanese years into opposite years.
Convert Gregorian date to Kollavarsham date and vice versa
Convert Gregorian date to Kollavarsham date and vice versa
kollavarsham calendar web api
era.js make life easier
zkSync Dummy test/example module for zkcli
Calendar for the year B.E. and B.E.
Buddhist Era (B.E.) support plugin for Moment.js
Convert from Western to Japanese calendar