Asynchronous bootstrapping of Node applications
Asynchronous bootstrapping of Node applications
Light weight job scheduler for Node.js
an opinionated implementation of resque in node
Lazy is a fast, feature-rich and lightweight delayed content loading plugin for jQuery and Zepto. It's designed to speed up page loading times and decrease traffic to your users by only loading the content in view.
React standard library
A job scheduler utility for kue, backed by redis and built for node.js with support of schedules restore on system restart
Simple module for delaying a response, optionally with long-polling support
Small component for delaying the mounting and unmounting of a child component for CSS animation purposes.
Light weight job scheduler for Node.js
an implementation of queuebus in node
Prefetch is a lightweight image, list and background preloader for jQuery. Just give them a list of images or elements and the plugin will load every image for you.
plugin for kue, to enable unique delayed job
an implementation of resquebus in node
a simple timed out promise implementation
Persistent event scheduler using MongoDB as storage with more possibilities
Mongo backed job scheduler
Emits one 'delayedInput' event for series of input events followed by each other with short interval
Redux middleware to delay selected actions (i.e. no throttle or keeping latest actions)
Zenaton library
Simple module wrapping the "request" module to add some random delay between requests.