Allows users to use generators in order to write common functions that can be both sync or async.
Allows users to use generators in order to write common functions that can be both sync or async.
Allows libraries to handle various caller provided asynchronous functions uniformly. Maps promises, observables, child processes and streams, and callbacks to callback style.
Compose your async functions with elegance.
Combine promises and callbacks together.
Accept an optional node-style callback, and also return a spec-compliant Promise!
Utilities to help convert a callback-using codebase to promises.
Little utility D3 functions
Maybe call a callback if it's a function
freestyle rpc
freestyle rpc
Registry for callbacks
A very simple signal library inspired by the 'signals' package
Super-simple signals class
Reactive property system.
A lightweight package for triggering callbacks to registered callbacks
React's useCallback hook for function declarations
A node.js package that watches a MySQL database and runs callbacks on matched events like updates on tables and/or specific columns.
A handful of async/await adatapers that I keep having to rewrite.
this.db - Process based database
Parse a `git log` output of a repository into an object with useful commit data. Supports plugins, streaming, promises and callback APIs.