Cordova File Plugin
Cordova File Plugin
Native interface to SQLite for PhoneGap / Cordova - cordova-sqlite-storage plugin version
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
Provides access to the standard interface that manages the editing and sending an email message
Cordova/PhoneGap Build Information Plugin. Get PackageName, Version, Debug and more...
screenshot PhoneGap Plugin for Android
A cordova plugin to get the size of the device screen
Cordova InAppBrowser PopupBridge Plugin
Native interface to SQLite for PhoneGap/Cordova with extra features
SQLCipher database adapter for PhoneGap/Cordova, based on cordova-sqlite-storage
Application preferences plugin and preference pane generator
Cordova Barcode Scanner Plugin
Cordova/PhoneGap sqlite storage - free enterprise version with Android performance/memory improvements and extra features for PhoneGap Build
Cordova plugin to show decimal keyboard on iPhones
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin with WKWebView for iOS
Fetch and cache content for your PhoneGap app.
Automated version number increment after cordova build for iOS, OS X, Android, and Windows
Cordova Device Plugin
Cordova Camera Plugin Android 13 Fix
Cordova Camera Plugin