Transforming a dark log cabin into "the beach chalet" - Cottage Fever Interior DesignSee how this interior designer transformed a dark log cabin into The Beach Chalet, a coastal inspired beach cottage.285
Log Cabin KitchensTiny Log CabinModern Cabin InteriorLog Homes ExteriorLog Cabin ExteriorLog Home InteriorLog Home KitchensLog Cabin HouseModern Log CabinsMoving To a Log Cabin | 5 Things I Wish I Knew Beforehand212
Cabin Dining Room IdeasLog Cabin MakeoverLog Cabin RenovationDining Room MakeoversRemodeling BedroomCabin MakeoverLog Cabin ExteriorLog Home InteriorKids Bedroom RemodelModernizing Your Cabin or Log HomeIs it time? Were you considering purchasing an existing log home until you saw inside? Were you thinking of building new but just couldn’t stand the thought of having the exposed log look inside too? Homestead Timbers has options for you! There are a few ways to get the log look on the outside of the house without usin67
Log Cabin LoftModern Log Cabin InteriorLog Cabin MakeoverCozy Cabin Living RoomCottage Guest RoomTop Bedroom IdeasLog Cabin Living RoomCabin MakeoverCabin Homes InteriorBefore & After: An Already Cozy Cabin Got a Gorgeous, Budget RenovationName: Liz Mirisola and my husband, Ted, and our rescue pup, TubsLocation: Saugerties, New YorkType of home: CabinSize: 1,500 square feetYears lived in: 1 year, owned Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: We had been living in New York City for 10-plus years, working the typical high-stress, long-hour grind of jobs in marketing and finance.127
Updated CabinRemodel CabinLog Cabin RenovationLog Cabin RemodelCabin UpdateLog Cabin ModernModern Log HomeCabin Homes InteriorModern Cabin InteriorThe Yin + Yang of Modernizing Log HomesAs the sun moves across the sky, the Chinese believe the symbols of yin and yang gradually trade places with each other, revealing what was obscured and obscuring what was revealed. So too goes the modernization of log homes. These two renovation projects showcase the possibilities in black (yin) and white (yang). In both cases, […]229
Log Cabin Makeover Before And AfterLog Cabin MakeoverPainted Log Home InteriorLog Cabins InteriorsLog Cabin RenovationLog Cabin RemodelLog Cabin RentalsModern Log CabinCabin FireplaceLog Cabin Ideas 💡Revamp your rustic retreat with these 6 log cabin renovation ideas! 🌲✨ From mantels to countertops, discover how to elevate your cabin's charm and functionality. Get inspired with our latest blog!3
Modern Houseboat InteriorShiplap Wall Before And AfterScandi Rustic BathroomCabin Style ExteriorCabin Additions LayoutModern Log Home BathroomLog Cabin Modern BathroomLog Cabin Homes Bedroom Master SuiteInterior Design Log CabinCabin in Black Mountain · ★4.93 · 3 bedrooms · 4 beds · 3 bathsJun 25, 2024 - Entire cabin for $385. Welcome to our dreamer's retreat, where you can reset, reflect, and create amidst the serene beauty of Black Mountain, NC. Designed with a 'slow' p...503
One Room Cabin InteriorOld Cabin InteriorIkea FaucetLog Cabin RemodelTiny Cabin DesignTiny Cabins InteriorsBuild A Platform BedCabin MakeoverOne Room CabinBefore & After: This 200-Year-Old, 476-Square-Foot Cabin Gets a New Layout and DIY CabinetsOther people would have torn this cabin down entirely! READ MORE...47
Cabin Interiors CozyLog Cabin MakeoverLake Cabin InteriorsTiny Cabins InteriorsCalifornia CabinCabin Homes InteriorSmall Lake HousesSmall Cabin InteriorsBold BathroomBefore and After: A California Cabin Becomes the Sweet Destination It Always Had the Potential to BeAs soon as Hope Mendes and her husband saw their Cobb, California, cabin, they knew it was the place they’d been searching for—a home they could use for vacations and also list as an Airbnb. “Although it needed a ton of work, overall it had good bones and only required mostly cosmetic work,” Hope writes. “We knew with a little TLC it would become the perfect rustic and charming retreat we had been wanting.”The couple’s goals for their renovation?356
Black Log Cabin ExteriorBlack Log CabinBlack CabinsSugi Ban HouseMccarthy AlaskaMountain House ExteriorShou Sugi Ban HouseExterior CabinOne Room CabinB&A: This 200-Year-Old, 476-Square-Foot Cabin Is Unrecognizable After a RenoStephanie Lalley, who is the Design Director at Lucy Interior Design, turned this unloved, nearly tear-down cabin into a stunning and bright retreat for her family of four.57