Gaun Abad PertengahanCincinnati ArtDress Bodice1900s Fashion파티 드레스Fashion Through The AgesAfternoon Dress20th Century FashionEdwardian DressCincinnati Art Museum: Afternoon Dress: Bodice and SkirtImages and details for every object in CAM's curated collections, including advanced search features and easy sharing.1.6k
1910s Fashion WomenEdwardian GownsEra VictoriaEdwardian DressesFashion 19101910s Fashion1900s Fashion1800s Fashion20th Century FashionRate the Dress: 19teens trousseau - The DreamstressI have Edwardian on my mind, because I just finished a late 1910s dress, and photographed it, and am in love with the era in general. So this week’s Rate the Dress is 1910s, and you get to decide if you’re in love with it in particular. Last week: a crinoline era gown in cobalt blue Sometimes I’m completely surprised by your reaction to a garment. Last week…not so much! It wasn’t hard to guess that the fabric would be quite popular, or that the extremely long berthe might not. (I also feel…4.1k
Edwardian Wedding DressesLace Vintage Wedding DressEdwardian Wedding DressBrussels LaceEdwardian Gowns1920s Wedding DressEdwardian WeddingWhimsical StyleEdwardian DressEdwardian wedding dressesEdwardian and 1920s Edwardian wedding dresses are characterised by a romantic whimsical style, exquisite lace paired with soft flowing lines is very much the order of the day. Laces include Brussel…1.8k
1913 DressEdwardian GownsClassical DressFashion 19101910s FashionFashion Through The Ages20th Century FashionEdwardian DressHistorical DressRate the Dress: Edwardian Metallics - The DreamstressThis week's Rate the dress is an all about the late Edwardian take on Ancient Greek & Rome. The saturated colours are characteristic of the 1910s reinterpretation of classical dress. The wearer would have been a goddess in bronze and copper, rather than a marble statue in white.388
1910s Fashion Women1910 Fashion WomenEdwardian Fashion WomenRichard Jenkins PhotographyEdwardian WomenEdwardian Era FashionRichard Jenkins1910s Fashion1900s FashionSet 3 – Richard Jenkins PhotographyRJ-Edwardian Women-Set 3-0312.3k
Edwardian White Lace DressEdwardian Evening DressEdwardian Style Wedding DressEdwardian Lace DressEdwardian Sleeves1900s Wedding DressEdwardian BeltEdwardian Evening Gown1900 DressEdwardian White Lace Dress8.8k
Fashion Timeline1800s Fashion19th Century FashionFashion VocabularyPeriod Outfitفستان سهرةVestidos VintageHistorical DressesFashion Plates19th century fashion1.6k
Edwardian Dress PatternEdwardian Tea GownEdwardian GownsTea Gown1890s Fashion1900s FashionAesthetic DressGown Pattern20th Century FashionEdwardian Tea GownFrom the seller: legant couture 1860’s Civil War Ball gown over coat in amazing condition. French Pastel cream watered silk fabric with pink Roses. Embellished with the best carved Mother of Pearl buttons, front and back. A sewing masterpiece with front and back rows of gorgeous ruching, and also on the sleeve armyces intense cartridge pleating. Aside from a few tiny hold to light pinholes and a little seam opening in the back it is in excellent condition. No stains, ripping, tears or real…248
1900 FashionBlue Stockings1900's FashionHistory Bounding1900s FashionHistorical Clothes20th Century FashionEdwardian DressHistorical DressThree Dresses from the Very Late Victorian and start of the Edwardian era; Understanding the Fashion Trends – Part FourThe Edwardian era saw the rise of ready-to-wear clothes, was the height of the Belle Époque, and saw the influence on fashion of the suffragettes and dress reform reach its conclusion. As the Edwar…1.8k
Dress 1900Edwardian Fashion PlatesEdwardian Era FashionEdwardian CostumesNight Music1900s FashionThe Edwardian EraDress History20th Century FashionDress 19001902. Evening dresses, The Delineator29